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Army Thread Monday 18th June

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    Army Thread Monday 18th June


    Thank you for the follow up post on your attitude.

    Many of us will be following down our own paths and seeing your struggles and triumphs helps us all be forearmed.

    Zenners, I agree with Ms. Stirly, you are one strong lass!!

    Hi, Stirls.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Army Thread Monday 18th June

      Zen, I think this ebook I found will be a funny and helpful read. The one I got was called ok I quit now what....there was another
      I liked his no nonsense approach and humour. It really made me laugh last night, not the heavy depressive shite you get from aa, in fact quite the opposite...
      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


        Army Thread Monday 18th June

        Crikey where did all them posts come from. I only went in the kitchen to put Mr JC in his high chair.

        Nighty night Stirls.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Monday 18th June

          mollyka;1336895 wrote: Oh and Pingu - crikey what a journey you're on at the moment! Could it be as simple as learning the cello ??? Yes I think sometimes it IS that simple - just finding something that fascinates us - I really hope so - you're also a great person - and very courageous and honest the way you've posted how you've been feeling! Haven't thoroughly read back cos I needed to dash this off to Reccie - I felt so bad at work -- have you started learning yet? If you have - bet your fingers are sore?? Way worse than a guitar!
          they are damn sore Molly and being a violinist with tiny delicate fingers I am not used to these elephant like strings, nor the fact that everything's upside down, and you don't even use your fricking 2nd finger in the beginning and your tiny delicate 4th just won't bloody stretch far enough
          OK I covered a bit much in self-taught lesson one
          But I still loves it
          And I think the admittance pushed me into a new challenge, I need to live like that, otherwise I procrastinate and spend way too long doing nothing but being bored and pissed off. This way I have a new challenge doing something I love......
          Even if Tigger has already banned me out of the lounge (even though she loves it, but not at the same time as Spongebob apparently!
          P3 x
          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


            Army Thread Monday 18th June

            pingu1997;1336907 wrote: they are damn sore Molly and being a violinist with tiny delicate fingers I am not used to these elephant like strings, nor the fact that everything's upside down, and you don't even use your fricking 2nd finger in the beginning and your tiny delicate 4th just won't bloody stretch far enough
            OK I covered a bit much in self-taught lesson one
            But I still loves it
            And I think the admittance pushed me into a new challenge, I need to live like that, otherwise I procrastinate and spend way too long doing nothing but being bored and pissed off. This way I have a new challenge doing something I love......
            Even if Tigger has already banned me out of the lounge (even though she loves it, but not at the same time as Spongebob apparently!
            P3 x
            You go girl! Love the new Pingu's spirit. :goodjob:
            Psalms 119:45

            ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

            St. Francis of Assisi

            I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



              Army Thread Monday 18th June

              Hiya Mollyka! Zenners will be about in a minute'r'two. She's fixin me dinner.
              How's you and your new grandson, Jamie?
              Psalms 119:45

              ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

              St. Francis of Assisi

              I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                Army Thread Monday 18th June

                just ordered some books for me, picked up a few beginners ones in the charity shop today but I am over half way through them already so I took a chance and went for some stuff on the grade 2 list....

                no more boring fucking cello talk now, Pingu's off to bed, busy day tomorrow counselling, shopping, lunch here with friends and a freaking chat with the independent schools inspector at 2.15. Needs sleep now
                I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                  Army Thread Monday 18th June

                  I'm ticking along nicely Molls. Still got a bit of a heavy heart after seeing the babies off, but it was nice to know they arrived home safely.

                  Just finished wrapping the son and heir's birthday pressie. He's 24 tomorrow. OMG writing it down has just given me a bit of a shock. When did my baby boy grow up.:upset:
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Monday 18th June

                    Evening Army

                    Did I miss something

                    Pingu just want to say you rock !!
                    Reccie please pass on some of your braveness to me, what a wonderful share :l
                    Foxy I read your posts often and you are one to follow

                    ok run out of emoticons ... see ya on the next post
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                      Army Thread Monday 18th June

                      Good night everyone
                      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                        Army Thread Monday 18th June

                        stirly-girly;1336850 wrote: Reccie - thank you so much for sharing that with us. We need to hear things like your story - we and others who may be reading the posts on the Army thread. Many of us have said, time and time again, that you are a different person since you joined MWO. You have definitely made progress and it is obvious to all of us. I know it's very difficult for you to rebuild your life because of special circumstances but you have been doing a great job IMO. So you're not AF, you are still trying tho' and that is the main thing. As has been said here many times, you only lose when you stop trying. I am not enabling you by saying that it's okay that you're not AF, what I'm saying is that if, at this time, being AF every day is not possible for you due to circumstances, then that's okay. As Molly said on another thread - "everyone is at a valid stage in their recovery and they should be heard." I will go one step further and say that they should be heard and they should be given support and congratulated for every forward step they have taken even if there have been some backward steps taken as well. I and the others here are looking forward to following your continuing journey and I know I speak for all of us when I say that we will help you in any way that we can. Best of luck to you, Zennie-butt and Foxy.
                        Thank you stirly :l and panno :l and everyone else who made kind replies to my post. I guess you've all gone to bed now, but hopefully you'll see my reply in the morning.

                        mollyka;1336888 wrote:
                        First and foremost I MUST apologize to Reccie (for when you get back from counsellor)for my outburst straight after your mega-post! It genuinely was an absolute Xpost - was morto. when I saw what I had done --- so really sorry again Recster

                        Recster, that is a powerful post - and truly documents your progress since coming on here. I've seen the change in you - in your posts and your outlook on life. I ABSOLUTELY understand the necessity to replace the booze with - as you put it - a life - could be tho that you may be back to the chicken and egg syndrome tho? Personally I know that as long as I was drinking - at all, any quantity - my 'get up and go' just wasn't there - and tbh, I'm really only beginning to find it now. That may be just me tho - just thought I'd need to say that.
                        On the other hand you say you're not ready for long-term sobriety yet - I also FULLY understand that, and I also fully understand that unless you are ready and unless you WANT it more than anything else in the whole world - it won't work long-term. Maybe for a few months - bit of a challenge etc. but long-term is a very long time so yes - I understand your conundrum - not that I'm any shaggin help - just that I understand
                        I don't know what other's think on this thread - Zen has said she thinks it's a good idea to document your successes and failures alike - personally I would have NO problem whatsoever. When I decided to try modding last year I was prepared to leave the thread and each and every one of the peeps on here persuaded me to stay posting -- and oh gawd am I glad they did
                        Anyway - I really do apologize again - it was untimely rather than thoughtless - I would never have posted like that intentionally - I hope you know that.
                        I think you're a great bloke and I know in time you'll get there - I really don't doubt it:l
               need to worry at all about the Xpost. I realised what had happened immediately :H And thanks for your post too....I intend to read it again in the morning. I know you've gone to bed....hope you'll read back when you wake up. :l Sorry, had to delete a few of your emoticons in order to get mine in!

