Morning Rags, good to see you back .....
No announcement yet.
Wunderoos July
Wunderoos July
Lillypond059;1348497 wrote: Morning Rags, good to see you back .....
By the way, would you embroider me a couple of t shirts please? Just the quotes will do
Wunderoos July
LILY: Wow? what talent to make those finger puppets? they?re terrific.
TAWNY: Those pizzas look sooo good.
SUNNY: Doesn?t Leon look just gorgeous and happy.
MISSY: You and Mr Missy are going through a hell of a time at the moment. Surely things have to look up soon for you. You are both in my thoughts.
However, I think it?s a bit much to win the NASA Achievement award without even having gone to Cape Kennedy.
KTAB: I?ll have pizza dough recipes in the 2012 cookbook? one has honey in it. I?m going to try that next week.
MASTERCHEF: Watched part of it last night. Can someone please teach George how to hold a knife and fork. I think Calucio is a spent force? but I loved his show which was on SBS those years ago. I only watched one episode of his current show? two old cooks topping up their super by making a self indulgent tv show.
OK? now some piccies of ?What I did on the weekend?, but first, the Desiderata in it?s entirety..
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.
? Max Ehrmann 1927
Wunderoos July
WHAT I DID AT THE WEEKEND which prevented me from posting on the Undies thread.....
Inside the opera house... sigh... if only Robin Askin had not been the slob he was, we would have had the opera hall the size it was originally meant to be..
Impossible (and not allowed) to take pics so no photos of the Pearl Fisher. but gee it was wonderful. Am still humming it.
I reckon the industrial look looks great....
Outside it was cool and overcast, but they have these funky gas heaters..
Then, with sunset, it was time to have dinner at .....
Wunderoos July
I kicked off with steak tartare, which I asked to be well done.....
Remember those packets of crisps you could buy all those years ago ?? Well that's what the potato was like...
Mr Rags had sweetbreads.. delicious.
Dessert was a most wonderful creme brulee. I think it was spoilt by granny smith sorbet and bits and pieces. So I ate them first so I could savour the creme brule
Mr Rags had his usual... cheese... there must have been a special on granny smiths...
And when we got outside again the scene had taken on a more romantic air.
Wunderoos July
Now.... even though there's no point in competing as Missy has already won so it is no longer a competition but rather a lets see how it turns out... so here are the ingredients.
These recipes will be in the 2012 Undies cookbook.
Pizza base. (Those are the scales I got on special at Myers last week)
Salmon pizza
Proscutto pizza. I forgot to include the mushrooms.
Fig, goats cheese and rosemary. Though the recipe calls for gorgonzola so I might use that instead of that goats cheese which cost an arm and a leg. From Meredith in Vic.
And here's a guessing competition for all you Undies...
Guess how much the figs were.
I am going to definitely take myself up to Daleys and get a fig tree.
And another dessert berry pizza.
Missy, notice I am doing my bit for the NZ economy
Wunderoos July
I shall be back to comment on your food iron later Rags, but first .......
tawnyfrog;1348250 wrote: Could you please think about that before you commit???
I did. It was a choice between "almost nude" and a deep ruby red. I went for the red :-)
Anyway, my lips have been dry and needed moisturizing ...
ronnie;1348309 wrote: Arh thanks Tawney for the soup xx lovely pic too
Great hat pic xxxx
Well felt better today so i am on track for tomorrow, managed a bit of housework today & that always make me feel better plus ive only needed to take one lot of pain killers
Hope you have a great nights sleep and no nicking my soup or hiding my straws xxx
Yay Ronnie!! I'm feeling quite a lot better today as well (despite having had to get up at 5am to fly to Auckland!!) so we are on track for tomorrowI shall wake up with my health and sense of humor back all in one piece and you can look forward to having your mojo back as well :l
Rags;1348501 wrote:
MISSY: You and Mr Missy are going through a hell of a time at the moment. Surely things have to look up soon for you. You are both in my thoughts.
However, I think it?s a bit much to win the NASA Achievement award without even having gone to Cape Kennedy.
I haven't been to the Kennedy Centre, but Mr B has been to the NASA Space Centre in Houston - does that count??! He has this fabulous tee-shirt that says on it "oh wait ... it really is rocket science" :H
We are doing fine Rags, now that we have a plan of action. It is the sitting round and feeling like a victim that does my head in. And I refuse to stick my head in the sand and wait until things are desperate before we take action to sort stuff out. At the end of the day, we are not going to be homeless, or suffering from malnutrition because we can't afford to eat properly or with constant health problems because we can't afford to keep warm. We remain thoroughly middle class with all the advantages that that brings.
