And on the weekends when I'm cocktailing it's because I deserve it.
I have two children under the age of 5 and I'm a SAHM with a husband who works long hours. We also just moved 500 miles and I don't know much of anyone in our new city, so I'm definitely drinking because I'm bored and lonely. But I am also drinking as soon as the kids are in bed (about 1/3 of the time I start drinking wine with dinner but I usually wait until their bedroom door closes). Because I've been using wine to treat myself every night, I've been rushing the kids through dinner, through bath, through story time just so I can put them to bed so I can have some PEACE (and wine).
I am trying to think of other "rewards" I can do every night, alone, and in my house (because that's my life right now and it's not going to change!). I need a new ritual that doesn't involve a cork!