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Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

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    Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

    I started lurking here around this time last year; I started posting several months later. In that year I have stopped-started-stopped-started - never even making it to 30 days. My tendency is to go two to three weeks then 'slip' right into a binge. In all that time, while I've had a growing understanding of alcoholism and also how much better I actually feel when I don't drink, I haven't been able to really, truly, deep down commit to being totally and permanently alcohol free. "Breaks" have felt achievable but not drinking, ever? A step too far. Until now.

    This month, I went 17 days AF, then 'slipped' - a great euphemism for careening into a murderous black hole. While I suffered the consequences afterwards mentally and physically, that night was dangerous as it felt really fun at the time. But still, I came back right away and 'quit' again - actually progress as previous slips have led to a binge drinking bouts - and went another two weeks AF. Then, last night, I had a 'slip' that was not fun at all. It was sheer alcoholic craziness and it took me to that awful dark, empty, lonely, self loathing pit of misery that brings so many of us here.

    As much as I've read in the last year - here, other websites, and around a dozen books on alcoholism and addiction - my mind still boggles at the sheer mind-bending insanity of this disease. On Saturday I felt TERRIFIC and so solid in my sobriety I went to a bar and didn't drink and had a great night. I did, however, have a sip of a cocktail - just to taste. Didn't think much of it. Didn't feel it 'counted'. I was just 'tasting' a drink I'd never heard of before. (I am a food and wine writer after all - hell it's practically research.) I wonder how much of a role that - and the triggers of being in a bar - played the following night.

    Last night, a friend came over for dinner and brought a bottle of wine - for her, she's done that before and I've not drunk and it's been totally fine. I encourage it in fact as I really don't want my friends to feel that they can't drink at my house because I'm not. I had NO plans on having any. None. No fear I would either. Even when I'm drinking I don't drink red wine anymore. I love it but it makes me allergic in an unpleasant hay fever way.

    But, somehow, over the course of dinner and seeing it sitting there on the table, I decided to have 'just one or two'. Fast forward to me probably drinking more than my share of the bottle - I was very aware how fast I was guzzling it once I started and how slowly she was drinking in comparison - and, and I'm so ashamed to admit this as I adore this friend and I had made us a lovely dinner - but I really just wanted her to leave so I could get more to drink alone. But by the time she left, Sunday night, the local bottleo was closed. I went to the seedy scary pub nearby that I never go to - because it's seedy and scary! - and begged
    the closing up bartender to sell me a bottle. (Humiliation thy name is alcoholism.) No dice. I got in a TAXI and went and got one elsewhere. Drank it all and clearly vomited at some stage. Don't remember that at all but when I woke up there was red-wined stained vomit on my white bathroom wall across from the toilet. I can hardly even quite work out how this happened except I must have projectile vomited while sitting on the toilet.

    I am posting this shameful, gut-wrenching stuff publicly not to gross you all out but because I want to be able to look back on how I felt today - and what last night honestly was - should I ever start listening to those euphoric recall crazy voices about 'just one' (or 'just a sip' even, apparently) and because I seriously hope to *&^% this is my last ever Day One.

    When I compare how I felt Saturday with how I feel today any other choice seems like complete madness. It is NOT worth it. It is doing NOTHING good for me except occasionally a fleeting sense of 'fun' and far, far more and ever-increasing misery. Every time I stop the subsequent drinking is worse - the cravings are heightened; my drinking is faster; the aftereffects are worse; the blackouts more common. Or, in other words, textbook progression of alcoholism. It's time to stop kidding myself on any level.

    I also want to remind myself how good the last month has been without booze. I have lost 2 kilos (4.4 pounds). I have been eating really well and sleeping well. I have been exercising a lot. I have read six books. I have gotten more work accomplished. I have had lovely sober nights out with friends - even friends who were drinking. I have felt calmer, happier, clearer, more focused, more productive, more content. I felt the inklings of my self esteem and pride returning. I started Boot Camp in the Nest and have felt like a proud mother hen watching other Nesties join up. My depression lifted. My anxiety eased. My insomnia vanished. I slept long, hard and deep. I felt at peace.

    I want all that. I do not want the misery of alcohol. I am done. Please dear lord (says this atheist) please let me find the strength, wisdom and support to really be done.

    Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

    Well, hells bells.....those positive effects of not drinking must be wayyyyy better than the positive effects of drinking right? And those positive effects of drinking were.............

    Oh yeah, thats right....there ARE none. You should be very proud of what you have been able to do, like you said, keep using those good/positive feelings you have to stay on course.

