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Army Thread 10th July 2012

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    Army Thread 10th July 2012

    stirly-girly;1348371 wrote: (Waving wildly!!) Hey Satsuma - good to hear about you not going to that music shindig. No point in putting yourself in a touchy situation. And no you are not a bad person for not going, but a wise person who made the right choice.:goodjob:

    Hope to catch you later Pinky!!

    Wot you having for tea today Satz? Do you ever cook any Greek food? Just arsekin...

    Hope that JC is feeling better and that Pingu and the kids don't get soaked. I love the Olympic torch and what it represents. Actually the original marathon race started about 15 kilometres from here.
    Thanks Stirls for back-up :l
    Having scallops - my favourite that I only have when I'm on my own. I am a bit of a lazy cook to be honest.
    Now when the wine was on hand I was very elaborate with the 'ol cooking !:H
    I love simple food. Greece is great for that - just fish & salad & I'm happy ! ( unless it cost €55 a kilo ) God they'll never get over that one :H:H
    Any noice salad receipes ?


      Army Thread 10th July 2012

      mollyka;1348375 wrote: Like you - I always feel guilty saying no to summat - god knows why, Joe has no hesitation sayin no to shopping or stuff that I would choose - so most of the time I don't even suggest them - then end up feeling hard done by doing the things he wants to do - feckin nonsense really - I'm much better now at coming up with alternatives - and he's much better at taking the 'no' - but I do know how you feel
      You are right as usual Mollers. :H That is EXACTLY how it is here :goodjob:
      Mr Satz doesn't really know WHY I won't go - but it doesn't matter. I am going to choose my battles from now on & stop killing the pain /boredom of doing something I don't want to do with booze !!!

      :l:l:l To my Army friends that have made me feel so much better and stronger :h


        Army Thread 10th July 2012

        :H:H:Mollers : Laughing here to myself like a mad woman. You & Joe... What did ye end up dong on Sunday ?:H
        Mr Satz took off to the races but not before asking me to go. " sure you can sit & have a drink "
        Then I copped on it was to keep my SIL out of their hair. ( if they had any - twins - no hair )
        She goes to EVERYTHING & drives the two of them MAD.
        I was even asked to go to Galway this year. I have NEVER been to Galway Races - but again it's a drinking buddy for yer one while they tear around the bookies

        Oh things are a changin' around these parts.


          Army Thread 10th July 2012

          satz123;1348374 wrote: Thanks Stirls for back-up :l
          Having scallops - my favourite that I only have when I'm on my own. I am a bit of a lazy cook to be honest.
          Now when the wine was on hand I was very elaborate with the 'ol cooking !:H
          I love simple food. Greece is great for that - just fish & salad & I'm happy ! ( unless it cost ?55 a kilo ) God they'll never get over that one :H:H
          Any noice salad receipes ?
          :H at the 55 euro a kilo for the fecking fish. At the fish mongers here down at the port they have fish up to 36 euro a kilo and that's raw, not even cooked and served properly. Some of the most expensive ones are the little red mullets. Love them but they cost half an arm and a leg. Groupers are expensive too well as dentex. I usually stick to something more economic, around 10 - 14 euro a kilo - sea bass, gilthead sea bream and flat-head mullets. All of them are really delicious grilled in the oven with just a little EVOO and salt.
          Ah salads. The taverna we went to last weekend has their own special salad. It is based on romaine lettuce and arugula with fresh dill, spring onions, capers, tomatoes, feta and crumbled rusks. Rusks are the twice-baked bread slices -

          They assemble the salad by mixing the romaine lettuce, arugula, spring onions and dill and putting that on a large platter. They top the greens with the crumbled rusks and then top them with the tomato cut into small cubes. They then pour a dressing of EVOO and balsamic vinegar over it and cover the top with crumbled feta and capers. Satz, it is to die for. I could eat just the salad and be satisfied. I make it quite often but without the rusks and capers. The secret is that the ingredients be fresh. Oh, I just found a picture of it but I can't copy and paste it so here is the link...

