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Money mess (sorry this is long)

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    Money mess (sorry this is long)

    What a mess I am in. I drank because I had financial difficulty, I have financial difficulty because I drank. I have run up my credit cards before (anywhere from 2-8K) and my fiscally responsible husband has bailed me out. Now I did it again, different accounts now total about 12K. My husband will be FURIOUS if he finds out, and it may even be the catalyst to leave me. Between my reckless spending and drinking, he will surely have had it.

    It wouldn?t be hard for him to pack up and leave, because I already did it to him. 3 years ago, I convinced myself I was no longer in love with him because he was controlling and a tad narcissistic. But I really wanted to drink whenever I wanted. My God I was so miserable. There was NOTHING fun about the year we were apart and he begged for me to come home. I finally did and I can?t imagine leaving him ever again. I love him dearly.

    Here is the deal, I have no job. My self esteem is in the toilet and I keep taking jobs that are below my skill level. I used to have such high hopes for myself in my 20?s. Now, in my early 40?s, I have no motivation and can?t stick with a job. My husband owns a business and he has a lot of money and I can basically write my own check from his account each month, as long as I come to his store and help out. But it has to be within reason. If it gets too much, I get lots of questions as he pays all of the major bills. I am still stuck with insurance, food, things for the kids, and anything else that comes along and as we all know it adds up! I don?t do manicures and massages, my clothes are old, I always say No to my kids (or so it seems) and I try to buy everything on sale and with coupons. I don?t do anything irresponsible, other than drink. I HAVE bought lots of supplements, healthy food, and Antabuse. That?s probably my downfall. I also have found it hard to say no to my kids when drinking, and I buy fast food too much. What a cycle!

    OK, so for anyone out there that?s good with money or might know anything about loans?.I bought a house outright when we separated. My husband basically gave me a settlement and I bought the house so I wouldn?t have a mortgage. I now rent it to a friend, who loves living there but can?t afford to buy it and begs me not to sell it to anyone else. She will be there at least another 18 months and then I might try to sell so I have cash to pay off my bills. But hubs might try to get that cash because he won?t trust me with that much money in my account. Please don?t ask why we have separate accounts, we always have and that?s just how its been with us.

    Between my rent and what I normally get from my hubs each month, would be fine to take care of my share of bills and things each month. But I can barely scratch the surface of my credit cards! We are building a house and he is always telling me to ?go buy this, go buy that? because he thinks I have no balance on my cards and that he will just help me pay for it later. My cards are almost to there limits, so there will be a point where I will have to say ?I can?t?. That will be then end. The end of my marriage, the end of my short sobriety and maybe the end of my life. :upset:

    The stress is enough to make me go crazy. I do want to drink to forget this problem, but I know in reality this is how I got so in debt. It sucks because we do have the money to take care of the debt, I just don?t have access to it.

    Ok, chew me out. Tell me how you don?t feel sorry for me because we have money and I just need to suck it up and get a real job. I need reality to slap me in the face.

    Money mess (sorry this is long)

    Why we slap ya around here GT?

    We are alcoholics.
    Don't ask how much we spent on booze.
    I've gotten myself into debt too as a result of my drinking. Instead of paying my bills I spent $210 on wine. And it was cheap! I can't imagine if I drank vodka - and in Canada the price of booze here is ridiculous.
    No way no how is there a bottle of liquor here for less ten $10. (Smart government).
    My boyfriend and I rent - I'm unemployed. He pays for everything and I still spent on booze! We are addicts!!
    $630-$800 a month did I spent on alcohol! Instead of freaking saving up for a downpayment on a house. So I totaled fu*ked myself over there.

    I am not sure how your hubs is going to take it. You know him better then we do.
    How long have u been sober for? Are you sober? Do you have a plan? Does he know you spend all this money on booze - then health supps - and them go back to web more booze?
    I hope I understood you correctly.

    You might need to sit down and go through all your bills...maybe work extra over at his business...

    If this is going to really make or break your marriage then maybe you should go out ad try to find a job to show him you mean business about fixing this financial mess.
    More drinking won't solve a damn thing.
    How cunning is that addictive voice...
    "You're broke! Go scrounge for money and up ur credit limit and get shitfaced!!!"
    It'll hardly help. And you'll be worse off then you already are.

    I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.
    You haven't lost everything. You still can turn this around before you do.
    But you aren't alone.
    We all struggle with this...


      Money mess (sorry this is long)

      Thank Briseus,

      I just need to hear what I already know. And getting this issue 'out there' feels better. Alcohol isn't cheap and Lord knows if we are addicted to it, there is going to be money problems that follow. The hard part is that I have no motivation. I hope that will come with more sober days under my belt. (So far 6, and I took another Antabuse today, so there will be alot more days to add to that)

      I need to get a job. I have always worked and having no job makes me feel worthless. The bad part is that I have to work part time as I promised the hubby that I would help him at work. Its only a few hours a day at best.