    I can almost hear the conviction you have, and thats what it takes to win this battle
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

      Damn. Straight.

      Thank you Nelz.


        Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

        G'day Lilly,

        Your observations are absolutely spot on, and they resonate with me totally, as they will for many of us here. The wanting the guest to leave on a sunday evening after getting the taste, and stressing 'cause as each minute ticks by, you know another bottle shop option closes. (I can laugh at that now, but sure wasn't funny then). The taxi ride all over town just to get our fix....etc, etc....

        Your last couple of paragraphs say it all. We don't need booze to have a good time, or to enhance a situation. It is all lies. It is a myth, and is not real. I agree that problem drinking/alcoholism/addiction does get progressively worse, and it is a slow suicide, for me at least. We are just existing and not really living. I never used to cheer up until the next drink which would 'stabilise' my body chemistry by giving my damaged system the alcohol that i'd trained it to survive on. So, my days and nights for years were either hungover, or pissed, so i never had a grip on reality much at all. I used to think magic surrounded me, and sometimes it did, but mostly it was an illusion. What a waste of precious time.

        We can and do learn to live sober, and there is so much living to do. I now believe it's an absolute crime to disrespect my mind, body and soul by numbing away my time getting smashed.

        You could maybe print out your brilliant post and keep it somewhere.

        Kick some arse mate!

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

          And a year well that must feel AMAZING. Congratulations! I want what you got


            Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

            Guitarista;1344582 wrote: G'day Lilly,

            Your observations are absolutely spot on, and they resonate with me totally, as they will for many of us here. The wanting the guest to leave on a sunday evening after getting the taste, and stressing 'cause as each minute ticks by, you know another bottle shop option closes. (I can laugh at that now, but sure wasn't funny then). The taxi ride all over town just to get our fix....etc, etc....

            Your last couple of paragraphs say it all. We don't need booze to have a good time, or to enhance a situation. It is all lies. It is a myth, and is not real. I agree that problem drinking/alcoholism/addiction does get progressively worse, and it is a slow suicide, for me at least. We are just existing and not really living. I never used to cheer up until the next drink which would 'stabilise' my body chemistry by giving my damaged system the alcohol that i'd trained it to survive on. So, my days and nights for years were either hungover, or pissed, so i never had a grip on reality much at all. I used to think magic surrounded me, and sometimes it did, but mostly it was an illusion. What a waste of precious time.

            We can and do learn to live sober, and there is so much living to do. I now believe it's an absolute crime to disrespect my mind, body and soul by numbing away my time getting smashed.

            You could maybe print out your brilliant post and keep it somewhere.

            Kick some arse mate!
            Thanks G, that means a lot. Your posts here have always been really inspiring to me and have been among those that have really helped me get to this place.

            It has taken me a long time to see that the progression is really happening - I think because I stayed at the same level of drinking, more or less, for so long. Even that level was excessive and unhealthy but it was "manageable" ? enough? for me to stay in my denial. Looking back now, I am shocked every day at another way I realize alcohol has fucked up something or other in my life and gobsmacked I was so in denial for so long about it.

            You know what, I am GLAD it got worse for me. And even more glad it did before I truly hit rock bottom. Because otherwise I would have slowly kept killing myself and not even known just how much better life could be.

            On Saturday, I happened to be in my old neighborhood walking by this market I used to go to almost every Saturday morning. I remembered how miserable and lonely I felt so often when I was there - empty and defeated. Which is weird, because overall I have a good life, lots of friends and interesting work. It was another lightbulb moment: it was JUST the alcohol causing that. Saturday morning = hungover from Friday night. I just thought - what a waste. What a waste of all that time I could have been really living and thriving not, as you quite rightly say, half existing.

            No more. I am indeed going to kick some arse I am determined to beat the bastard and live a better life and hopefully help others find their way out of the hole while I'm at it.

            Printing the post is a great idea. I will add it to my AF inspiration journal.


              Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

              Go well Lilly.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

                Hi LillyE...we have been mirror images of one another over the past couple of months. I also went 17 days and got too comfortable with my new AF self and thought I could have just a couple....WRONG! A couple turns into waking up hungover...not knowing what I did the night before....what the hell did I watch on TV....what did I make for the hell did I manage to get into bed.....ugh...a vicious cycle. I feel so good today!!! I love the way I feel when I am to be able to plan my day according to what I want to do and not when I am getting my next drink. There will be rough times for sure on this journey...but we have to reflect and look back at how we feel now. Lets help eachother out of this lonely hole and back to reality! Stay strong today!
                AB Club Member
                AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                  Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

                  Thanks Dest. I'm so happy to have you in the Nest with me and we CAN do this. 30 days and beyond. I hope Byrdie has some extra party hats on order

                  It is hard but it is a journey and we are winning every time we gain new self-awareness into how to fight this bastard Al. As you said, fuck you Al indeed!


