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my progress so far ....

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    my progress so far ....

    I am on my 7th day today. Last night was the first night that I didn't have awful night sweats so far. I still woke up a few times though out the night, but in general, much better than it has been.

    Yesterday, I had a mental craving to get alcohol after work since it was Friday night. I ended up getting a little irritated, doing the dishes in a bit of a huff, cooked dinner and left it at that. I have been eating well and exercising since day 3 (I am actually good at diet/exercise when I am not drinking myself to death). I wake up by 5am every morning to exercise. After, I have been taking a protein concentrate from the heath store every morning that has all the amino acids, including l-glut in it, and then 5htp at night.

    Tonight, I am again having a small mental battle to have a drink again, wanting to make a trip to the liquor store. If I get through today without, I have no option on Sundays. Sundays are always the day I force myself to stay sober if I don't get alcohol by Saturday. Utah laws are strict and there are no liquor stores are open on Sundays, so no booze available period.

    I am not sure why I would want to drink and start this all over again when I just got passed the worst part of withdrawals. I guess its just the thought of it, the boredom, etc. As much as I hate the addiction and its bad effects, I still enjoy it and long for it in many ways too.

    my progress so far ....

    Good for you, seven days! It takes a long time to break this habit and learn how to live without alcohol, but it is worth the battle.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      my progress so far ....

      Thank you sunbeam, I doubt I would have got this far without MWO. It has been super helpful to see others in the same situation who have done the same things that I have and to be able to admit the struggles and problems with people on here.


        my progress so far ....

        Please stay the course. There is nothing worse than Day 1. Now you have conquered every day in the week, so you can do this. Fight those voices in your head that tell you that one drink would be ok. Stay on track to Day 13 and you will see that things get considerably easier. If it stayed this hard no body could do it. You are doing great and have done the work, now enjoy how being AF will make you feel. I am very proud of you for taking these first steps. Remember, don't cave in no matter what and no matter who. I am pulling for you. Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          my progress so far ....

          thanks byrdlady, I know it would be sabotage to ruin and begin the cycle all over again. Just have to work through the thoughts, when your mind says that it would be ok. That is why I am here on mwo now, trying to get to through the tough times and be happily AF!!


            my progress so far ....

            I am here also unknown watching The Fifth Element, eating BBQ Potato chips and trying to get to Day 27!
            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest


              my progress so far ....

              Great job UnknownDoll and Kradle!

              I remember those early days so well and spending many a night here posting, reading, googling, studying and tweaking my plan, and doing whatever else I needed to do to beat down the urges. It did feel like mental gymnastics some nights, but what I learned is that they never last forever, and every little battle we win brings us one step closer to winning the war. It's hard to imagine in the early days when they're so intense that it will ever get better, but I promise you, it does.

              I never have strong urges anymore, just a rare fleeting thought that I quickly dismiss as absurd. I learned early on that the key is to shut them down immediately to starve them of the energy they need to turn into something more.

              You guys are doing everything right! Keep up the good work! It's so worth it!

              AF since 3/16/09
              NF since 3/20/07


                my progress so far ....

                thanks everyone. I made it though and feel good that I didn't.


                  my progress so far ....

                  Congratulations on making it past the one week mark. A lot of times, I used to drink out of boredom, too. I think you'll find that the longer you go AF, you will start to find more enjoyable and productive ways to spend your time.


                    my progress so far ....

                    Hi Unknown:

                    I get hit with those cravings and they are soooo unexpected. It just stinks. But I go tout suite (as my mom used ot say ) to the supps and my lemons, slicing then into my big colourful water glass. I also split a topa in half which takes a few minutes and much frustration so that helps take the edge off. Then I jump on here and I read what I hate, loath about drinking or you know you are an alcoholic when...

                    These small things help me a lot.

                    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
           tool box
           newbie nest


                      my progress so far ....

                      Hey Unknowndoll - you will never regret not drinking. Congrats on making it through the first week! Feels good, doesn't it?

                      I agree with Kradle - when the cravings hit I go out and indulge...and that means, I try and find my nearest Starbucks and get a ridiculously sweet and delicious latte...
                      The forums help as well...I find if I stray for too long (especially in early sobriety) then I manage to slip.

                      I am the same way as you as well...since I quit I have been going to the gym daily/exercising, eating healthy and have lost 20lbs so far the past few months...(I gained 50lbs from drinking, ugh).

                      Just keep up all the positive things you are doing.
                      It is only when you get bored that those feelings of using pop up.

                      Again - congrats! Keep up the fabulous work.

