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Burning Stomach?

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    Burning Stomach?

    Hi all,
    This is my first time writing on the forum, although I have been reading for months now. My BF has been on the Topa for 5 weeks now (up to 150mg/day), and the supplements for about 8 weeks. He went ahead and started the supps while we waited for the Topa to come. He has been AF for all but 1 day of the 5 weeks. Not too many side effects....a few tingles in the feet and knees; occasional fuzziness while trying to form thoughts; and irritable (which we expected). Otherwise, he's been doing extremely well and has NO cravings at all.
    today he woke up around 4a.m with a horrible burning in his stomach. Has anyone else had a problem with burning stomach? Any causes or remedies you might know of?
    He's been doing so well, I'd hate to have to see him stop the program over this. He gets very violent when he drinks and neither one of us wants the drinking to start again.
    Appreciate any insight on this

    Burning Stomach?

    I havent has a burning stomach on topa. I'm thinking its all unrelated and just something else. But I really dont know. I sure hope he feels better tho. Someone else might know more.
    Maybe a virus?
    Gabby :flower:


      Burning Stomach?

      Glad your here none the less. Keep on postin and readin.
      Gabby :flower:


        Burning Stomach?

        I've been on topa for 6 months and the supplements for longer than that... and no stomach issues here. My guess is that the two things are probably unrelated.

        Alcohol can be very hard on the stomach, though, and before I quit drinking I had heartburn a lot. I was downing a lot of antacids for a while.

        All the best,

        "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


          Burning Stomach?

          Hi Nascar and welcome, I don't think the burning sensation is related to anything your BF may be taking now..It could be that the alcohol has affected the lining of his stomach, in the last few months before I stopped drinking I suffered from chronic heartburn, and even now I can't eat anything with too much acid in it... If the burning is really severe, then he may need to see a doctor as it could be the start of an ulcer, don't mean to alarm you, but better safe than sorry...
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            Burning Stomach?

            I agree with Mike and Irish! The lining of your stomach takes a huge kick with the excessive alcohol. I had bad heartburn when I was drinking. So did my ex. My sister's husband eats at bottle of Tums a week because of his excessive beer drinking.

            If this doesn't go away in a few days, then I would suggest your BF see a doctor. They have things that can really help with this. My doctor gave me Nexium for the burning stomach feeling. It worked wonders!


              Burning Stomach?

              I had a endoscopy (where they run the scope into your tummy and look around) 6 months ago. Because at 45 I decided it was time to check out all of the equipment because of my drinking, I had stomach pain so much that a glass of cold water in the morning literally had me on the floor in pain. They found a minor gastric erosion. I have been taken protonix. It is by precription. Also Nexium is supposed to be good. But I was allergic to that. You can get prilosec OTC it is simulair to Nexium. Hope he feels better

