Nancy - no no, you didn't offend me at all. I know, I can do the same thing as well...imagine that people are giving me dirty looks and such.
I have read the book that you suggested but that was during a time where I wasn't ready to quit so it is probably best I try reading that book again. I hear his quitting smoking book has helped lots of people.
I understand what you are saying with regards to abuse vs. alcoholic...everywhere there is something different...some sort of explanation...people will always form their own opinions on it as well.
The thing is...I drank...a lot...and the only problem it caused me were some arguments with the boyfriend from time to time and my own retarded antics at times when I got too drunk...
But when I explain this to my friends, they say that everyone goes through this at times...well, maybe not at times for me more like all the time.
I also have a hard time grasping the disease concept of alcoholism...but that is a whole 'nother thread.