Techie your the best thankyou for your message xxxxx
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I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
When I need a little inspiration and reassurance techie, I keep popping back to this thread - just thank you!IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
Thank you Techie. :h
I lost my beloved doggie on Sunday morning, and it was very unexpected. I never thought I'd get through the death of a dog sober...but guess what? I did! I'm sad but recovering. Life goes on and I have my memories of my Beloved Charlie.awprint:
:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
K9Lover;1357814 wrote: Thank you Techie. :h
I lost my beloved doggie on Sunday morning, and it was very unexpected. I never thought I'd get through the death of a dog sober...but guess what? I did! I'm sad but recovering. Life goes on and I have my memories of my Beloved Charlie.awprint:
Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
For Ronnie, Missy, Cashie, et al
Progress comes when you focus on results. Progress happens when you visualize the results you desire, when you expect those results, and then work to make them happen.
Focus on results, and you can figure out how to bring them about. Focus on results, and you have a way to know, in each and every step, whether or not you?re making progress.
Good intentions are nice, and sophisticated methods are impressive. What really count, though, are the end results.
Any effort you undertake will use your precious time and resources. Make sure you get the most value in return by staying focused on the results.
Don?t allow yourself to remain stuck in mediocrity. Don?t fool yourself into thinking you?re doing great when you?re really doing not much at all.
Clearly and specifically define the results you seek, measure your progress, and weigh each action, each effort, accordingly. Focus on results and you?ll get the very best ones.
Attached files [img]/converted_files/1911808=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
Am doing so Sarge.
Have dropped half a kilo in preparation for Undercover Operation Africa.. Should drop a further couple of kilos by D* day.
Will resume PT next week.
All go here with Corporal Raggsy.... on track, if not a little behind schedule Sarge.
I have:
Step 1: Defined my goal.
Step 2: Specified by when I want it
Step 3: Worked out the pay value
Step 4: Worked out any obstacles
Step 5: Worked out how to overcome any obstacles
Step 6: Scheduled my plan.
Step 8: BEGIN TO-DAY.... I am either on the path or not. I actually began last week Sarge.
I should've started 3 weeks ago but I'm on the path now. And
Step 8: Do not give up. It is too easy to find a reason to stop. Start finding reasons to achieve your goal.
*Departure Day
I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
I cleaned the kitchen and laundry, did two loads of washing and vacuumed the house. Now I'm cooking salmon and pumpkin red Thai curry for my daughters homecoming. I love having energy and I really do have focus but not fooling myself it's still one day at a time for me right now - guess it could be called focused baby step stage oneThanks for the pep talk! Cashy xx
"Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon
I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
Could also be slightly hypomanic due to sleep deprivation - but my bipolar I have pretty well under control, my drinking I don't - so a few sleepless nights followed by an elevated mood is a small price to pay for some focus."Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon
I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
And hell, I don't control the drinking I lose control of my mental health and that is why I'm back here SirAnd thanks so much for the v v wise words. I also hope your daughter is ok and coping with the grief.
"Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon
I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
Cashregister;1358145 wrote: And hell, I don't control the drinking I lose control of my mental health and that is why I'm back here SirAnd thanks so much for the v v wise words. I also hope your daughter is ok and coping with the grief.
So nice to have you!!!
Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
Thank Rags is knocking it out-of-the-park. Awesome!!!
Genuine desire
What you most fervently desire pushes you to give the best you can give. In focusing on those things you wish to attain, you'll activate the strength and discipline necessary for their achievement.
It is never selfish to desire what you genuinely desire. What's selfish is stifling those desires and declining to give the world your own unique greatness.
The fulfillment you seek will not take anything away from anyone else. In fact, in the process of bringing about that fulfillment you add much value to the lives of those around you.
Real, lasting, meaningful success is built by creating value. Your desire for some particular outcome motivates you to achieve, and as you achieve you lift others up as well.
Those things you are positively passionate about enable you to discover powerful, effective ways of creating new value. When you follow your dreams, you lead other people to theirs.
Listen to the stirrings of your own authentic desires. When you're clear about what you wish to do, there's no limit on how high you can lift the whole world.
Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
I've been AWOL for some timer Sarge. Lots of not so good stuff happening here. However I'm happy to report it's been booze free so I'm up for the challenge. Private Mish over and out for now . Gotta say hi to my dear family whom I've missed terribly.:h Mish :h
Never give up...
AF since 25th November, 2011
What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining a perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot
I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
Mish;1358638 wrote: I've been AWOL for some timer Sarge. Lots of not so good stuff happening here. However I'm happy to report it's been booze free so I'm up for the challenge. Private Mish over and out for now . Gotta say hi to my dear family whom I've missed terribly.Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
I'm baaaack you bumbling bunch of rat scat...
Nurse Jones? I hear we're getting low on lice powder. You know Cookie uses that in his pancake batter. I need you to requisition a few cases ASAP!!! Attached files [img]/converted_files/1912338=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read