I loved your last post and the commitment you have to yourself. I truly believe that the most important words, both written and spoken, that will have the greatest impact on our success (or failure), are the ones that we choose to give energy to that happen between our own ears. Here are some things I came across that helped me so much during the early months of my sobriety to keep my inner and outer voice in check:
Outer Talk: Be very aware of how you speak aloud about alcohol. Avoid statements like "I am trying to stop drinking", or "I'm so tempted to drink." Instead, focus on positive self-empowering statements, such as "I don't drink alcohol because I want to be healthy" or "I have more money now that I don't drink" or "I love drinking water." The power of your own voice in your own ears reaffirms your commitment to change your life for the better.
In fact, our own words have a MUCH more powerful impact on our beliefs and actions than you might suspect. Whether you realize it or not, your own voice in your own ears is more important and influential to you than the voice of anyone else in your life. DO NOT be afraid to tell people that you no longer drink alcohol! By telling others that alcohol is unimportant to you, you are ALSO reinforcing your own resolve, and you will feel even more committed to your health.
Inner Talk: Be aware of your "self talk" ... those little statements you say to yourself a thousand times a day. Maybe no one else hears what you say to yourself, but YOU do. Make them positive, life-affirming statements that guide you in the best direction for your future. Constantly remind yourself WHY you no longer drink alcohol, and how HEALTHY you are feeling, and how BRIGHT of a future you have now that you are doing something about your alcohol problem.
Of course, I would be honored to support you along way in any way I can, so please do feel free to PM me anytime.
Best wishes for this weekend!
Odd may not be the right word, but I seem to be doing these now, without as much resistance as in the past. I believe I finally understand. Yet, I know this won't be easy, but it will be so worth it!....
Thank you for sharing this info. I hope it helps people. It has helped me! I will PM you in a couple of days. Thank you Sheri
It was awkward when they first arrived. I could sense the tension. Things are fine now. They are respecting my sobriety. My Niece & esp SIL are happy for me. Say I look great. Last time they saw me my skin tone didn't look good, & face was puffy. Not now!
Second night, the Niece & BF went to a Hotel so they could party. Our grown daughters went for a while. One is DD. They are leaving Sat. The BF was stoned when they arrived, but not drunk.
Thanks again for your support! :l