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What will you do this weekend instead of drink?

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    What will you do this weekend instead of drink?

    I ended up having the week off from work. My regular MO would have been to park myself on a barstool at my favorite pub in town around mid-afternoon, eventually find my way home by way of the state store and keep drinking until I passed out in my recliner. This week, instead of drinking, I took my meds as prescribed and found the following ways to occupy my time:

    1. Read a book (I'm re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia books I loved as a kid)
    2. Helped my father-in-law preserve some of his manuscripts from his younger days
    3. Started repairing the split-rail fence in front that the snowplow knocks over ever winter
    4. Took on a landscaping project eliminating some ground cover that's gone out of control
    5. Used two personal training sessions at the gym (I pay through the nose for them - choosing booze over them seems stupid, doesn't it)
    6. Ran a total of 11 miles (not all at once) and took several leisurely strolls
    7. Went kayaking on a beautiful mountain lake
    8. Volunteered at my local food coop's produce department (hello 8% discount on groceries for the next month!)

    This weekend, I plan to:
    1. Do some more kayaking
    2. Hike Mount Monadnock, New Hampshire, on a trail I've never used to reach the summit
    3. Read some more
    4. Visit the library or maybe take in a museum

    A lot of times I drank out of boredom, but there are so many other more fulfilling things to do once that alcoholic haze clears out.

    What will you do this weekend instead of drink?

    I had today off and spent the day metal detecting with my bf on some old properties in my home town (with permission of course). Afterward we went to see my mom, and laughed with her and enjoyed our visit. Just getting home and it's nearly 10 pm. The day flew by!

    Tomorrow we are renting a cabin on the river.

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      What will you do this weekend instead of drink?

      Things like normal drinkers do, but I won't drink at all.

      No specific plans: hanging outside when it is cool enough, heading indoors when it gets too hot. This morning there is a breakfast in the village park, then I will visit some vendors. Probably read some this afternoon, write some checks, clean a little, cook something simple from my garden. Leftover rice and chicken to use up. A call to make, email stuff.
      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


        What will you do this weekend instead of drink?

        I am working on some photos of a recent trip through OZ and then tommorow I will be helping my daughter to shift house


          What will you do this weekend instead of drink?

          Oh man.......Im green with envy on the kayaking! I sooooo want to get into that.

          Only got two things on the agenda: My sons baseball tourney, and CLEANING....this place is a cotton pickin MESS
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            What will you do this weekend instead of drink?

            really great job, aihflvt!! i have also often used boredom as a reason to drink. when i'm feeling good, i don't at all understand how i COULD be bored. so much to do. we've had crazy cold and rainy weather so today i spent about 5! hours here reading posts. when the sky cleared for an hour i went out for a run, and tonight we have plans for a dvd and salt and vinegar chips!
            tomorrow i'm off to the gym for a super hard workout and then will clean up a bit -- will possibly head out to an exhibition in the afternoon. i'm spending a lot of time improving my state of mind. focussing on positives instead of dwelling on the neg's.
            have a great weekend!


              What will you do this weekend instead of drink?

              i will spend my weekend NOT being hungover
              I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
              sober since 2/4/12

