I have gone to an open AA meeting last September (2011) and wasn't too comfortable there and decided I didn't want to go back - and I didn't...until I realized that I can't do it all on my own - or at least that's what the counsellor things...or rather he wanted me to try at least one meeting...so anyways...
I decided I would go to my first closed women's only meeting today...
I was excited yesterday and then super nervous leading up to it - I was very fidgety and the boyfriend noticed this and told me to just calm down and everyone else was in the same boat as I was...I was paranoid about my phone because I couldn't turn it off (I broke the top button on my Apple iPhone) so I made sure I turned the volume ALL the way DOWN and put it on vibrate...well, mid-meeting...while someone was sharing their story my phone....went....off....omg.
I thought to myself "HOW THE HELL COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME?!!" I was so nervous and cautious. MY FIRST MEETING! And THIS happened. I got a few glares...omg. I was mortified I had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom where I almost had a panic attack and all I could think of was "Grab your purse - GET OUT of there - and get yourself a bottle of wine because you totally f**ked up".
Needless to say...I did go back and sat and the entire time - instead of listening to everyone I was worried what everyone thought of me. I could feel my heart beating in my chest and I was shaking like a leaf. When it was my turn to speak my voice was so shaky and I thought I was just going to pass out.
After the meeting I really thought that people would approach me. I was the newbie.
Only one or two people said "congrats for coming in" and that was it...everyone else was off in their groups and I stood their stupidly rummaging through my purse feeling sorry for myself.
I left there...sad. But I am glad I went.
It was so embarassing. I was so worried about this meeting and I f**ked it up.
No joke, that voice was chattering away...I almost told the boyfriend to go to the liquor store...