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I didn't log in yesterday!!

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    I didn't log in yesterday!!

    So, I guess that isn't good. Ahh, just playing!! :H Yesterday was great. It was only day 5, but I had such a fulfilling day. Didn't think about drinking. I got so much done, had fun, got some sun, excercise, ate good, talked to a long distance friend over the phone that I haven't talked to sober in literally a decade. I will continue to read and support you guys, but sometimes, you just gotta get out there and live. Thank you to everybody here. I know it's just a few days with me. But, I'm telling you. To the one's struggling. If I can do this, YOU can do this. Trust me. Read the stories about some of the people on here that have been off for months, years! They were in a very dark place too, and now have fulfilling lives. Okay. Once I get this drinking under control, I'll work on my babbling.
    where does this go?

    I didn't log in yesterday!!

    What babbling??? Sounds like you had a great day. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      I didn't log in yesterday!!

      Hey morrison, the stage I'm at now, give me a babbler instead of a drinker every time...

      Congratulations on your 5 days AF...
      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life


        I didn't log in yesterday!!

        Thanks young and Irish. I just can't stick to short post. I'm just so jazzed. My first few days were negetive post because I was hurting so bad. I'm on day 6, and feeling better and better. My roomate has about 10 friends over for NASCAR. There is booze everywhere. They can't believe I'm drinking O'douls(non-alocholic beer). I'm having fun anyway. Shooting some pool and just talking. I hope I can feel this way all the time. I was in a pissy mood this morning for no reason. I know the mood was because of the demon trying to set me back to my ways. So, I stuck in there, worked out, and feel great.

        PS. Is O'Douls okay? There is less than .5 percent in every 12 ounce bottle. I'm abstaining, but if one were to nitpick, they would say I fell off the wagon.
        where does this go?


          I didn't log in yesterday!!

          You guys are leaving me very inspired.

          I think O'Douls is ok to drink but it tastes horrible. There's another one called Kaliber that is better but you are probably better off not drinking anything that remotely tastes like beer unless you just can't deal with it!!!
          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


            I didn't log in yesterday!!

            hi morrison,

            So glad to see you're doing well. I have been drinking some O'Douls...I hope it is okay - even tho it tastes bad, it has helped me get by. I wonder if it is okay? I just finished day 9 and feel better. Just started the topa Thursday and got the sups and CDs etc.Saturday. Will start the CDs tomorrow. Let me know how you do this week. We're starting about the same time.

            Take care,


              I didn't log in yesterday!!

              Hello morrison,
              It's really good to hear you're doing well and feeling good about it.
              Enjoy yourself.


                I didn't log in yesterday!!

                My personal opinion is that O'Doul's is okay at parties and stuff like that, if it keeps you from drinking the real thing, even though it has a small percentage of alcohol in it. I think it's better not to get in the habit of drinking it regularly, though.

                Congrats on your success so far!
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  I didn't log in yesterday!!

                  Thanks for the props guys. And I agree, O'Douls does taste aweful. I don't see myself doing it that much. Just in situations where I'm the ONLY one not drinking. That is when it's tough. Sri, I'll let you know how I do this week. I'm feeling very confident, how about you?
                  where does this go?

