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Wunderoos July

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    Wunderoos July

    :H nice assets...


      Wunderoos July

      Hiya drawer dwellers. Happy Friday all, even though it feels a bit Saturday to me because hubs stayed home do to unknown illness. He thinks it might have been the Nepalese food from his birthday dinner. Anyways we are headed out to another dinner tonight, Japanese this time.
      Cafe Fresh Lounge Bar and Shinsen Restaurant - Kirra Beach QLD
      It's across from the beach, and we're meeting some friends.

      Nicey your vacation sounds lovely.
      Reg, my dogs have been extra naughty since Leon came along. I know the pretend I did nothing wrong look well.
      Hiya Corri, hope you are doing well.
      Gster, you might have to give Leon music lessons one day. He loves his tunes. Especially his Bob Marley lullaby cd.
      Asp, congrats on all your AF free days adding up.
      Hiya Techie, hope the bike ride was good.
      Frog, Haps, Bridge, Rags, MB, Ronnie, Lily, and all else, you're all loved!

      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


        Wunderoos July

        Evening all..Sunny I love Leon's latest pic..he is such a bright little man...
        I've heard from lovely Lilly today, she just wanted to let us know her sister passed away, so she'll take a little break from posting. Thats all. So sending some of that light to a few Undies now...


          Wunderoos July

          Oh Lilly, I'm so sorry for you.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Wunderoos July

            Having a very odd night here.
            Receiving calls from folk I haven't heard from for approx. 100 years+
            I'd actually rather be cooking/eating my cabonnade in peace, but there you have it.
            Where are you all?
            Have you wet your pants, and now you're embarrassed? Are you looking at risque magazines hidden in your wardrobe?
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Wunderoos July

              Bridge!!!!! Do you have web cam in my bedroom/wardrobe?????

              You know what??? I'm pretty certain that I'm one of those fly strip sticky paper things for weirdos. Fair dinkum, it must be almost a full moon.

              Biggest hugs to Cori today. Sorry for her loss and I hope that all goes as well as it possibly can.

              My grandson just asked what I was doing and I said "i'm writing a story about you". He replied "oh, about how much you love me?" Soooo sweet - mostly......

              So, I'm home and unpacked. Family came for dinner, and now I want them all to depart so I can get into my pjs and climb into the sack!

              See you all tomorrow and you gotta know I throb each and every one of you!!!

              As ever, Nicey.
              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
              Mother Theresa


                Wunderoos July

                nicelife;1355540 wrote: Bridge!!!!! Do you have web cam in my bedroom/wardrobe?????
                Yes, I do hun. Wave:welcome:
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Wunderoos July

                  Reggie;1355541 wrote: No wet pants here ..sorry another Olive story ..I just got home again pissing down rain in OLE Melboure town after being on a three day "Leadership" course for work .... trudging around a soggy back yard doing a Olive poo hunt pick up ...not pretty but thought I had scooped up most of the refuse ..only to be told while cooking dinner by my dear daughter .."Daddy something smells did you step in Olives poo" No I picked it all up only to see the cavens between my boots full with her stinky shit ...I am really at a loose end arms ..are entering my non violent being ..O well I ll keep posting music in the lounge to defeat these thoughts..Hope you are all having a lovely evening ..promise no more OLIVE r4eports toooo depressing sorry Gang

                  Tawny you were right its as if she drop one very strategically .." new word repeated ad infinitum at the leadership course" right where I was going to plant my shoe !!. to quote Kamal "why is life so unkind"?
                  We have got soooooo much in common. I've done those dopey leadership courses ad infinitum......AND I've trodden in multiple dog shites
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Wunderoos July

                    Speaking of treading in it....had locusts tutor doing his stuff with locust....I hear Happs, Happs, help...and its Mr Happs....trod in cat poop - Maysi cant seem to make that tray...and Mr H had an armful of washing and didnt see it....and we were trying to be civilised and not swear...and the smell....what is that cat eating??...and then we got the giggles....and it wasnt pretty....

                    Watching Curtis and Ben on the Kimberlies....


                      Wunderoos July

                      Reggie;1355547 wrote: Thank so much Brdigee helps so much to know you are not horribly alone :l
                      How about those 'consultant trainers' who like to do 'ice breaking' exercises when most of the folk in the room have worked together for 10 years and DESPISE one another......great look.....
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Wunderoos July

                        myhappyplace;1355548 wrote: Speaking of treading in it....had locusts tutor doing his stuff with locust....I hear Happs, Happs, help...and its Mr Happs....trod in cat poop - Maysi cant seem to make that tray...and Mr H had an armful of washing and didnt see it....and we were trying to be civilised and not swear...and the smell....what is that cat eating??...and then we got the giggles....and it wasnt pretty....

                        Watching Curtis and Ben on the Kimberlies....
                        I don't know what to watch any more. I am an MC orphan. :upset:
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Wunderoos July

                          byebyebridgetjones;1355551 wrote: I don't know what to watch any more. I am an MC orphan. :upset:
                          I've turned into a channel surfing tart...


                            Wunderoos July

                            Reggie;1355555 wrote: :H:H:H

                            Ok last OLive story ..i Know breaking my promise...When my little daughter ( Take note Sunny in leons future interests) she was about 2 and was still pooing in a nappy ..we tried so hard to entice her to go to the dunny and do it there...a work college said he had the same problem ..and suggested ...just let her walk around without a nappy and point her to the toilet when she has that "Poo grimace expression on her face" OK ...I thought so she was wobbling around in the back yard on a hot summers arvo without a nappy and dropped a chiko bar near the clothes line ..before I could pick it up ..Olive homed in!!!!! and vacuumed cleaned it right up ...I began dry reaching which made daughter cry and needless be confused ...unfortunately such a spontaneously incident added another couple of months before she was comfortable to send a fax to Werribe poo farm on the porcelain Telephone ...again " why is life so unkind"?
                            :H:H tears are streaming Reg....ffs...funny...


                              Wunderoos July

                              Please Dog let us not get into the poo know my background, correct???
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Wunderoos July

                                Reggie;1355557 wrote: :H:H:H

                                Yep we did the tennis ball throwing and naming person exercise!!!!!! I over armed at my turn..... and hit the poor girl in the head and to add to her humiliation I said her name was Amanda when it was actually Lisa...DOH:upset:
                                Who was the 90's star who organised that one? I hope you branded the trainer with said tennis ball for that one. Jesus.
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

