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One Step at a Time - July 2012

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    One Step at a Time - July 2012

    This Sunni?? I am here - it is my day off today and I have been busy. so sorry you have been down Nora - I know exactly how you feel!! On a positive note, my oncology appt yesterday came back with an all clear.....

    I am fed up again with the heat here - temps in the 100's. Not that it seems to take much to make me fed up these days - sorry - no more whingeing!! I have just made a batch of my favourite raspberry cream cheese cupcakes - just waiting for them to cool so I can put the cream cheese frosting on them - YUM !!

    Jan - sorry that the withdrawal is getting you down too - are you going to stay off it? I am going to ask my doc if we can try a two month thing on the 40mg of celexa and then do an EKG and if that is good, go from there......

    The dogs have been really going to town helping themselves to the tomatoes from the tomato plants - we tried a fence round them but there are so many ways they can get into them and by-pass the fence. Katie went trotting past me this morning with a Roma tomato in her mouth! Little monkey!

    Hi there ATL - nice to see you here too - so sorry about your mum - let us know what the next move is okay? Amazing that someone who doesn't drink gets a liver condition eh?

    Cindi - good to see you - sorry you are having trouble with the site - maybe someone will end up getting back to you eventually - they probably have full time jobs - not making excuses and hope you hear soon.... :l:l

    love and hugs to all,

    love, sun XXX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      One Step at a Time - July 2012

      I am good...just brain fog
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        One Step at a Time - July 2012

        Hi everyone!!! xxxxx Sunshine*** I bake when I need a lift too (Banana Muffins usually) I would love the recipe for your raspberry cream cheese cup cakes xxxx post it on the recipe corner!!!! pleeeeease x our tomatoes in the uk are still little green marbles xxxx Mamma hope the fog clears soon xxxx love to everyone x


          One Step at a Time - July 2012

          Sun-- apparently they do not know what causes the condition at all but it is not at all related to booze. Our relationship is very tense so it is difficult-- and I am sorry to say that it may just get more more difficult. But I am trying to make things as good as I can. I have been disappointed to hear of your troubles with your antidepressants-- hope they can get you squared away very soon. I really feel very sluggish-- would love a bit of exercise but probably not a good idea with a fever. Think I will barbecue some chicken and make some corn on the cob for supper


            One Step at a Time - July 2012

            Hello Friends,
            Even though people on this thread have their problems, my take-away is always a feeling of optimism.

            Cinders, glad you are doing OK.

            SunnyDaisies, my former dog ate many fruits and veggies, but I think not tomatoes. She probably never had a Sun Gold, they taste as sweet as candy. Baby carrots were her favorite. Our current dog I think prefers her dog food over fruits and veggies.

            Paula, you and I should have a celebration this weekend, I am just two AF days behind you.

            The thought of drinking some wine tonight crossed my mind several times today, but never got a real foothold. I just can't let myself down AGAIN.
            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


              One Step at a Time - July 2012

              Hello everyone. I had to take my nephew to Urgent Care this evening. Ear infection. Too much swimming. Finally home & exhausted. No swimming for him for 7 days. Poor kid.

              Sunbeam - you are right about the take away being a feel of optimism. That is why I need to stay connected here.

              Angie - banana muffins sound GREAT!!! YUMMY!!! Have you posted your recipe?

              ATL - You are right that you shouldn't exercise with a fever. Great job on being 20 pounds from your goal. That is fantastic! I have been giving myself a stern talking to that I need to start exercising. I feel so much better when I do.

              Sunni - I am so happy that you got a wonderful report from your oncology. :l I am taking Lexapro which is a cousin to celexa. Have you tried that?

              Mama - I am so very happy for you. You sound wonderful. So much in control of things. :h I started to call you tonight but it was way too late your time.

              Paula - I'm so happy for you too. You are sounding great. We are going to have a celebration for you & Sunbeam. You both are fantastic!