                    Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

                    Good Morning my Dear Lilly et al,

                    For what it's worth Lillly, last night after my husband left the twins to go camping I just couldn't BELiEVE how much I wanted a drink and it's all the things you just said: I was so glad to have the time away, some peace , less stress, so WTF was happening?
                    But I didnt care; The pull was impossible. It was one one of those low level ' wouldnt it be nice to drink now' Waves...'

                    Then I hear some story about Amy Winehouse and her untimely demise and the interviewer asks "she was doing so well, why would she ever go back to alcohol? " And that really pissed me off. I got a REAL sense of Us vs Them after hearing one of the worlds dumbest questions.

                    So i am out and about with Matt, having a nice time but getting more and more...uncomfortable- only adjective i have so i bought my favotite mixer and I know I still have Rum in the house so I am ready to go have my ' just one'
                    And then I get on MWO for a minute just to see if maybe something on here can make that Tractor Beam let go of me (sorry GDog, too much Voyager) and I read Your Story...

                    Well, that bean was instantly disengaged and I felt nothing but extreme concern for you and wished that I get over to wherever you are and hug you :l- mushy but true because I am not one of Them I am one of Us and " I got it instantly" - having 400 glasses of wine one nite a friends party and my son saying he wanted to go home and my ignoring him because I was looking desperately for the bottle opener to open that bottle of beer I found in the fridge because all the wine was suddenly gone - kind of getting it instantly ...

                    So I know you feel crappy today and I am so sorry but you are still the Go to Boot Camp Gal because I know that if it weren't for your post, your honesty I would not have made it one more hour , let alone last night. So for what it's worth Dear Lilly , Thank you...and I know Matt would thank you too..

                    Oh and guess what. I' m on Day fricken 16 today.

                    Calm & Hugs,
                    :h :l
                    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
           tool box
           newbie nest


                      Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

                      I want to welcome you to the community and I will read and give you a proper response when I have a chance....
                      at work now, so no time
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

                        Lilly, great post, thank you for posting that. You didn't gross me out by posting that, I admire you for it. It takes guts to post some of that stuff. I think you have to be "done" with a level of self deception to be able to post that stuff, and I am very happy for you. Please go forth like a rocket into your new life! I second the idea about printing it out and posting it. I have a letter that I wrote to myself at my emotional rock bottom and I read it from time to time. When I wrote it, I was crying tears of misery. I can almost cry any day now when I think about it, but the feeling is very different, like finding yourself back onto a road that you know after being lost in the woods after dark, relief and not anguish. Your post brings alot of that stuff up for me, and I know that I need to constantly remember it. Thank you!
                        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                        AF 11/12/11


                          Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

                          Hi Lilly - you wrote about me!!
                          I was doing so well at the beginning of the year, then the start and stop thing, with more starting and less stopping.
                          I hate feeling so good - for all the reasons you mentioned (feeling good that is) and then ruining it.
                          So here I am again on yet another Monday, wanting that great, well being feeling.
                          I still struggle with the "forever" and know that as I write this, I still struggle with wanting to be able to drink occassionally - and goodness knows I have proven to myself that that is just not possible for me - why do I have to want what I can't have???
                          So, I am posting again in the hope I can find my sanity, and enjoy the good feelings, without the regrets.
                          July 2nd hopefully will be the start of my new life.....
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

                            Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?

                            I'm in the first camp and it's amazing. I've had some little struggles lately but they are NOTHING in comparison to the hell I put myself through for years. I am free - almost 9 months AF and just want to let you know it can be done, and YOU can do it!!

                            Keep going. Dig deep and be strong and ask for help.



                              Finally, after a year here, I am ready…

                     back again too Lilly. First day of kids summer hols here and I KNOW FULL WELL, if I dont stop now im going to ruin the summer with drink and I will pile on the pounds and hate myself and feel totally shit about myself. Im not allowing that to happen, I swear. Over the last month since I finished my degree ive been on a high and boozing more and ive put on 3 lbs and im not happy. So can I join with you to beat this shit this summer?

