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Falling down

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    Falling down


    did pretty well moderating the last few weeks with only minor hiccups ( no pun intended) until some horrible work stresses got to me last night and I blew it. So hung-over and sick today it's disgusting and so shamefull. My dear wife even told me: " you're doing great but don't get cocky about it". All the terrible things are looming in my face again and will return if I don't stamp out this fire.

    the shakes,
    self doubt/hatred
    abdominal pains
    smelling like a poorly maintained zoo

    I sadly will have to drink some to "come down" over the next couple nights, and then should be back on track. just a shame when I forget how nice it was to lose those terrible things.
    word to the wise: DON'T LET DOWN YOUR GUARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Falling down

    Hi Determinator,

    Well, it seems you're giving yourself a good beating up for over-doing it.

    Tomorrow, or the next day, you will feel much better and able to get back on the right track.

    This may just be a reminder to you of why you are here in the first place so, get well, and put that stick down.


      Falling down

      thanks Bluebell, it's going to be good to feel better again....
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Falling down

        it sucks donkey!

        I agree...that bottled misery could help many a forgetful soul such as mine.

        thanks Mike,
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Falling down

          Yep that would be a brilliant invention. You have been great at moderating D, you will get back there, and with a crapload of garlic to boot!!!
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Falling down

            Lush, you are kind.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Falling down


              We all fall at some point,,,i think its all part of the process, makes us really realise what were doing to ourselves....dont beat yourself up, youve done really well so far...keep on keeping on x x x
              "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                Falling down

                Lou, you sweetie! thanks for that. I'll keep plugging away.....
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Falling down

                  sucks Donkey??? LOL!!

                  Anyway, you hop back on this D. You can do it!


                    Falling down

                    Wishing you all good things; like Lou said, we need to have these slips to understand just how powerful this addiction is and so we know we can't rest on our laurels.
                    I too had trouble again. I thought (as everyone so kindly encouraged) that I did 40 days af, so I can do it again. I think I became over-confident in my strength vs the strength of my addiction...I can give up anytime, I've done it before. But I was watching myself slip back down to where I came from, with the joys of sobriety seemingly a distant memory and the despondency of continual hopelessness overtaking me again - what if I can't (or DON"t want to) stop drinking?!!

                    Anyway, sorry to hijack your post I think we're on the right road and know that MWO is one of our strongest tools to fight this.
                    Day 1 (again)



                      Falling down

                      Accountable...I'm hopping (best my poor broken butt can do),
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Falling down

                        I haven't heard that expression in a while - made me laugh VERY LOUD!!!!


                          Falling down

                          hi determinator-

                          what they said... and give yourself lots of credit for coming back here and for getting back in there.
                          Sorry you are feeling bad though - definitely sucks.


                            Falling down

                            Oh Blondie, you're no hijacker...your a real sweetie. and you have quite a command on the so called "English language"....Bravo! I love how literal and bright many of you are...It's truly inspiring.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Falling down

                              Thank you Accountable and Lisa....most nice of you. arg.....hanging in there best I can!!!
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

