I can see a few of us are having hard times at the moment.
Pingu that thread of yours is probably one of the best ones I have read for ages. Its is brutally honest and full of good healthy support. So thank you for starting it.
Recciebear, I do hope you can grab some sober time soon? Just do it bear, its very simple but not easy unfortunately.
The truth is, being sober doesnt automatically make your life great. I think I have been through some terrific challenges while sober, bereavement, illness, friendship, redundancy, and relationship issues to name but a few. The reason I havent caved is not because its easy for me not to, its because I am more afraid of the alternative I suppose and I know eventually, the shit that hit the fan will dry to a crust and fall off the bleeding fan disolving into the atmosphere and leaving me to pick up the pieces and experience some peace, joy and happiness if I allow myself to. I sometimes loathe posting about my sobriety, because I dont want to be thought of as sanctimonious, or self righterous or that I find it easy but I DO want people to know its possible to do this, and it IS better being sober. No one is ever happy being a pisshead. EVER. So you might as well give the sober thing a go.
I decided that come hell or high water sober was the way to go. And it is.
Anyway I shall step down of me soapbox
Mollymoo, many many congrats my friend :l