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I cannot believe I did this in my sleep

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    I cannot believe I did this in my sleep

    I woke up this morning with the usual pounding headache, went to use the lavatory, and discovered, to my puzzlement, a large wet patch on the bathroom floor. I asked my son about it, and he replied matter of factly "oh, you peed there last night. Then you slipped in your pee and fell down and lay there for a while. Then you got up and tried to go out onto the balcony with your pants down, but I stopped you."

    He then informed me that it wasn't the first time that it had happened, and that sometimes he dreads hearing me get up in the night after a drinking session (which is every night), because he never knows what I'm going to do next.

    I have absolutely no recollection of this, or any other sleepwalking event. I am horrified and mortified.

    This has got to stop.

    I cannot believe I did this in my sleep

    Oh Fleur....

    I am so sorry to hear this. This addiction really sucks. The good news can be free. It takes work and a commitment to get free. You will have to override the part of your brain that has now been altered AND conditioned to need alcohol.

    There's a lot of good help here. There's a lot of support in the STARTING OUT section. And in the Monthly Abstinence section there is the toolbox: have taken an incredibly huge step by reaching out and acknowledging you are addicted to alcohol. If you need help beyond support and information, I strongly encourage you to get it. Detoxing can be dangerous - even fatal. Get medical help if you need it. MUST break through.....for your son...for yourself and for everyone else in your life.

    Let us know what we can do to help you. You can do this. You really can.
    Sober for the Revolution!
    AF & NF July 23, 2011


      I cannot believe I did this in my sleep

      Hi Fleur,


      Been there, done that! Well not exactly that, but similar enough and equally as mortifying. I was sleeping over a friend's house after a night of drinking, got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and went into her parents bedroom closet, only to hear "Oh Dear, Hon, the bathroom is next door."


      And, if that wasn't humiliating enough, instead of going back to my friend's bedroom after going to the bathroom, I crawled into bed with her older brother and had no memory of doing it. Imagine my surprise trying to put the pieces together when I finally emerged from my drunken stuper in the morning. Lucky for me, he was a perfect gentlemen and moved to the sofa.

      I had to sleep over her house in the first place, because I lost my handbag on the way home. I had left it on the roof of my car after locating my keys and driving off. Very scary stuff.

      Honestly, you're absolutely right. We don't have to put ourselves in these embarrassing situations anymore. I'm 3.5 years sober now and don't miss those days or alcohol one bit. It was this best thing I ever did for myself. You can too!

      AF since 3/16/09
      NF since 3/20/07


        I cannot believe I did this in my sleep

        Fleur, at least you weren't aware of what you did at the time. In a drunken rage, I urinated all over the floor and walls of a room in my house. Several expensive carpet cleanings later, it has become obvious that the carpet is going to have to be ripped out and replaced with some other kind of flooring $$$, all because I had too much to drink one night and took a perceived slight way too far.


          I cannot believe I did this in my sleep

          A guy I know was staying at his fiance's parents house, and got up after passing out drunk to go and pee. He went into the living room where the parents were still watching t.v. and peed on the t.v.

          I'm not sure what happened after that, but I know that he and that lady (the fiance) divorced, lol.

          "I like people too much or not at all."
          Sylvia Plath


            I cannot believe I did this in my sleep

            Fleur I once stayed at my sisters house as I was too drunk to leave and woke in the middle of the night, couldn't find my way out of the spare room (got out the wrong side of the bed), pulled a wardrobe over on myself and then decided to just pee where I was - on my jeans I had flung on the floor when I got up next morning I was totally mortified, borrowed a pair of my sisters trousers and slunk away home, that is the last time I have been so drunk although I have continued to drink every day, I am now trying my hardest to reduce my intake with a view to quitting altogether as i know I cannot ever successfully moderate or control my alcohol consumption!!!
            Taking it ODAT


              I cannot believe I did this in my sleep

              sadly i have had too many of the incidents. i would think to myself "oh i cant drink wine tonight only beer so i wont pee in the bed" i have peed in the wrong way or places more than i would like to admit. why is that embarrassment not enough to make us quit? especially in front of our children or spouses. i have now been sober for almost 6 months and i love not having that worry....good luck to you.
              I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
              sober since 2/4/12


                I cannot believe I did this in my sleep

                Hi Fleur,

                Sounds like you were in a blackout and not sleepwalking. I had many blackouts, so I can relate. The only cure is to quit drinking. Do you have a plan to quit? You CAN do this, I know it's not easy, but it is doable. Please keep us posted on your progress ok?

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  I cannot believe I did this in my sleep

                  Fleur, we have all done things when drunk or in blackout, the only cure for it is really not drinking. I still blush when I think of the things I have done. The sad part is that our loved ones can see it as normal behaviour for us when drinking. I have embarrassed my children in the past, and I like to think that I have made ammends to them by not drinking again, that's the only cure for me. Good luck to you.