Over the next two months we will sort out all the things that need to be done around the house, and put it on the market in September/October. The garden looks fabulous at that time of year, the outside has just been painted, and I actually going to get it re- carpeted (I found a company that has a deal with interest-free finance - so we can re-carpet and pay the costs from the house sale). That will at least pay off all our debts and my mortgage, and give us some money to put aside for our trip to New York for my nephew's wedding next year - I am determined to get there come hell or high water!! So we have a list of things that need to be done to make sure that the house looks fab when it goes on the market, and Mr B has been tasked with getting quite a lot of them done while he has some time on his hands. He has started getting onto them over the last couple of days, and I came home today to find that he had knocked quite a few little bits and pieces off the list and was in a much better mood for having done so.
Gratitude thinking rocks
Rags;1348514 wrote:
Missy, notice I am doing my bit for the NZ economyNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Wunderoos July
Miss Behaving;1348549 wrote: I shall be back to comment on your food iron later Rags, but first .......
I did. It was a choice between "almost nude" and a deep ruby red. I went for the red :-)
I tend to go understated... bright red just looks stupid on me. So does nail polish
I haven't been to the Kennedy Centre, but Mr B has been to the NASA Space Centre in Houston - does that count??! He has this fabulous tee-shirt that says on it "oh wait ... it really is rocket science" :H
Oh bugger... looks like you win that competition as well!!! :H
We are doing fine Rags, now that we have a plan of action. It is the sitting round and feeling like a victim that does my head in.
Over the next two months we will sort out all the things that need to be done around the house, and put it on the market in September/October. The garden looks fabulous at that time of year, the outside has just been painted, and I actually going to get it re- carpeted (I found a company that has a deal with interest-free finance - so we can re-carpet and pay the costs from the house sale). That will at least pay off all our debts and my mortgage, and give us some money to put aside for our trip to New York for my nephew's wedding next year - I am determined to get there come hell or high water!! So we have a list of things that need to be done to make sure that the house looks fab when it goes on the market, and Mr B has been tasked with getting quite a lot of them done while he has some time on his hands. He has started getting onto them over the last couple of days, and I came home today to find that he had knocked quite a few little bits and pieces off the list and was in a much better mood for having done so.
Wow, you have really got things well planned. Good idea about the carpet. I wouldn't have thought of doing that. I'm still thinking of you and sending good vibes...
Thank you Rags - but just how many pizzas are you making :H
Two tomorrow night
Speaking of plans, we bought my sister in law's getz (el cheapo and only 34,000 on it plus 5 door) as she is going to use her dad's car. My getz has about 250,000km on it and Mr Rags is now using it to drive to work instead of the 4wd. The Teddies are not happy that they have to switch to boring white from lambourghini yellow.
We are also keeping the 4wd as to buy a new one would be about $40,000 and we would get absolutely nothing if we tried to trade in the getz or 4wd as they are old and a bit beat up and have gazillions of kms on them, but still lots of life in them, so why not keep them.
We figure Mr Rags will save about $800 a year in petrol costs which will pay for the reg and a good bit of insurance, and we still have a 4wd for camping etc. Now we are a 3 car family.
Wunderoos July
Yay! Raggsey's back...nice piccies, how do you get your's that size? Love the food, scallops are my favourite. Could eat them now.
Missy I love the plan. I know what you mean about feeling helpless. Getting up and doing something about things brings you back the power to control where your going. You sound much more positive. :l plus feeling healthier must make it easier to think straight.
Wunderoos July
myhappyplace;1348572 wrote: Yay! Raggsey's back...nice piccies, how do you get your's that size? Love the food, scallops are my favourite. Could eat them now.
Missy I love the plan. I know what you mean about feeling helpless. Getting up and doing something about things brings you back the power to control where your going. You sound much more positive. :l plus feeling healthier must make it easier to think straight.
I open my picture in photoshop, then go to image, image size, and resize to 500 for small pics, 700 for medium and 800 for large ones. That way I'm only uploading 250 - 350 kb pics instead of 3-4 megabyte ones. It is a time consuming way to do it but I don't know any other way, other than when you are in photobucket you can go edit, resize and do it from there.
So, how much did the figs cost?. Each. Anyone want to hazard a guess?
Wunderoos July
Its taking me fo ever to get on the internet, have used up all my download, now on very slow speed, which is a bit of a pain... ah well be back on full speed friday..
Hi Happs hope you had a good day...
Great piccies Rags, some of that meals was real mouth watering..
Good you are feeling better Missy, you are sounding more positive..
and Hi to everyone else, hope you are all having a good evening..
am off for now, catch you all later
Wunderoos July
Supa Busy day here. Got home and pigged out on pesto pasta. YUM!
Rags, that food look divine. And I would like the salmon pizza please.
Hiya Lily, and all other peeps out there.
Booked into go to CHicks at the Flicks next Wednesday night. Greek dining and then to see Magic Mike. A movie about a male stripper. My mom and I are going and leaving hubs and Leon at home. I am looking forward to it.
Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington
Wunderoos July
Evening all.
Well what a busy little day
Missy, doesn't it feel better when you just make a decision and press on?
What Mr B does have is TIME. That's a resource.
Good to see everyone making it happen.
Pasta pesto....yum Sunny.....'s takeaway to investigate options....If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19