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    I have to laugh

    Yep techie that picture made me smile. Thanks!
    Never got the meds. Really disappointed since I spoke directly to my doctor and he said he would do it. I just don't understand. Good thing I'm not suicidal.

    Looks like a storm coming. I think I'll just go to bed and read and hope for a better day tomorrow.

    Love and peace to all



      Hi Ann,

      It's possible it's sitting on the fax, or got lost in fax world. Maybe the asst at Dr's office forget to call it in. Maybe you could call the pharmacy & have them double check, also call your Dr's answering service. Even if he's not on call, he has another Dr. on call for him. I've had to push these things sometimes in the past by being assertive for myself or a family member. They are so super busy & things sometimes get lost in the shuffle.

      Hope your feeling a little better. Check in with somebody here if you can tomorrow. People really do care!

      Take Care,

      Wildflowers :h :l



        hang in there

        Sounds like this is pretty recent. When it first happens it's horrible but it is truly amazing how much pain time takes away! Try remembering something in the past that you were devastated by but really got over and never think about anymore. Your present experience will be just like that.



          hi ann. i hope this post finds you feeling better.
          i know exactly how you feel.
          i have described it previously as a mineshaft of blackness.
          in the past 72 hrs, i've attempted suicide, didn't succeed (obviously!!!!)
          BUT i am on double meds now & i'm giving it a chance.
          just getting back into humanity is sometimes quite overwhelming.
          hugs to you.:l


            VERY DEPRESSED

            HAPPY 4TH (SORT OF)

            Thanks everyone! I love my MWO family; I don't have anyone around for a real hug or anything like that.
            Today I'm just going to get an expense report done from a Chicago trip last week, work on some other work stuff and spiff up the house a bit. Trying to stay busy.

            Tomorrow back to the office and prepare for a trip next week. Sunday is my birthday which is going to suck but I'm OK with that.


              VERY DEPRESSED

              Ann 221;1345816 wrote: Thanks everyone! I love my MWO family; I don't have anyone around for a real hug or anything like that.
              Today I'm just going to get an expense report done from a Chicago trip last week, work on some other work stuff and spiff up the house a bit. Trying to stay busy.

              Tomorrow back to the office and prepare for a trip next week. Sunday is my birthday which is going to suck but I'm OK with that.
              Lots of big hugs from MWO to you!

              Sometimes just staying busy will help to keep are minds off things for a while. Helps me some, when I'm depressed.

              Maybe try to get out & treat yourself to something & anything special just for you, on your Birthday! I've spent many of mine, mainly alone! Went & had a facial, pedi, bought myself flowers. Laid off from work, so no lunch mates. At least were sober today! Happy Early Birthday Ann! :l


                VERY DEPRESSED

                Hope you are better today Ann
                Cori!!!! Jesus...are you ok now??
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  VERY DEPRESSED


                  When I first woke up today I thought WOW this would be a good day to die.
                  So that the date of my death would be memorable, as in conjunction with a big holiday

                  Then I thought NO I was 23 the age of my daughter when my mother died and it was terrible.
                  So I reconsidered.

                  BUT I knew it was some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy in my mind-I turn 58 on Sunday and my mother was 58 and I was 23 when she died.

                  So I feel like the next year is critical.


                    VERY DEPRESSED

                    you are scaring me
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      VERY DEPRESSED

                      Ann did you ever get your meds? You need to talk to your doctor immediately.


                        VERY DEPRESSED

                        Good morning my dear sweet Ann,

                        Breakups should be outlawed. I've always thought they're almost criminal, like getting mugged slowly.
                        You sound like your work is absorbing, distracting at least. That's a plus. The only advice which springs to mind here is ' The Best Revenge (not that your vengeful necessarily) is Living Well :h
                        It sounds trite, but so true. I bet if we here at MWO had a peek at Mr. BF we'd see a few warts. :egad: Sorry, can't help but feel protective,
                        stay close, week almost done and your Birthday will will be fun. :goodtime:
                        We'll think of somthing !
                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          VERY DEPRESSED

                          Hi Ann. Thinking of you. Here's to a better day :l:l:l
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            VERY DEPRESSED

                            Any in there Ann. We are all rooting for you and know that you can keep sober. I never thought I'd make it past day 2 several times and here I am at day 11.
                            Maybe you could try and get in touch with your doctor again.
                            Your family needs you.
                            We on MWO need you here.
                            Your birthday is going to be fabulous and we will be celebrating with you. Early sobriety is so hard for so many and you are dealing with a boatload of emotions.
                            Know in your heart (and the mind will follow) that you are loved and wanted and so very obviously have a place here and with us.
                            Don't think like that. And if you do then keep busy. But go and see ur doc again and be kind and gentle to yourself.

                            I got your back Ann.


                              VERY DEPRESSED

                              Hi Ann,

                              I understand how you feel. I've had days where I've woke up in the past & felt this way too. Also wished I'd never been born. It's very important you get a hold of your Dr. & be assertive use a demanding tone of voice with them, that you need your Prozac now! You could be going thru a rebound effect. I think that's what it's called? You can PM me if you want. I will give you my phone number & I will call them if you want. I can be polite & assertive all at the same time. First I will have to take some deep breaths because they are pissing me off!.... I will ck back in a bit. No pressure you do what ever you feel is wright. You are a smart woman. Any one who fly's out of their home state to another state for their job is smart. As for the dumbass Ex- BF, he's the feckin loser. Some day you will find somebody better, more worthy of your wonderful, smart, kind, beautiful, special, sexy, fun, self. Feck him... There...


                                VERY DEPRESSED

                                Hi Ann,
                                Please don't loose your hope,one day will come for sure!!!!
                                A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                                2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                                Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                                2013 : So many ups and down !!

                                2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.

