This is Macks...Not Mrs Macks...I forgot to log in as myself...And now i dont know how to delete a thread...Oh well...i suppose i can have a sex change for this one post....( SORRY )
I tried this for the first time last night.( Non alcaholic beer..not sex change ) I know some of the ladies have tried alcahol free wine.
I used to love having a drink while i was cooking...The two seemed to go hand in hand. I was looking in the supermarket for a different drink to coca cola. And found a non alcaholic beer called cobra..I wasnt expecting it to be much good..I do like the taste of beer, and this one tasted no different..I'm not saying i'm gonna buy it every night to replace the real beer i was drinking, but on the odd occasion i think this could be a massive help to me...The ritual of the walk to the fridge and popping the cap off a cold beer was fulfilled
The strangest thing was after a couple of bottles i actually felt a bit tipsy...WEIRD...I think it goes to show how psycological it is.
The other weird thing was it made Lisa feel uncomfortable seeing me with a beer in my hand..
I was just wondering if anyone else had similar experiances with this?