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big hole where the alcohol was

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    big hole where the alcohol was

    this is an old one..maybe five years old. Most of what I wanted at the time has come into my's a 'thought before form' concept. "The Secret" reminds us that we have to do 3 things..first, to ask, then believe and then receive..I have a little trouble with all of them, but am pretty good with visualizing. This board is about 16'x20'..i have it in front of me in my office.
    ok, really going to bed now..
    nite nite


      big hole where the alcohol was


      You have a strong spirit and obviously have a wonderful...supporting wife....i know u can do it mister!! i said before...keep on keeping on x x
      "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


        big hole where the alcohol was

        wow! now I get it. very cool. is that posted onto cardboard or some kind of backing material?

        both of you with Mums that are battling horrid disease...I don't have that much to complain about in comparison. you both are so strong and loving.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          big hole where the alcohol was

          Sri, you're a gourmand? how neat! I just love to cook, I may do it professionally some day....we'll see. but I have to learn to be around wine without blowing it.

          and're a rock Lou! thanks again,
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            big hole where the alcohol was

            Sri...night 14 is ab fab! (absolutely fabulous)
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              big hole where the alcohol was

              A Comment on the Determinator's Statement: "I take the stresses that I can't deal with, and by overdrinking, turn them into the physical pain of hangover/withdrawal because it's a form of pain that I can relate to. then I'm so distracted by this physical pain that I forget how to deal with the emotional problem that got me here in the first place...."

              Hi All: I just want to say, while driving home from work last night, I was thinking of how I actually can "feel" now that I haven't been drinking for 35 days. As of yesterday, I cam to the realization how vicious the cycle of my drinking had become, and how I used it to dull my emotions whether they be stress, sadness, happiness, etc.... I also thought to myself how I felt when I was hungover. As with the Determinator, coping with having to deal with my hangover and guilt the morning after, was another way of me "dulling" my emotions. My hangover was used as a "block" for me having to deal with the stresses/tasks at hand. Despite the headache and guilt, I would just get on with my day and go, go, go, and not think of my consequences of drinking. I hope I'm making sense. In brief, I can relate to the Determinator's statement.

              Now that I haven't been drinking, the symptoms of my TMJ have surfaced. I'm no longer waking up with a hangover, but I'm waking up to a clicking and painful jaw, mild bruises on my face from grinding my teeth at night, and an overall dizzy, nauseas (spelling), feeling. I've suffered from anxiety and TMJ for years. I'll be seeing my doctor to discuss this soon. The only way I push myself to continue not to drink is to remind myself, "This too shall pass". For me, it's better to wake up in pain from my TMJ, then to wake up sick from drinking alcohol. All I can say is, "We have to deal with life's ups and downs. In time, it gets easier to cope with life and the challenges of your day, by refraining from the first drink". Determinator, keep up the good work. -Reenie
              September 23, 2011


                big hole where the alcohol was

                Reenie, you have a real accomplishment under your belt! thanks for your insight and I can relate totally.
                what does TMJ stand for?

                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

