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finally done it

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    finally done it

    Thankyou Sunbeam, I was just about to ask which thread would be best to post in to update my progress and I'll have a look.

    It's 8.51 am on a Sunday morning and I have no hangover - I did it. Totally forgot I had l-glut, so put some under my tongue and went to bed at 9 pm last night.

    I think what happened last night is that the habit on a Saturday is so powerful - I had also had coffee with a friend in a local bar earlier, which didn't help I suppose as I can remember clocking a couple of girls sharing a bottle of wine. The clock was ticking by and I knew my husband would have nipped down and gotten me a bottle of wine if I asked him - or I could have. The shops stop selling booze at 10 pm here.

    But the thing is I didn't and I feel great today.

    I read a lot of posts yesterday about how people start to look better and how, if they train, they are getting real results. This is my thing at the moment. I want to reach a new level physically and look better - I've looked like shit recently - so I kept that in my head last night as the battle raged internally. I've also started personifying the addiction and picture a horrible, ugly, twisted version of myself begging a better version of me to feed it wine. That kinda worked because that is how I picture this demon inside me.

    See you all on the other thread, xx
    Honour Thyself

