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Army Thread 19th June

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    Army Thread 19th June

    Zenstyle;1337533 wrote: Like an Ambien black-out...

    Apart from that, how is your Ma doing? And what's the news on your Dad?

    Laterz Stirls!!!
    Laters, Stirly

    Ma is doing OK. Better than OK, actually. I've booked her a flight to go and visit friends next month. She told me I needn't arrange assistance onto and off the plane. When she arrived in Feb, she was wheeled to the car, because she could hardly walk. She now goes for a stroll every day (weather permitting)

    Exchanged emails with my father today. Their house is finally going on the market this week. I'm not getting excited yet, though - the property market has taken a big tumble (like it did elsewhere). I just hope it sells reasonably fast.

    He's still the same manipulative bastard he's always been. He's decided he's done with the shrink, and yet nothing has changed. Her mind is made up, at least - there's no going back.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread 19th June

      Zenstyle;1337539 wrote: What do you attribute her being able to get around now to? Good diet, feeling happier, or both? Whatever it comes down to, good news indeed!!!

      I'm surprised he even saw the shrink, truth be told. Is he drinking now?

      If your property market is anything like here, definitely don't hold yer breath...
      Prices have dropped by around 20% since 2009. More in some areas, less in others. But the situation is pretty crap, yeah.

      I think the improvement is due to less daily stress and anxiety. Also less of a purely internal focus. It was just the two of them and they had become isolated because of him (not dressing, bathing, drunk from mid-morning etc etc). Diet also plays a big role, I guess. She's gained over 8kg by now. Time for SW recipes from JC soon :H
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread 19th June

        oh - and as for him drinking, we're not sure if its daily, but its defo happening - he's had a few nasty falls since coming out of rehab. In the past, that only happened when he was drinking excessively.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread 19th June

          Zenstyle;1337546 wrote: Ahh... it's great that she's getting fitter. It's amazing how our environment can affect everything about ourselves.

          Sounds like he still is then. Well, at least she's not suffering alongside him now.

          How are things with the family since she's been with you? Has it settled into a routine that's good for all? I'm sure it was a huge adjustment for everyone concerned...
          Why do you think I'm packing her off to other people for almost a month :H:H:H
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Army Thread 19th June

            Alrighty, Zennerooney

            I'm going to say 'gnite - past my bedtime already.

            Enjoy the rest of your day :l
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread 19th June

              Zenstyle;1337548 wrote: LMFAO!!!!!!

              Is she gone at the same time as the cubs???! (The penny is dropping in my noggin!) :H
              LOL. You have me blushing here :H

              Nah - she's going the week the schools start again. The cubs are away the week before that.

              I should have planned better :H
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009

