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Heard something nice last night

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    Heard something nice last night

    Last night as I was settling in for the evening out of the blue the Hubster said "your doing really good Honey" I said with what? He said you know, and looked at the wine rack. I even reminded of him of my Tuesday night slip. That was Tuesday night he said as a whole your doing very well. Then I told him about a few of you that I take inspiration from. Like AA, Lush, Lisa3102, Accountable,Rocky,then I realized there are to many of you to mention. It's a large family. Never had one growing up glad to have one now.
    Wanted to take this moment to share my Thanks og graditude for your friendship the MWO program & the wonderful RJ
    May Smiles

    Heard something nice last night

    Hiya Mar,

    Its great to have support, and it means a lot when your partner notices..Keep it up and well done
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


      Heard something nice last night

      Thanks Mack, I bet a lot of you is pretty awesome!!


        Heard something nice last night


        What a wonderful valentine's gift from the hubster!

        Nothing better than that!

        Congratulations on doing so well!
        :h :h :h :h


          Heard something nice last night

          It's good to know we're doing well, but when someone we love acknowledges it too, it reinforces our determination!
          Well done; and what a lovely "hubster" you have :H
          we haven't spoken before, but condolences on your loss and good to see you back again


            Heard something nice last night

            hi simeybear
            congrats on a good brother is ten years older than me so i kind of grew up by myself as do have a virtual family here and it does feel really good at times
            take care


              Heard something nice last night

              Very nice, Simey! We tend to not give ourselves enough credit when we are doing well, and beat ourselves up horribly when we are not, so it is really terrific that your hubby is there to point out what a good job you are doing!

              All the best to both of you. Keep up the good work.
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Heard something nice last night

                Simey - I am sooo happy for you!!

                Not only are you doing great on not drinking, but your hubby is behind you 100% - and that makes such a HUGE difference in the battle that we fight. I guarantee you there are lots of jealous people here who wish they were getting that kind of support from their better half (me included)!

                I wish you nothing but continued success and happiness....
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  Heard something nice last night

                  Aw Mar...that is truly lovely...i too draw inspiration and strength from everyone is a great family to be a part of x x x
                  "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                    Heard something nice last night

                    Dear Simey,
                    How wonderful to have a husband who is supporting you and admiring what you are doing. You are a very lucky person.
                    You know all of us here support and encourage you and everyone else, so it's really special when someone close acknowledges your wonderful achievement.
                    As for slips, don't give them a chance3 to overwhelm you with dopubt or anxiety. If you slip, it is over. Keep looking forward. Young at heart has summed it up beautifully.


                      Heard something nice last night

                      Hi Simey,

                      Yes this place has become extended family for me too .....

                      Your hubster sounds really nice bless him ....


                        Heard something nice last night

                        How sweet!
                        My hubby doesn't understand MWO at all!

                        Big :l s to all of you!

                        :h Nancy
                        "Be still and know that I am God"

                        Psalm 46:10


                          Heard something nice last night

                          Way to go Sim! Keep on keepin' on.
                          That is great encouragement from your hubby, I get the same from mine and it makes a huge difference for me too.

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            Heard something nice last night

                            That is a great story Simey. He sounds like the perfect balance; patting you on the back when you need it, but not eagle-eying your every move. I am lucky my husband is the same way. We went to a party the other night and our "new plan" is that he was only allowed to bring me water, not wine. No more letting other people pour my drinks for me. Keep up the good work!!!!
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              Heard something nice last night

                              Thanks all for your support. Yes Hubbkins is a good source of support. He grew up with his Dad addicted to herion and his Mother in a chronic depression,so I think he has a better understanding. He was the one who suggested therapy. You all and MWO are my therapy. He is not a saint by any means; He just happens to love me a lot. I hope that all of you find someone to love and support you. Lush your guy sounds very supportive, that great , I like your system. Have a great day going back to my sickbed day5 with the flu. This sucks. I never get sick. No alcohol to kill the germs I guess. HA HA

