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How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

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    How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

    what you did when drunk

    If you were just slurring your words and being sappy and sentimental, that's going to be embarrassing for your family but if it only happens that once with your new friends, it won't be a big deal. Otherwise you may get a reputation and be gossiped about. That's the least of it. If you behave badly it gets worse. Or if you reveal something really personal that also affects the people in your family.

    I think though the important thing to remember is that you don't want to be out of control like that again around them or in general. It means the person around you has to baby sit you and you might get in trouble if it were not for that person around. Try not to feel too ashamed, try to learn from it and make sure it doesn't happen again. But I don't think you should feel you can't show your face in public again.


      How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

      I to have been sappy and sentimental while being intoxicated, with people I didn't know well. I sorta find this more embarrassing then being loud & rude. Well both aren't good! Grateful to be sober today!

      I think after thinking about your situation a bit more & them being new neighbors, that I would have to know what happened. I would ask my hubs. Then most likely apologize. Wishing you the best out come.


        How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

        hi gettingthere, im a binge drinker myself, and i can modd for a bit then boom at least once every few months is a amassive binge, the only thing that worked for me is abstaining from alcohol all together, been sober 2 months and 3 weeks, i know its hard to give it all up cause most of the time u can moderate, for me it was the way i behaved when i was on a binge that made me think fuck this cant happen again, so the only way for me was to completly abstain
        I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
        Audrey Hepburn


          How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

          ooops sorry Briseus, I wasn't implying that you were implying I broke or stole anything! After reading my post, I realize that I sounded defensive. I was just saying (or justifying) that I didn't do anything too bad that night while I was sloppy drunk. I still don't want to ask my hubs what I did/said specifically. If it was horrible, he still wouldnt be speaking to me. I am still not sure if I will apologize to the may be that I just bring it up, laugh it off and say "Never again"! Because you know what? I have to do everything in my power to make sure it doesn't!

          Thanks again Briseus!


            How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

            gettingthere;1348096 wrote: Hey everyone,

            I have GOT to wise up and realize modding won't work for me. And living on a lake? It sounds like one big party out there. I have to learn to say NO! Wish me luck!

            Thanks for listening.
            I tell ya, that was the catalyst that did it for me; buying a place on the lake. It IS A BIG PARTY and I had to stop or accept my life as a constantly drunk wife, mother and friend. We have company all the time in the summer and you probably will too. Stop the madness now and you can truly enjoy the benefits we are fortunate enough to have in the location, serenity and pleasure of living on a lake. I stopped within weeks of the purchase and have not looked back. Day 21 for me.

            I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
            ? Lao-Tzu


              How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

              We just love to beat ourselves up. How often have you been in the company of a drunk ? people really do not take that much notice of what is said, especially if they have also had a few drinks. " Normal drinkers " tend not to worry about what was said, unless it was really offensive. When you meet these people again just be friendly, if they mention it, just say sorry, I shouldn't drink as I never know what I'm likely to say, and I cant really handle drink. Don't worry about it, nobody else will .


                How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

                I am the QUEEN of beating myself up! My self esteem is in the shitter right now. Actually it always is, I have never really liked myself. And the last 13 years or so that I have drank alcoholically has been especially hard on me. One thing I know for sure is drinking will not help me get out of this hole I have dug, I will only go deeper.

                I have run into 4 people since that night, and so far no snubs or snarky remarks. But the one I am worried about is the wife. I haven't seen her yet and am worried about her reaction. She and her hubs have lived on the lake only 6 months, but she's the social butterfly who likes to talk. Oh well, I sure ain't the only one with issues. There wouldn't be AA and rehab and tons of mental health counselors if were ONLY ME with the problems out there, right? RIGHT!


                  How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

                  I know just how you feel Gettingthere, I am just starting to get some self esteem, and thats thanks to not drinking, and I'm beginning to realise that I'm not such a bad person. You are a nice person. otherwise why would you worry that you might have upset someone whilst drunk ? when you stop drinking your problems will disappear. Now start learning to like yourself. The fact that you have seen people recently probably proves that you have nothing to reproach yourself for.


                    How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

                    Hi matey im sure most of us have blacked i have plenty of times and its ALWAYS when theres a big social group together. I get like that too, bloody horrified at myself, never want to leave the house again etc etc...but now the way i see it long as your friends and family know the REAL you who actually gives a shit what ppl think who dont know u??? Like im sure they have never been so drunk themselves that they havent messed up. Ive also been aroud ppl who are really drunk and have prob blacked out themselves...doesnt bother me...its a party, its going to happen. If their small minded and and cant see you were just drunk and ob realise ppl are totally differant sober do u really want to know these ppl. Keep your head held high matey..we are all only human, and humans screw up all the one is perfect! xx


                      How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

                      Hi again Arrii! I just replied to your post in the Hiding drinking thread! I was just thinking your sentiments the other day. I AM HUMAN. We screw up, we ALL do! Now I learn from it and move on. Thanks!

                      Paula, I will work on learning to like myself. Its gonna be a long bumpy road though. I try to remember a time where I did like myself and I can't think of any in my last 43 years! I have always felt 'flawed'. I hate going to counselors and shrinks to figure this stuff out. They have always been a huge waste of my time and money. So, I guess now I live my life the best I can and hopefully things will change for the better.


                        How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

                        Hi GettingThere,

                        Thanks so much for sharing your experience. As painful as these situations are for us in the moment, the silver lining is that they can eventually lead us to a much better place. For me that meant sobriety. Maybe it will mean that for you too.

                        I truly believe this happened to you for a reason. I couldn't always see that in the moment, but it's so clear to me now, that these types of experiences, which seem so negative at the time, can actually turn out to be our blessings in disguise.

                        You can totally turn this around to your advantage and let your positive actions from here on out do all the talking for you.

                        AF since 3/16/09
                        NF since 3/20/07


                          How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

                          Dont let the worry of what ppl think drag u will make u feel worse when u need to be as positive as possible this now. I USED to worry about what everyone thought and tbh i cba what ppl think of me if they dont really know me....Hey we cant please everyone all the time, so just be you put the past in the past and any mistakes and start afresh and keep the bad thoughts out!! If they come back tell them to bugger off as your starting a new life lol


                            How do I face people after I was blacked out drunk?

                            Sober Visitor;1349251 wrote: Hi GettingThere,

                            Thanks so much for sharing your experience. As painful as these situations are for us in the moment, the silver lining is that they can eventually lead us to a much better place. For me that meant sobriety. Maybe it will mean that for you too.

                            I truly believe this happened to you for a reason. I couldn't always see that in the moment, but it's so clear to me now, that these types of experiences, which seem so negative at the time, can actually turn out to be our blessings in disguise.

                            You can totally turn this around to your advantage and let your positive actions from here on out do all the talking for you.

                            I totally agree with Sheri!!!!!!!!!
                            AB Club Member
                            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:

