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What current world event affects/upsets you most and why?

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    What current world event affects/upsets you most and why?

    With you all the way Di - accentuate the positive

    We had some great "peace " (Iraq War) marches here - the emphasis was on the peaceful. I saw old people, young people, the hippie activist contingent (heh, used to be one!), rich people, poor people, mums with pushers...all wanting a better solution...

    Those people can be proud that even if the politicians didn't listen, they held their heads up high.



    PS I am not against the men and women out there in Iraq - just the foreign policy that placed them in such a position.
    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


      What current world event affects/upsets you most and why?

      Many things bother me. Iraq and Afghanastan trouble me. The general lack of compassion (worldwide) for a fellow man troubles me. While some great efforts occur on this front, the disregard for human life and the human condition is unsettling to me.


        What current world event affects/upsets you most and why?

        World events that trouble me; The Iraq war. Iran with nuclear weapons. This so called president of ours. Our reputation on the world stage.Katrina victims; tax cuts. Cuts in health care. Darfur.Mistreated animals. I could go on a while. I just want my Grandchildren to live in a land without fear or where fear is not preached 24/7 on the news. Just give me a Democrat with a positive message in '08

