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Wunderoos July

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    Wunderoos July

    Here are Thursday nights pizzas...
    Prep for the salmon.... Leggos pizza base, some spinach leaves and mozzarella, which I then cooked

    When cooked, I added salmon, marscopone and roe, then cooked for about 4-6 minutes.

    And it turned out like this...

    And tasted pretty damned good. Note Mr Rags UGG slipper. And the bit of salmon on the carpet.

    Missy, the salmon one is the one to go for.


      Wunderoos July

      For dessert I put mascapone on the base then marinated figs raspberries and blueberries,

      then took to it with the King Island cream.

      These are the figs.. They are truly ruly delish.

      Wasn't until we'd eaten it that I rememberered that I'd forgotten to take a piccy, and forgotten to put passionfruit on top.
      Really though, the base just makes for added calories... as if I'm counting, and something to rest the whole lot on. Doing it with puff pastry is much nicer.

      Earlier I'd done the rounds of the shops for boots/shoes to give my foots and ankles lots of support. came up with these. I shall now become an ecentric by wearing them most of the time with whatever clothes I happen to be wearing.


        Wunderoos July

        Hi there Ficks. What a shame your Sinny trip was diminished with the lurgy.
        Where did you dine?


          Wunderoos July

          So is everything going to be OK with your eyes now?


            Wunderoos July

            Rags;1349809 wrote: Hi there Ficks. What a shame your Sinny trip was diminished with the lurgy.
            Where did you dine?
            Sorry not to have the required technology to post a pic.. had faboulous Japanese dinner (not reported well by critics as it is no longer owned or run by said Japanese) followed by amazing wonderful yumcha following day.. it was an awesome treat


              Wunderoos July

              Shhh...Undies...just briefly allowed the lappie back coz the little locust is syncing "my" music on "my" phone...far out...back when I'm allowed....speaking of geriatric mothers, I'm too old for this shit...
              luv yaz....Ficks get well and r.e.s.t. Raggsey I want a big bowl of king island cream and berries...might even tempt me with those figs...Missy, cats give the best cuddles....just saying...ok....out...


                Wunderoos July

                Evening all
                Not going to party tonight as hubbie has managed to put me in a real bad mood, thinks he can treat me like something he has stepped on and get away with it. He forgets that i am tottly sober these days and i will NOT put up with his spoilt bratt behavior anymore!! Sometimes i just want him out the house but i know he wont leave!
                Right rant overwith sorry but i just had to get it out
                I should be in a better mood in the morning, my gums are sooo sore at the moment and i just wish i could eat properly
                :dancin: enguin:
                starting over


                  Wunderoos July

                  Awwwww, Ronnie. Have a few :l:l:l s.

                  :hallo: Undies. Tried a passion fruit ice cream recipe from Taste yesterday. Turned out OK, buit not as good as I anticipated. It has cocnut milk in it, and I think it affected the tang of the fruit too much. Will modify for the next batch. It IS good enough for a 2nd attempt . Now if I was Froglet, I'd be making a pavlova with the egg whites I didn't need. But I'm not Froglet, and we all know that Missy makes the best meringue in any case
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Wunderoos July

                    Hey Ronster i'm here,
                    Good for you, hang on to your gums
                    Love you :l
                    Getting late.. so pm me if you want


                      Wunderoos July

                      Thanks tipps and fickle i just need my knight in shinning armour to wisk me and my boys away :H
                      I will be fine....i always am in the end xx
                      :dancin: enguin:
                      starting over


                        Wunderoos July

                        My chrome dome is shiny? Will that help??? :H:H:H

                        :hallo: Fickelicious
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Wunderoos July

                          Would you believe I just served up pasta?:H

                          Ronnie, that sounds a bit lousy. Especially when you're not feeling right on top of it.
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Wunderoos July

                            tiptronic_ct;1349858 wrote: My chrome dome is shiny? Will that help???
                            Doubt it. Really doubt it.

                            Ronnie - tell him he's being a doodyhead. Tell him I said so. Yep, that'll work.

                            I'm one hour past Earth Hour, Undies. Playin' with the grown ups but ... enough is enough. It's hori for me.

                            Bridge - I have it on good authority that Missy's stitched up the pasta gig ...


                              Wunderoos July

                              Thats proberbly half the problem bridget i am letting him get to me where as i usually ignore it and get on with my life
                              I will be ok once i get back to work xxx
                              :dancin: enguin:
                              starting over


                                Wunderoos July

                                Hang in there Ronnie we're here for you.
                                Hi Tips bridge! F this Phone thing too hard:new:

