I don't like them because I always feel so ashamed and guilty for everything that I have done in the past and as early as last night. Which I don't completely remember.
I'm also afraid that the relationship that I am in isn't going to last much longer.
And that is something I fear greatly.
I hate that I have to do day 1 again.
I am so sad and want to cry. I feel remorse over how long and how much I have drank. What I have done and who I have hurt.
I haven't lost anything but I know I will if I continue on a non-sober path.
I need to write this all out so I can go back to it whenever I think of drinking.
The bf isn't talking to me. I don't remember going to bed. I don't remember what I said. I do know how bitter I was while drinking. Angry. Just a b$!%h.
My boyfriend hates b$!%hes.
What have I become?