          ?? ?*???????? ??? ??*????????? (???????-??????????)

          Feck, it looks like some foreign language but it will take you to the site...

          Just scroll down through the pics and you'll see the salad....
          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


            Army Thread 10th July 2012

            mollyka;1348383 wrote: Satz - I don't know the extent of your drinking - the fact that you're here means you're worried bout it at least, and I think you may have hit the nail on the head. Lots of 'stuff' seems grand in our lives with a few scoops - makes it all good, but maybe they're not the 'stuff' we want to do, and when we want to get sober, they are precisely the things we shouldn't do IMO. It's really important to be happy with our choices - lots of stuff isn't choice - like work and gym sort of things - but our leisure time must be mostly what we want to do - obviously with some compromise - that's what relationships are about I s'pose - but I was willing to let Joe dictate what we did once I could be somewhat anaesthetised. This is a bit rambling - mainly cos I have an 18 yr old in my ear discussing dinner options so I apologise if it's a bit incoherent

            LOL -
            Go feed yer man !!!
            But that's EXACTLY it - I've realised I was willing to let him dictate what we did once I could be somewhat anaesthetised.

            again THANKS :l


              Army Thread 10th July 2012

              A huge round of applause for your woman, Satz.:applaud::applaud:

              Look at the fecking change in you.

              And don't feel guilty about not drinking.

              Gawd how many years have we lost through feeling guilty about our drinking.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread 10th July 2012

                We seen the torch. pic on crap book to prove it
                I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                  Army Thread 10th July 2012

                  stirly-girly;1348384 wrote:


                    Army Thread 10th July 2012

                    pingu1997;1348388 wrote: We seen the torch. pic on crap book to prove it
                    LOL - you'll be glad when you are auld like Mollers & Jackie ( ducking to avoid missiles)- can hear shouts of pots & kettles with black arses !
                    able to tell your grandchildren you saw the feckin' torch :H


                      Army Thread 10th July 2012

                      satz123;1348391 wrote: LOL - you'll be glad when you are an old woman like Mollers & Jackie ( ducking to avoid missiles)- can hear shouts of pots & kettles with black arses !
                      able to tell your grandchildren you saw the feckin' torch :H

                      Oooooh you're in trouble.

                      I've seen the torch as well. Na na na na naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread 10th July 2012

                        JackieClaire;1348387 wrote: A huge round of applause for your woman, Satz.:applaud::applaud:

                        Look at the fecking change in you.

                        And don't feel guilty about not drinking.

                        Gawd how many years have we lost through feeling guilty about our drinking.
                        Thanks JC ....... was feeling crapola earlier - now feel good !!!
                        How you today ?


                          Army Thread 10th July 2012

                          Hiya Molly!!!

                          satz123;1348380 wrote: You are right as usual Mollers. That is EXACTLY how it is here :goodjob:
                          Mr Satz doesn't really know WHY I won't go - but it doesn't matter. I am going to choose my battles from now on & stop killing the pain /boredom of doing something I don't want to do with booze !!!

                          :l To my Army friends that have made me feel so much better and stronger Hugs right back at ya!!

                          Choose what is right for you. It may be hard to break old habits but the main habit to break is AL so the others are easy compared to that. Just my two cents here.

                          satz123;1348381 wrote: :H:Mollers : Laughing here to myself like a mad woman. You & Joe... What did ye end up dong on Sunday ?:H
                          Mr Satz took off to the races but not before asking me to go. " sure you can sit & have a drink "
                          Then I copped on it was to keep my SIL out of their hair. ( if they had any - twins - no hair )
                          She goes to EVERYTHING & drives the two of them MAD.
                          I was even asked to go to Galway this year. I have NEVER been to Galway Races - but again it's a drinking buddy for yer one while they tear around the bookies

                          Oh things are a changin' around these parts.
                          Oh, that yakkity-yak SIL. I have one who talks incessantly and drives me bonkers. She's a good person basically but she just talks so frigging much. Luckily she lives 7 hours away by car and I don't see her only once every couple of years, if that. I call her once in a while but it's the same thing over the phone. Once we were talking on the phone - well, she was - and I put the phone down and went to the kitchen for a glass of water and she never even realized I'd been gone.

