Have been having a pretty strange time lately - but all seems to be getting slowly better (touch wood). I have not had a drink since Sunday last week and did not experience a single withdrawal symptom in hospital and I don't feel like a drink either, more to the point (oh and gave up smoking too - been 2 weeks - too hard to smoke in hospital so hot the patches). However, while i was in hospital I got quite manic (bipolar) - and then some interesting things happened.
Well, seems like i've been on the wrong meds for quite some time - far too much antidepressant, not enough mood stabiliser, and that's the root cause of all this high anxiety and drinking too much, missing work etc etc.
I have now been put on a new drug regime and it's quite excruciating coming off the old ones so fast..but I guess it's all for the best.
Am starting to come out the other side now and feeling a little less fragile, but have a long way to go, and probably a lot of medication tweaking to endure.
At least we now have a definite diagnosis,and also know that the bipolar is rapid cycling - many moods have i! (a Gemini in all things )
I just thought i'd check in and say hi - and thankyou especially to my guardian angel in NSW...you are a sweetheart (u know who you are and I will call you as soon as i'm not so stressed and my vocal cords are behaving themselves - very tight and hard to speak at the moment.)
Keep your fingers crossed for me - there may be a new life ahead after years of incredible ups and downs.
Thanks to all of you who have helped me through this difficult period.
Lots of Love