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Notes On An Unhurried Journey....

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    Notes On An Unhurried Journey....

    I received this in amongst some notes from school and it really hit home how great it would be if we, as adults, would allow children just to be ..........

    (Obviously I am back from my few days in Sydney! Had a great time but missed the children very much, hence the renewed feeling of sentiment methinks!)

    Notes On An Unhurried Journey

    When we adults think of children, there is a simple truth which we ignore,
    Childhood is not preparation for life: CHILDHOOD IS LIFE
    A child is constantly confronted with the nagging question
    What are you going to be?
    Courageous would be the youngster who, looking the adult squarely in the face,
    would say,
    I'm not going to be anything, I ALREADY AM.
    We adults would be shocked by such an insolent remark, for we have forgotten, if indeed,
    we ever knew, that a child is already a participating and contributing member of society from the time he or she is born.
    Childhood isn't a time when he or she is moulded into a human being who lives life,
    He or she is a human being who is living life.
    No child will miss the zest and joy of living unless these are denied him or her by adults who have
    convinced themselves that childhood is a period of preparation.
    How much heartache would we save ourselves if we would recognise the child as a
    Partner with adults in the process of living, rather than always viewing him or her as an apprentice.
    How much would we teach each other.
    Adults with the experience and children with their freshness.
    How full both our lives could be.
    A little child may not lead us, but at least we ought to discuss the trip with him or her.
    For, after all, LIFE IS HIS AND HER JOURNEY TOO.

    - Professor T Ripaldi

    Notes On An Unhurried Journey....

    Isn't that the truth! We try to rush our children into growing up.

    Unhurried.... I am smelling something a bit on the foul side and I am unhurried to go and change her! :H Just kidding. I must go and change her. Peeeeee EWE!


      Notes On An Unhurried Journey....

      Awwwww cute! :yuk:

      Glad mine are past that stage - in a non-hurrying kind of way, of course.


        Notes On An Unhurried Journey....

        I teach my children and my children teach me...
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Notes On An Unhurried Journey....

          my children never fail to surprise me every single day. I have learnt more about myself and about appreciating the simpiler things in life since i've had my three beautiful children. I think i have more patience now also, though some people would argue that point.
          Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


            Notes On An Unhurried Journey....

            Thanks for posting that Bluebell.

            I think that we need to "grow" our children with love and patience, not mold them. If they are to grow into the adults they are meant to be, we must honor their liveliness, allow them to teach us, respect their individuality, and ENJOY the heck out of them.

            If we show them respect, we will EARN their respect.

            Yes, a bit of a lecture, I know, but I have very strong feelings about this. For the most part, I have really enjoyed watching my daughter grow up, and I think that she knows this. I actually have the reward of the fact that she DOES listen to me or seek my advice occasionally, too. (Yay!) She is also quick to let me know when I have overstepped my bounds. LOL.

            PS: I don't feel this way every day, however.....sometimes, I still want to pull my hair out with a 17-year-old!
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Notes On An Unhurried Journey....

              Thanks Bluebell,
              My guys are older, wish I had read this when they were younger. Of course, respect goes throughout life and it's so true, you get what you give. I'm sending this to a good friend of mine who just had a baby.

              Thanks for words to think about!
              Colorado Chick!
              Your support means the world to me...:h


                Notes On An Unhurried Journey....

                That brought tears to my eyes.....
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Notes On An Unhurried Journey....

                  I think that we need to "grow" our children with love and patience, not mold them. If they are to grow into the adults they are meant to be, we must honor their liveliness, allow them to teach us, respect their individuality, and ENJOY the heck out of them.

                  If we show them respect, we will EARN their respect.
                  YoungAtHeart .....Absolutely and here here!

                  Denise, if we knew then what we know now...........

                  this would be a great thing to pass on to a new mother.

                  Lush... me too.

