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    Been 3 days AF now and feeling ok, wake up with a fuzzy head but not a hangover!
    Have been really surprized at how well i am sleeping and how easy i get to sleep, the only thing is i get really bad nightmares and the most bizarre vivid dreams? never use to get these.

    Has anyone else experienced this? :thanks:


    Yes , quite a bit - it may be that as the mind is clear the dreams aren't any more vivid but we feel them more with no alcohol to dampen things down?



      Had them really bad....cold sweats & all. It passes. Hang in there.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



        Good evening Dorset, Home of the Famous Five.
        I am sleeping better and waking up tired. But not hungover. Have had only a couple of very vivid dreams.
        Glad you mention it as I am seeing my GP next wek so will ask about it.
        Someone else had a post about a week or so on this, or it may be in health and fitmess. Have a trawl round the threads and I'm sure you'll find it. But the general drift was that it passes.
        Hey, vivid dreams has got to be better than a hangover, blackouts, making a fool of yourself, and all that goes with alcohol abuse.



          I had nightmares really bad during the first week of AF. They were so bad I had to turn my bedroom light on several times as I was completely freaked out. They will pass, trust me. Hang in there!!!



            Thanks guys, looking forward to sweeter dreams!



              Major nightmares!! Account, I had some bad ones too. I couple times I woke up scared out of my mind. I thought somebody was in my room, and I couldn't move for a bit. It took a minute to realize what was going on, but I was scared. It was like I was when I was a child and thought somebody was in the closet. I'm 34 freakin' years old, and I'm getting scared like that!! I'm laughing now as I type this, but I was truely frightened. I also had one where I thought I was being possessed by Satan. That was really terrifying. I think I was always possessed, now Satan's just trying to get back in now that I've kicked him out. Haha.
              where does this go?



                I tend to have extremely vivid dreams when I'm going through transitions in my life, and starting the MWO program was no exception. I did some dream analysis this year and found it very interesting. I participated in a dream group lead by a Jungian analyst..I do believe that every dream has a message from the unconscious...but the trick to making sense to the scary things is to remember that everyone in your dream is just another aspect of yourself..almost always. If you are a woman, then other women most often represent your shadow side (which is important to recognize and integrate into your whole self) If you are a man, then the same thing holds true for the other men in his dream. If a woman dreams of a man, he most often represents her masculine side (animus)..which again, needs to be acknowledged and integrated in order for you to become whole..if a man dreams of a woman, it is his (anima)...a wedding would be a sign of some integration of the masculine and feminine..usually a pretty good sign. A 'demon' or could just be a fear of the repressed and scary feelings of the shadow side..trying to get your attention. Dreams are rarely what they seem...death can mean new life, etc. Happy dreaming! :0) As you can tell, it's one of my favorite subjects.



                  Morrison, I too thought there was someone in my room as well a couple of times hence, why I ran for the light. I am 34 years old as well and now I can kind of laugh about my doing this. Looking back at this certainly scares me in the thought of how much I was consuming to have those wicked withdrawals.

                  Dilayne: I had some dreams of death as well. Good to know they mean something good instead.



                    I'm not looking forward to the next few days....dang it. nightmares will be back. at least I know from experience that it will pass. although this tormented state feels like forever. the brain is such a strange thing.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)



                      Hi , tried to stop drinkin by myself not long ago x laid there for 3 nights awake x wasnt used to that xxxx was used to havin really wiered dreams and sleeping un-natually xxx i startin my thingie on 3 March on my night s of ab i found out my babe snorses really badly xxxx what am i gonna do



                        I think ( i a girl so think what you like) your angel is lookin after you, dont keep her out x talk to her x

