Okay so I started back on the MWO program really in May with about 14 days AF (40 if you don't count the slip on day 28) and I am completely discombobulated. I'm taking Topa (100mg), Supps, Juicing, MWO reads/posts and I swear I feel more screwed up than I did when I drank.
I can't remeber a fucking thing, missing my kids appointments, classes. Miss bill pays and screwing up auto pays ; loosing everything.
I've gained ten fricken pounds because I cant stop eating and I am COMPLETELY unmotivated.
I wake up nearly every morning with headaches feeling almost hungover and depressed..
My Buddhist practice is in the toilet which I know contributes to all the other things on this list.
My husband and I hate each other, barely talk but we hated each other when I was drinking so hating him Sober is out of my mind awful.
I have no sense of time: You'd think I was smoking dope.
I spent all morning getting my children ready for their music classes only to discover they were fricken YESTERDAY and My son's is TODAY and we are 45 minutes LATE. uch:
This is awful. I feel awful. Sp please someone tell me, aside from adding ten more years to my life of this misery, Why is this fucking Worth it? ull
PS: I'm sorry in advance to any new people. I am not a happy person here today...
PPS: I'm taking the kids to the park now. I'll be lucky if I can remember how to drive the GD car.