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Army Thread 7th July

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    Army Thread 7th July

    Good morning army!

    Massive congratulations to Jackie....what a wonderful woman she is! An example to us all! :goodjob:

    In other's still raining. Kept me nice and cool on my run.

    Oh...and I've identified another course I would like to take. Lip reading. This one is once a week for a whole year, so I'm just gonna run it past my counsellor on Monday before signing up for it.

    Hope you all have a brilliant Saturday.

    Army Thread 7th July

    Morning Reccie no rain here yet but dull and overcast. Lip reading sounds like a god idea. What other coarse areyou thinking of? Good luck with your decesions. Hopeyou have a lovely saturday too. No definate plans yet see how the weather turns ougt later but i have lots of housework to catch up on.


      Army Thread 7th July

      Morning Recciebear and yes, huge congrats to our Jax

      Reccie, its great that you are looking at things to do. Lip reading is a brilliant skill to learn. And again, you will be mixing with people who share some of your challenges.

      I have a busy day today, I really just want to lay in bed. But I have housework, shopping, need to book a holiday over christmas (so I can pretend its not happening) and book somewhere to stay in october with Oney and I have someone who has asked for my help with his skin condition, so I need to do some research and preparation for when I see him next week.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 7th July

        Morning Foxy
        Did I read that you had lost a cat yesterday? I am so very sorry, losing a pet is heartbreaking hun
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Army Thread 7th July

          Firefox;1346987 wrote: Morning Reccie no rain here yet but dull and overcast. Lip reading sounds like a god idea. What other coarse areyou thinking of? Good luck with your decesions. Hopeyou have a lovely saturday too. No definate plans yet see how the weather turns ougt later but i have lots of housework to catch up on.
          Morning foxy..the other course I signed up for is called "fitness, football and wellbeing". Good luck with the housework...I should do some too.

          startingover;1346988 wrote:
          Morning Recciebear and yes, huge congrats to our Jax

          Reccie, its great that you are looking at things to do. Lip reading is a brilliant skill to learn. And again, you will be mixing with people who share some of your challenges.

          I have a busy day today, I really just want to lay in bed. But I have housework, shopping, need to book a holiday over christmas (so I can pretend its not happening) and book somewhere to stay in october with Oney and I have someone who has asked for my help with his skin condition, so I need to do some research and preparation for when I see him next week.
          Hiya starty...yep, that was my thinking too...mix with people in the same boat as me.

          Booking a Christmas holiday sounds can dream a little bit, can't you. I know you deserve a break. Do you have anywhere in mind?


            Army Thread 7th July

            Morning from pingu. would like to stay in bed but have to get up and work

            another pill free sleep...
            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


              Army Thread 7th July

              Good morning Reccie, Foxy and Starty.

              Good luck with the holiday hunting Starty. I would love to disapear at Christmas.

              Any news on the cat Foxy?

              Reccie the courses sound interesting particularly the lip reading one. I know you like footie so that is also a good one too. Now get on with your housework.

              Rain stopped here and it promises to be a lovely day. Yesterday I was so fed up I went out in the torrential rain and ran 9 miles--madness but I did feel better for doing it.


                Army Thread 7th July

                xpost Pingu good morning!


                  Army Thread 7th July

                  Morning pingu and Mrs A.

                  Are your family still overworking you, whizzy?


                    Army Thread 7th July

                    I just saw the news and the weather......
                    British sucks
                    the public car park at silverstone is a mud bath...
                    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                      Army Thread 7th July

                      Mornin all. :l Not going to talk about weather. Too boring at this stage. Mr Satz seems to think that there is ACTUALLY something we can do about it. I know let's give out shite every single day all day about it:H
                      Mr Bear great positive attitude to the rain:goodjob:


                        Army Thread 7th July

                        Hi Satz. How is it going?


                          Army Thread 7th July

                          Morning, youse lot

                          Huge congrats to our Jacks :l:l:l

                          Good going, Reccie!

                          Still raining here as well, although I spotted a strip of blue sky in the far distance.
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Army Thread 7th July

                            Good morning Reccybear, Starters, Fireyfoxylady,Pingupurplepants,OurWhizzy,Tippers, Satzuma and all those yet to drop in or drop out or just want to shake it all about.

                            Very grateful alcoholic here today.

                            Well I never did, 3 fecking years. Who would have thunk it.

                            Recciebear, you continue to amaze me.

                            Rightio who's up for a party later on. I'll bring cake
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread 7th July

                              Morning Jackie

                              What've you got planned for today?

                              Will be at the party, defo

