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Filling the time!!!

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    Filling the time!!!

    Dear all,

    No Doubt this is an old thread rehashed but what activities have people found to do instead of drinking??

    I've started knitting which has been brilliant, and would love some other ideas. Of course coming here and reading all the posts has been super too.


    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

    Filling the time!!!

    Hello Kitty and welcome,

    I have started knitting again, as well as that, I read more than ever...I also do jigsaw puzzles, word search puzzles, I have found a very good games site and download a lot of their games to play..
    I do a lot of walking in the afternoons, I have taken up meditation, which really does help to keep a calm mind, especially if the craving for a drink starts...I may also start going to evening classes in September, but am not sure yet what subject to take....

    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      Filling the time!!!

      I have started my creative memories again and working out....and also taken up hiking!


        Filling the time!!!

        I read, go onto the computer, pace the floors, walk around outside or in shops, and my newest hobby now is eating LOL!

        No, really, I find if you eat something periodically it will keep the cravings from coming on too strong. It has helped me tremendously and I have lost some weight!! As a matter of factly ... I am chomping on sushi right now! :H

        Just keep as busy as possible. It can be tough at times but worth it!!


          Filling the time!!!

          I've been spending a lot of time walking & hiking the trails @ the beach with my doggie (except you can tell by all my posts!)
          Hopefully tomorro will be sunny.
          Also been playing a lot of guitar & torturing the dogs with my singing

          Then there's always the stairmaster, ab lounge, & xx skiing the living room...

          Of course reading, posting, and doing the CD's takes up quite a bit of time too.
          Can't wait for Kayak season tho. Had a great kayaking dream last night. Even got to soar with an eagle in my dream! That was a really great dream!
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Filling the time!!!

            Wow, these are great ideas. I agree with them all. The one about eating is funny, cause I eat so much more when I don't drink, but still lose weight, cause I'm not putting all those useless calories in me. Working out is great too, because you are filling that "time," as well as getting in shape and rejuvinating the body you beat up. So if you like to eat, and work out, that is perfect. Then you could meditate, read, yoga, or something chill to calm you down later in the evening. It is so much easier said than done, but that is why it is so enjoyable when you are able to do it.
            where does this go?


              Filling the time!!!

              Interesting for me to to see this thread just now. I was wondering what to do with my free time as well. So, I'm planning to go to the movies tonite with my husband. However, while I'm waiting for him to come home I can't help thinking about our lack of mutual friends to do things with. I have been able to maintain some female friendships - because I believe that I get together with them during the day, when I'm fine . The evenings are when I chose to stay at home and drink rather than invest myself in friends. When drinking I'm not bothered at all with lonliness and lack of friends. When I'm not drinking, I tend to feel soooo lonely and regretful. Maybe I should somehow start cultivating some of those friendships, it just seems so hard because most people seem to already have their own circles of friends and it's hard to break in. Anyone else feel this way?


                Filling the time!!!

                Thanks everyone for your ideas,

                Irishlady, I have just yesterday been given some info regarding meditation from my alcohol specialist who I saw for the first time yesterday, so I will certainly be giving that a go.

                I love doing Sudoku and Kakuro puzzles but find that those sort of things wake my brain up a bit too much when I do them at night (I end up then dreaming of numbers!!!) and I have a particularly hard time sleeping when I'm not essentially just pasing out!!!

                Walks too would be wonderful but I live in Lambeth in London (don't know how much news you all get from the UK) but my borough is currently becoming the gun and gangland capital of the world so unfortunaltely I have to stay in doors after dark when is when I get my cravings.

                Anyway I'll get out my knitting now, I'm knitting a tiny shrug for a baby and It's taken an hour on the phone to my mum today to help me out with the pattern. I've finally nailed it now though and done 2 whole inches!!! I can't beleive I used to knit jumpers for myself when I was a teenager in the the mid eighties. I created some wonderfully garish garments in cerise and purples!!!

                Thanks to you all, this site helps me enormously:thanks:

                Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                  Filling the time!!!

                  samadhi - I feel exactly the same as you in regards to friends. I had no problem being friendless while drinking. The people I associated with were friends from work and it was during the day. Now that I am AF and my nights are completely free of a spouse and friends, I don't know where to start!!! The loneliness kills me especially after I put my little one down at around 7pm. It sucks bad. There has to be a way to find friends somehow. (How pathetic do I sound??? pretty pathetic - but it is the truth!!).


                    Filling the time!!!

                    Ditto on the friends issue. I don't have many, and sadly, I have nobody to blame but myself. I do plan on pursuing avenues to get in contact with some healthier people.
                    where does this go?


                      Filling the time!!!

                      Hi Samadhi, yes you have struck a cord there with me too. Same as 'acc for me' my social life seems to be during the day, mon to fri at work and these are folks I maybe wouldn;t want to see after work anyway! I do have some (two) old friends who do still support me even after all the times I have turned up drunk at their homes or they have come to mine to find me worryingly passed out or lying at bottom of stairs so i am thankful to them more than they can know but I STILL feel ashamed when I meet with them as I AM A DRUNK and to me they are 'NORMAL'. Anyway, today is day FIVE AF (again) and am feeling good. My enlightened advice is to read inspiring books, there are loads about and I scourge charity/thrift shops for them and also car boots are great and a cheap way to experiment to find what kind you like. I have also started casually writing down my thoughts, wishes, aspirations, dreams (not all linked to alcohol) and have begun a 'life story' or 'memoirs' notebook where I write memories as they come to me,not in any order at the moment just as they come to me - this is not for any other person, just for ME and is totally private. The time seems to sail by when I am doing this as one memory leads to another, if I come across any painful ones I don't dwell on them, but write something to show I have acknowledged the memory (abbreviations or a short word related to it), who knows I may explore these when I am stronger. Realise I am rambling but this might appeal to you. I'm sure you will recieve lots of advice here.

                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                        Filling the time!!!

                        Lorna, I just LOVE the private journal idea. What a great suggestion! And also about the thrift/charity stores and the books - another fantastic idea! I was sitting here realizing I spend too much time on the computer because I really don't have anything better to do. I just got a satellite dish, and I am too bored to even watch anything on it. These are great suggestions and something I am going to start doing. Thank you!


                          Filling the time!!!

                          ssssshhhhh, don't tell anyone, they'll think I'm a grandma, when I'm thinking more yummy mummy...but I do tapestry...


                            Filling the time!!!

                            This is going to sound silly, but I have been going through closets and make-up cleaning up for the spring thaw. Well, I play dress up put on some of the clothes I haven't worn in a while try my hair and make up various ways have music I enjoy on in the back ground. I'm 12 again. Cheaper than a facelift. Yeah, by the way I need to get some of those "friends" you guys were talking about.