      I had a great full time job that I quit a year ago because the lady I worked next to was over-the-top bubbly and talkative. I couldn't handle her because she was 'too happy'. Isn't that sad? The next job was full time in a dungeon where you wouldn't see the outdoors for 8 hours unless you made a 1/4 mile jaunt to go outside for lunch. Couldn't deal with it so I quit after 2 months. Then I worked a couple temp jobs since then. I have a college degree and now all I am qualified for undegree'd jobs. Depressing.


        Money mess (sorry this is long)

        financial problems

        Seems like the obvious solution is for you to get another job. I wonder why you are so pessmistic about not getting another one, or whether you don't actually want to go back to work. If you had good jobs in the past you can get good ones in the future. Why do you think you have to scrape the bottom of the job market-- or is that your low self-esteem talking? Get a nice interview suit on sale and talk to your hubby about going back to real work. And you should forget about the past work mistakes. Good luck.


          Money mess (sorry this is long)

          Hi GettingThere,

          I agree with Neva's excellent post. A plan of action is a definite must. I learned early on that me and credit cards don't mix, kind of like me and booze, and the trio together is a really bad combination.

          I ran my credit card bills up in my early 20's to 6K and it took me years to pay them off with a dedicated plan of triple payments and no more purchases, EVER.

          As difficult as it is, if your husband has the money to bail you out again, the best solution would be to have him do that in order to avoid paying further interest, and maybe you could make monthly payments to him of the principal as a bargaining chip. It's the monthly interest that accumulates on $12K that makes it impossible to get ahead of the game.

          You can plug the amount into one of the online calculators and see that if you make a monthly payment of $480 on 12K it will take you about 15 years to pay it off and cost you $8,000 more in interest than if you were to pay it of now, meaning that you will wind up paying back $20K for borrowing $12K.

          Credit card debt calculator

          Credit card debt is unsecured so you should never take out a secured loan (i.e. 2nd mortgage) to pay an unsecured debt.

          I would think that your husband would much rather pay 12K now than have you pay 20K or more over 15 or more years, but I think the BIGGER question would be what will stop you from running them up again. If I were him, that's what I would want to know.

          I know for me, I had to adopt a zero tolerance policy for myself with credit cards, just like I have to do with alcohol. I know that I can't be trusted, so I have one credit card that I use only for emergency situations only, which is rare because I put the money that I would be throwing away on credit card interest in an emgency fund to use for that purpose.

          Good luck, Getting There. I do think honesty is the best policy whenever possible, because keeping secrets can kill you, but you know your situation best.

          Best wishes.

          AF since 3/16/09
          NF since 3/20/07


            Money mess (sorry this is long)

            Hi GT:

            I was somewhat confused. Are you divorced? It sounds like you are receiving Alimony. I dont know what state your in but in WA its a no fault state and property is divided 50/50 so half your debt is his and vice versa.
            Consult an accountant and perhaps and attorney. It's easier than you think and you will find it scary at first but very empowering.

            If not and you need to settle credit cards you need to sell the house regardless of your friend, sorry but your family must come first. I suggest you start reading Dave Ramsey's books. I have trouble sometimes with his religious beliefs but he is no nonsense and always seems to steer people to financial freedom which seems to be what you as are alot of us (besides freedom from you know what ) are seeking.

            Without knowing you at all, off the top it seems your real difficulty is your relationship with your husband, not money. If you sold the house, your bills would be paid and then if he wants the rest well, So what?

            I don't mean to sound dispassionate but where fiances are concerend I am pretty hard nosed and pragmatic. I have screwed around alot and lost a ton of money so please dont think I 've been repsonsible all along. ABSOLUETELY NOT. I have spent a ton on Al compared to my income. My husband often gets upset over what he perceives as too much debt but I keep tract of a lot and show him how it works and so he can't argue, just shake his head.

            I love to yard sale and craigslist so I'm good there. My downfall is the kids. I love to put them classes which I'm sure you knwo are often way expensive. Food is another downfall but the opposite of fast food. I buy alot of organic produce, fresh fish and meat, special milks, honeys and teas. Believe me this stuff is way more expensive than fast food!

            Anyway, Sorry to drone on. I will leave with the suggesting again to get Dave Ramsey's books. At least your husband will see you starting to learn how to take financial control of your budget. Getting involved is also a plan maybe if you are still married and you want to stay married. Money can be your common enemy! :H You can conquor it together.

            As far as the jobs and self esteem, I can only say please stay close to MWO and keep away form Al. This seems to be the best plan for me these days.

            I have no illusions that your relationship and experiences are phenomenally complex and this shot post barely touched the surface. But I wish you great strength and many hugs tonight and all the days coming.
            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest


              Money mess (sorry this is long)

              For what it is worth I have f***ed up my finances for ten years im about 9000 in debt. I just inheireted some money when my mom passed away and if im not careful ill probably screw that up too. Its a stupid vicious cycle.

