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Army thread Tuesday 3 July

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    Army thread Tuesday 3 July

    JackieClaire;1345132 wrote: Yooooo hoooooooooo Nelz,

    I'm orff up to the chemist in a min to get me antibiotics.

    Do you know the NHS did me proud today.

    Welllllllll hellllllllllllllllllllo JC! How YOU doin?
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      Army thread Tuesday 3 July

      Hello Troopers!!

      What Zenners said about the smokes. Jackie, especially since you've got surgery, you really need to cut down or stop the smoking completely. Anesthesia and tar-filled lungs are not a good combination. Time to take a serious think about it and see where this will lead to if you don't kick the smokes in the butt. (pun intended but a serious one)

      Hope the antibiotics take care of the infection quickly. :huggy

      :wavin: to all of you. Off to iron some curtains.....:upset:

      Will answer the PM's later.
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Army thread Tuesday 3 July

        Back from the run--I think something big is going to happen but not sure what?

        Good news JC on the operation date.
        Bad news on the chest infection It is not your first is it? I gave up smoking very reluctantly it was not easy but so rewarding. I love not having to depend on the cigs,smelling cleaner, never having a cough and being able to run for 26.2 miles:H

        Jackie as a nursie person I know it is so much easier to recover from anaesthetic/surgery for a non smoker. You have a bit of time now so how about it??

        Thanks you lot for your encouragement. I do think sometimes it is 6 of one and half a dozen of the other.
        At the moment I am feeling angry and disgruntled and now Alcohol is the last thing that would help


          Army thread Tuesday 3 July

          Zenstyle;1345141 wrote: Mmm... effectively shut the thread down with that one! :H
          You'll have to try harder I guess..............:H

          Im with ya on the ciggy's wish to all that is Holy that they would have never been invented. Wifey is on the trying to quit roller coaster again.

          Wish me luck....Im goin in, if you dont hear from me in a while, call the authorities
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            Army thread Tuesday 3 July

            Zenstyle;1345151 wrote: Aye well... the same with the booze. Corrupt people making a dime at our expense. Feeding off addicts. I could go on but it would be really boring.

            Where are you "going in"? Don't disappear before I get a ride on that ninja bike! :H
            You sure about that Zenny? Id hate to send you back home looking like this:

            LMAO Attached files [img]/converted_files/1894329=6894-attachment.jpg[/img]
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Army thread Tuesday 3 July

              Cookie monster....

              I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

              They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                Army thread Tuesday 3 July

                Zenstyle;1345156 wrote: :H:H:H

                My ex husband never owned a car. He had a stable of bikes. I think I'll come out OK without the wind tunnel look!!! :H

                Is that from Red Dwarf?
                Spies Like Us Dan Akroyd, Chevy Chase 80's movie......pretty good movie Dont know if its on Netflix or not
                Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                  Army thread Tuesday 3 July

                  [Whizzy - I agree with Zen - it's ok to be angry - just don't lose the high moral ground by going off on one and saying things that you will regret - my constant downfall - bottle it all up and then BILE pours out - again just my opinion:l
                  Hey to all else - really must get to work now - luv youse all
                  Dead right you two--I am going in for the kill again. Wish me luck


                    Army thread Tuesday 3 July

                    ZEN what you up to now :H:H

                    Hope it goes well Mrs A and Nelz take it theres no star if the offering
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                      Army thread Tuesday 3 July

                      Do not worry World War 3 not happening. Got to be OK as number 2 grandson is having his birthday party in an hour.


                        Army thread Tuesday 3 July

                        cold wet and damn right miserable here
                        dear rain please sod off
                        thank you from P3

                        ps I wouldn't shoot my kids, just lock them away for a week while I went to Florida... with some food and a TV of course...
                        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                          Army thread Tuesday 3 July

                          Zenstyle;1345137 wrote: So that's why me wee antennae were going orf.

                          OK... I'm going to make myself DEAD unpopular. Here we go!!!

                          Jacks, Tipps, Mollers, Cindi and all the rest of you smokers... it is time to quit. It is time to stop with the twaks. There is nothing worse than a reformed smoker and I will bang on this drum now. Jacks has a URI and it is ALL because of smoking. I could really mess her up and talk to Peter! But instead.... just a wee plea from moi... can yous please try to stop? It killed my dad... at 47 years old... and what is the friggen point in getting sober if yous don't quit the twaks?

                          Answers on a postcard. If you can't answer then just please stop.

                          Thanks in advance...
                          Have to agree with Zennerooney on the 'smokes' girls ! Best thing I ever did was give the feckers up


                            Army thread Tuesday 3 July

                            Zenstyle;1345191 wrote: Just bring 'em! Aunty Zen has a big bed and the nieces and nephews all pile in. Nowt I haven't seen before...

                            So when you coming? Need to stock up on food supplies!

                            feckin so pissed off wth this napping weather need some SUNNNNNN

                            I can't afford to bring them too that's why I'm locking them up here LOL
                            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                              Army thread Tuesday 3 July

                              pingu1997;1345192 wrote: tomorrow

                              feckin so pissed off wth this napping weather need some SUNNNNNN

                              I can't afford to bring them too that's why I'm locking them up here LOL
                              Pings - you not heading to Greece soon ?


                                Army thread Tuesday 3 July

                                satz123;1345197 wrote: Pings - you not heading to Greece soon ?
                                not soon enough
                                I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                                They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....