                          mollyka;1348383 wrote:
                          Satz - I don't know the extent of your drinking - the fact that you're here means you're worried bout it at least, and I think you may have hit the nail on the head. Lots of 'stuff' seems grand in our lives with a few scoops - makes it all good, but maybe they're not the 'stuff' we want to do, and when we want to get sober, they are precisely the things we shouldn't do IMO. It's really important to be happy with our choices - lots of stuff isn't choice - like work and gym sort of things - but our leisure time must be mostly what we want to do - obviously with some compromise - that's what relationships are about I s'pose - but I was willing to let Joe dictate what we did once I could be somewhat anaesthetised. This is a bit rambling - mainly cos I have an 18 yr old in my ear discussing dinner options so I apologise if it's a bit incoherent
                          What Molly said. We have to compromise of course but it shouldn't always be what the men want to do. I have found a way around it that works well for me. Mr. Stirly is a man of habit and on our Saturday outings, only wants to go to one of about 4 places, downtown Athens being one of them. So, if I'm not really in the mood to go to the city, but I really don't want to put up with him having a knot on all day, I either send him off by himself and go do what I want somewhere else, or I go to Athens with him, have my hot choccie or iced tea and then tell him I'll meet him in a couple of hours and go check out the shops by myself. Both ways work and I am not stressed out. Whatever floats yer boat...
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Army Thread 10th July 2012

                            Again - thanks again for support this eve.:thanks:
                            Have to go now & face homeward - could chat here all night - but wouldn't want to waste away here now from the hunger would I ?
                            My office mate come in in the morning and find a bag o' bones where Satz used to be? Highly unlikely - have enought 'mate' ( that's meat to our non-Orish friends) on me to keep me going for a month.
                            Would he even notice - prob not - that's the scary thing :H


                              Army Thread 10th July 2012

                              mollyka;1348386 wrote: :H Ah you're coppin on so!!
                              Just spent the last few mins tryin to remember what I did on Sunday --- FFS it's TWO DAYS AGO???? I have NO idea what I did on Sunday -- bloody hell - used to think it was the drink amnesia ---- just senility I reckonWell, at one point you were helping Joe learn how to send you a message from his cell phone. (Mr. Stirly still hasn't mastered that, he can barely remember how to read the messages they send him, never mind send one himself.) You mentioned about some housework that needed doing and Joe took to his Henning Mankell book and classic FM on the radio. And then, at some point later in the day, you were "Orf to get scrubbed up and investigate spices and yoghurt and naan's etc for curry later". See, it's all coming back to you now!!
                              pingu1997;1348388 wrote: We seen the torch. pic on crap book to prove itHiya Pingu!! Off to check out the piccies innabit.
                              satz123;1348391 wrote:
                              LOL - you'll be glad when you are auld like Mollers & Jackie ( ducking to avoid missiles)- can hear shouts of pots & kettles with black arses !
                              able to tell your grandchildren you saw the feckin' torch :H
                              Damn, what will you say about me - I'm older than both of them...:upset:
                              JackieClaire;1348392 wrote:

                              Oooooh you're in trouble.

                              I've seen the torch as well. Na na na na naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
                              Yep, she's in more trouble than she knows now. I'll be tossing more than pots and kettles....

                              You have seen the torch and I've seen pics to prove it.

                              Hope you're feeling much better. :huggy
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                                Army Thread 10th July 2012

                                stirly-girly;1348401 wrote:
                                Damn, what will you say about me - I'm older than both of them...:upset:

                                Yep, she's in more trouble than she knows now. I'll be tossing more than pots and kettles....

                                So am I Stirls I think - so that's why I think I can get away with it :H
                                Hense the saying " Look at the Kettle calling the Pot 'black arse " )

