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Wedding Party

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    Wedding Party

    Wedding party this weekend.
    You know what that means.

    Lots of freaking booze. And I do mean lots.

    I have to go. So there is absolutely no possible way of me not going to this thing. Not even faking sick. I don't believe in faking sick because karma's a biotch. So I'm gunna pass on that.

    I don't feel uncomfortable going.
    But there is a part of me that wishes I could predrink with the boyfriend before the event. Have a fantastic time and be on our merry way to drink some more.
    I had more fun nights then not.
    But then the booze began taking centre stage and that's where it led to problems.

    I don't HAVE to drink.
    I just hope we don't stay there for hours on end.
    2 hours is okay...three tops.
    I used to be the last one leaving these things.
    Mind you sometimes I wouldn't remember how I got to the house.
    Thank God for my boyfriend.

    Wish me luck.


    Wedding Party

    Bri, don't hope for luck, plan.

    Go for a pre-drink and have a fancy AF cocktail.

    Choose wisely from the wedding bar a nice long drink and have it all night. Dance your a$$ off and have fun.

    My advice is to plan to leave early, chances are you'd get bored senseless when everyone around you gets progressively more drunk. Observe them sober. Thinking I was like that not so long ago was a very sobering thought.

    Not that many people will question you not drinking, they'll be too busy getting slshed themselves.

    You are sooooo young! Have fun, you don't need AL to do that.

    Sorry for sounding preaching ... When all else fails, post here from the ladies, God knows I did it many times at many a function.
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      Wedding Party

      Shueaddict is right. Let watching drunk people in action stiffen your own resolve to stay AF. I am slowly learning myself that you can have fun AF.


        Wedding Party

        You guys are right.
        I do need to plan. What are some suggestions that you my have?
        I am feeling strong right now and feel right now that I won't be bothered at all. Maybe getting there will be a different story but in the past I always had it in the back of my mind that I was going to drink and played around with the thought of my drinking but this time I know that I won't drink.

        Shit guys.
        Today is day 20 for me.

        The longest I have ever been sober.
        Could never make it past two weeks before.
        I am damn proud!


          Wedding Party


          It's up to you what to do but in my opinion, that's a bad setting to try drinking again. The reason is everything's free and flowing. And other people are over-indulging It's easy to lose track of how much you have. And it's a very nice occasion that you don't want to ruin.
          And you haven't had any in a while, it might be like being a kid in a candy shop.


            Wedding Party

            Hey Briseus!

            I am proud of you too! And I am glad you are coming up with a plan. That's going to my future--to PLAN! And even though alot of people may not notice that you aren't drinking, there will inevitably be one or two that will try and pressure you to get as plowed as they are. SO, make sure you know what to say when they ask. Maybe you are ok with telling them you need to back off the booze, but if you think it's TMI, then maybe tell them you have to get up early. My favorite is that I am trying to lose weight and don't need the calories (which is true!) But you might be lucky and be thin already so that may not work. I know there is a thread around here somewhere that has everyone's excuses for not drinking. I will try and find it and bump it up~!

            Good luck, CONGRATS on 20 days, and have fun! You can do it!


              Wedding Party

              Sayyour on antibiotics or strong painkillers, if you feel the need to explain. I went to a wedding two weeks ago and managed not to drink. I had a wine glass filled with lemonade. Nobody really bothered. Well done on the twenty days, don't lose them.


                Wedding Party

                Congrats on day 20!! Don't let this event put an end to that fantastic accomplishment! I have discovered that I can have a blast AF- whether it is girl's night out, a dinner party, out to dinner with hubby, etc and I feel so good about myself when I wake up in the morning with zero hangover! Tomorrow is day 7, and for some reason, this time it's different. I feel more in control and more comfortable saying, "no thanks" a lovely new bottle if Sonoma Pinot my Dad opened tonight! I think it is different this time is because I am more accountable- more people know about my issue (sister, husband) so I don't want to let them down. Even the cravings aren't nearly as bad. Crazy. Anyhow, good luck! Order a club soda w lots of limes and have a blast! ;-)


                  Wedding Party

                  Thanks everyone for the comforting words and fantastic advice.

                  I made it through the night. It was only the first hour or so that I wasn't feeling entirely comfortable...probably because it was the first time that I went out and was in a party-like situation where I didn't drink...after I got over the whole "poor me" pity party for a good 10 minutes I was like 'eff it, I don't need the crap'.
                  It was entirely amusing watching all the shitfaced people...I was GLAD - ACTUALLY GLAD!!! - that I wasn't where they were at that point. Out of it. Not in control. And waking up the next day with a wicked hangover.

                  I was up and at 'em the next day and went on a lovely roadtrip; hangover free.


                    Wedding Party

                    just back from vacation
                    so proud of you sweetie!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Wedding Party

                      Thanks Mama.


                        Wedding Party

                        Well done! That's not easy to do especially in the early days!! I have been to a few weddings sober now including my own. It's funny how much earlier I leave! Not because I'm not having fun but it seams just the heavy drinkers seam to stay longer and it gets boring watching them get so excited about themselves. I love waking up the next day after an event that I use to get wasted at and doing something fun. It's such a great way to reward yourself. kudos!!


                          Wedding Party

                          Well done Bri, fantastic, x
                          Honour Thyself


                            Wedding Party


                            That's the way of living.Life is charming for me if I live like a child,live naturally.We have addicted to different taste to get so called exotic experience and been a lurker.Habit if can formed then can be deformed.
                            It's a slow poison for me.
                            A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                            2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                            Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                            2013 : So many ups and down !!

                            2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.

