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Article on Gastric Bypass and Alcoholism

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    Article on Gastric Bypass and Alcoholism

    Weight-Loss Surgery Increases Risk of Alcohol Addiction - Yahoo! News

    I have often said that my alcoholism really kicked in after GB. Apparently this is now a known issue.

    AF April 9, 2016

    Article on Gastric Bypass and Alcoholism

    Wow! Thanks for posting this. I've thought about having that surgery. Need to rethink this.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Article on Gastric Bypass and Alcoholism

      Very interesting. Thanks for posting that Cinders. My cousin has had this surgery.


        Article on Gastric Bypass and Alcoholism

        I heard a little about that on NPR today. I had read about it a long time ago too, and heard some famous actresses saying that yes, it had happened to them too after GB. I think the Wilson girl, can't remember her name atm (and can't look it up as I'm in this post, lol), said she turned to AL instead of food. I think the reason AL abuse happens so often after this drastic surgery is that sometimes people that have it, haven't dealt with the emotional problems that caused them to become obese. Therefore, when the food is not an option (at first I think it's difficult to eat, but you can eventually stretch your stomach), AL is a good number (and I don't mean number as in 1,2,3).

        I haven't read the article and I may be repeating everything in it, lol.

        Edit: Well, I read the article and a lot of the comments afterwards, lol. People can be cruel, but some of it made me LOL. I don't really agree 100% with the article's findings, as I do believe it is addiction substitution. Sure, you probably do process AL differently, but I think addiction comes with much more baggage than just the physical ability to drink more, thus becoming addicted. I don't know if I'm making any sense, pmsl. Time for bed.

        Night night!

        "I like people too much or not at all."
        Sylvia Plath

