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No place to hide now.

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    No place to hide now.

    I have been outed as a drunk in my industry, which I am well known and respected in (or was). Nice to know a former employee knows how to stick a knife in. I will not hide nor will I back down. I am not embarrassed but just surprised. the reactions have been disturbing.

    I don"t have anything you can catch and I am not going to apologise. I am what I am, and for those who have taken the opportunity to have a free shot, enjoy while you can. I may not be perfect but at least I am not a judgemental, small minded moron.

    I can't hide anymore, but I don't think I ever really wanted to hide in the first place.

    I am a former drunk and I fight everyday to not drink. If that makes me someone to stay away from then get fucked.

    I will never hide again.
    I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.

    No place to hide now.

    Dave, it never really matters what people think of you, as long as you are true to yourself.
    Stay strong.

    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


      No place to hide now.

      What's that line from Dr. Seuss?

      'Those who matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter'

      Let the wowser's judge away. They are the poorer for it Dave. You're a good man. Stand tall and proud friend.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        No place to hide now.

        WOW, there must be a special section in HE(double toothpicks) for scum like that.

        Not really anyone's business about your AL issues, but it kind of makes you look stonger, that you have quit. Well done
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



          No place to hide now.

          Who is the one with the drinking problem now? You, or those that are still drinking?
          Dave, you have fought your way through to become a wiser, more valuable member of society. Pity this individual who may never reach the place that you are at now.
          I have so much respect for you; when you post I always read what you have to say because it is always heartfelt and real.
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            No place to hide now.

            eeewww...that makes me want to punch someone in the face Dave......
            did it affect your nob??
            I hope not...
            I would stand tall and proud and be a better person than the ass**** that "outed" you and let it e known that you are there for anyone else battling the Beast
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              No place to hide now.

              mama bear;1342292 wrote: eeewww...that makes me want to punch someone in the face Dave......
              did it affect your nob??
              :H I'm guessing you meant to say job? mamabear. Thanks for the laugh though, I almost spat my chips at my monitor when I read that lol.

              Dave, hang tough, and don't worry about some bitter asshole trying to mess with you


                No place to hide now.

                Hi Dave
                I hate that term ' Drunk' - Drunk is a verb, past tense, not a noun...

                We're people who got sucked into a bad situation for a variety of reasons.
                And stay stuck for a variety of reasons...
                We are not people to ridicule and toss aside. Jesus! How fricken 1950's can you get!! :

                I don't know the Australian system but in the US I believe it is unlawful to be fired due to Alcoholism. It falls under disability (as does pregnancy ! ) There's rehab rules of course but assuming you want to stay that may be an option.

                I know this feels horrible right now. I had a similar experience in 1995 but it can lead to all sorts of opportunities as cliched as that sounds.

                At least you're not alone. We're here. So please stay close and try try try not to beat yourself up. I remember in 1995 being so alone, the magnitude of it all just drove me deeper down. And I didn't surface for a looooong time.

                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest


                  No place to hide now.

                  OMG...I am so embarrassed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  that's funny
                  uh yeah...I meant JOB
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    No place to hide now.

                    Exactly what G-man quoted from one of the world's wisest men, Dave. I KNOW that my disease has demanded that I grow in many, many ways. One of them being . . . the understanding that judging others only hurts me. Could it be that your worst detractors have some "issues" of their own?

                    And Mama, yes, that was funny. So, even though this is a serious thread, if anyone wants to laugh 'til they cry about such errors, go to www.d* A little raunchy, but totally by mistake . . . just like the n-j thing here.
                    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                      No place to hide now.

                      mama bear;1342393 wrote: OMG...I am so embarrassed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      that's funny
                      uh yeah...I meant JOB
                      :l Don't be embarrassed mama bear, it gave me the best laugh I had in days, too funny


                        No place to hide now.

                        Chin Up Dave

                        You may be a former drunk, but that guy will always be an arsehole.

                        You wrote me the most mind blowing , aware, beautiful spiritual post, when i was in the depths of despair. I have sent it to a few people, the strength, compassion and wisdom you show comes from the battle you have conquered.

                        I doubt anyone will loose respect for you in your industry, actually they probably respect you a hell of a lot more for giving up.

                        Also the majority of people are too selfish to give more than 5 minutes thoughts to someone else. As long as you continue to be the great guy you are, it will be last weeks news.

                        As this guy is a former employee, the majority of people will probably think hes just out for revenge.

                        You are an inspiration to me Dave, so as they say here in the land of Aus, buck up Cobber) XXXX

                        Dave_;1342190 wrote: I have been outed as a drunk in my industry, which I am well known and respected in (or was). Nice to know a former employee knows how to stick a knife in. I will not hide nor will I back down. I am not embarrassed but just surprised. the reactions have been disturbing.

                        I don"t have anything you can catch and I am not going to apologise. I am what I am, and for those who have taken the opportunity to have a free shot, enjoy while you can. I may not be perfect but at least I am not a judgemental, small minded moron.

                        I can't hide anymore, but I don't think I ever really wanted to hide in the first place.

                        I am a former drunk and I fight everyday to not drink. If that makes me someone to stay away from then get fucked.

                        I will never hide again.


                          No place to hide now.

                          Your Nob?

                          I fell apart laughing when I read that.

                          Dave, DID it affect your nob?

                          mama bear;1342292 wrote: eeewww...that makes me want to punch someone in the face Dave......
                          did it affect your nob??
                          I hope not...
                          I would stand tall and proud and be a better person than the ass**** that "outed" you and let it e known that you are there for anyone else battling the Beast


                            No place to hide now.


                            As a lot of you know, me being horrifically drunk in front of work associates and doing all sorts of ghastly memorable things...was what made me suicidal last year. At the conferrance i went to a few weeks ago, it was brought up by people, and my drunken argument with a general last year has done the rounds of the international military. Some of the people told me they were disappointed i was not drinking much at the conference , as they said they look forward to what i do

                            So Dave, i was always known as a drunk, I just didn't know it.


                              No place to hide now.

                              Dave you have the right frame of mind. F*&k em. You know what you are now, and you are a better person for having been through all that you have. God doesn't like ugly and they will reap what thy sow.
                              Day 1 again 11/5/19
                              Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                              Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                              Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                              11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                              12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                              One day at a time.