              Don't remember what I've said and too lazy to go back & read. They recovered Casey's car but the insurance had already gone thru. :upset: Can't get the car back. So, we are looking for a car. Kiddos will be going home in a week and a half. Love them with all my heart but ready for some down time. :H
              My doggie loves the cucumbers. Have to keep her out of them. Don't remember her eating the tomatoes.

              Thanks Steppers for everything. You are keeping me going.........One Step at a Time :h
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                One Step at a Time - July 2012

                Morning loves
                Mama went to bed EARLY last night!!
                Sunni...congrats on the oncology reports. I am sorry I did not mention that earlier
                My old dog loved carrot, too!! Actually he would eat anything our per rabbit ate....sounds jealous to me!
                Katie is such a sweet little furry handful!
                Nora - I am strong on the AL front. (for now) So much destruction and unhappiness is caused. Is Casey on the right track these days?
                Sunbeam - good for wine!
                ATL- how long have you had the strep? My son had it a few weeks ago but he is fine now. I am dragging him to work with me today to pull out some old fenceposts. Needless to say, he is thrilled.
                Paula and Sunbeam get a party?? YAY!!
       to work....will pop in and out through out the day
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  One Step at a Time - July 2012

                  Hi everybody, the weather here is still miserable, wouldn't mind swapping with you for a while Sun. My daughter and her family have gone away for a few days, to a holiday camp, they are enjoying themselves in spite of the weather. Looking forward to 30 days Sunbeam. Feeling more optimistic this time around, I really am just taking it odat, and it seems to work. I am working fri/sat this week, and going out to lunch on sunday. I would have been dreading this a few months ago, but feel quite relaxed about it now, I'm not willing to worry about things and risk this feeling of peace and relaxation that I have managed to achieve. I know that I will not always feel like this, but I do know that alcohol does not make my life any better. Over these past days I have read a lot on these boards, and the overwhelming opinion is that al, ruins our lives, if we are problem drinkers. It's ok for people who can drink sensibly and know when they have had enough, but that's not me. Glad your back on track, Mama, hope you are well rested Nora, so pleased you got the all clear Sun. Keep strong Atl. Thanks to you all for all your non judgmental support, it has helped me to get where I am today.


                    One Step at a Time - July 2012

                    Morning Steppers,

                    It is good to be able to get back onto MWO. Whew!!

                    Many thanks to all who pm'd me. I do appreciate the care. Very much.

                    (((Paula))), you sound wonderful.

                    Not much to report from my quarters. ODAT is the only way I can go, for now.

                    I love all the honesty and thoughtful posts here. It always helps to see how others manage to get through challenges as well as what causes others to trip up. I learn so much from all of you.

                    Hope all have a great sober day. :-)

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      One Step at a Time - July 2012

                      Great to see you back Cindi. ODAT is the only way for me.


                        One Step at a Time - July 2012

                        So good to see the REAL Cindi!!
                        Paula - your post sounds very serene.....just lovely!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          One Step at a Time - July 2012

                          MB--I have probably had the strep a long long time and did not know it-- that is the scary part-- as I did not get checked-- just kept saying that I was rundown and it was "nothing" then I was on a couple of antibiotics before they got the big guns on it-- I bet I have had it 6 weeks or more. Luke and I are about to go to the library then I am going to watch him swim with his little cronies. I agree with you Paula-- one day at a time is all we can do and really-- it is a good way to approach life--I don't drink now but I am so OCD about everything and I swear I plan myself into the ground--if I don't step back and breathe! Have a good one.


                            One Step at a Time - July 2012

                            do a belly flop for me!
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              One Step at a Time - July 2012

                              Hi Steppers! How great that everyone is sounding so positive with AF. :goodjob:

                              Don't remember if I told you that they found Casey's car. We had already settled with the insurance company and we couldn't get the car back though. :upset: So, we are planning on driving out to the tow yard to get personal items out of the car this afternoon.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                One Step at a Time - July 2012

                       mentioned they found it...any idea what happened???
                                was the pay out a fair amount??
                                For once, insurance may be worth it, huh??
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

