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The Craving Buster

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    The Craving Buster

    hi all, came across this in the Uk's Times newspaper in an article by Paul McKenna (well known uk hypnotherapist). Sounds bonkers, but bear with me and read to the end : it has worked for me on occasion - give it a go and report back on this thread what you think!

    NB the word {alcohol} can be substitued for food and/or cigarettes.

    (Apologies to Mr Mckenna / United News and Media if I owe them royalties- so sue me! I am typing this out word for word from The Times).

    "Thought Field Therapy (TFP) is an extraordinary set of techniques created by Dr Roger Callahan. The effect of tapping in a specific sequence below resets the way in which your brain interprets and responds to stress, thereby altering your internal brain structure. It can be appplied to any craving or intense nagging desire. Follow these instructions and your cravings will vanish.

    1. Summon the biggest desire for {alcohol} that you can, right now. If you don't have enought craving, put this technique to one side and come back to it when you're really feeling it.

    2. Focus on this craving for a moment and rate your desire on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 is the highest).

    3. If you are not desperate for {alcohol} (i.e. your craving is not at least a 7) come back to this technique later.

    4. Now take 2 fingers of either hand and tap about 10 times under you collar bone while you continue to think about having your craving.

    5. Now tap under your eye 10 times.

    6. Now tap under you collarbone again.

    7. Place your other hand in front of you and tap on the back of it between your ring finger and your little finger. Continue to think about your craving as you do this and each of the steps which follow:

    close your eyes and open them

    keep your head still, keep tapping and look down to the right and then down to the left.

    keep tapping and rotate your eyes round 360 degrees clockwise then 360 degrees anti clockwise

    keep thinking about your craving!

    hum the first lines of "Happy Birthday" out loud

    count out loud from 1 to 5

    hum the first lines of "Happy Birthday" out loud again

    8. Stop and check. On a scale of 1 - 10, what number is your craving at now? If it hasn't completely gone, repeat the sequence again until it does."

    Weird huh? Does it help you? Post and let us know. Kate x

    The Craving Buster

    it appears entertaining at the very least! I'll give it a go...
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      The Craving Buster

      Entertaining, but it seems like a lot of work LOL!!


        The Craving Buster

        ok, I just tried it. when I got to the part where you close your eyes....I got stuck because I don't know what to do next! I guess it won't be hard to memorize though.
        the result? well, it's not really a fair test as I'm not having cravings much today, mostly just sickly. but they'll be around the corner in a day or two and we'll have another go.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          The Craving Buster

          Hi Kate,

          I actually went to a therapist that specialized in this type of treatment and sadly it did not work well for me, but I have heard other people having great success with it. Did it work for you? I did not really use to address my alcohol issue, more depression and anxiety, so I will try it again visualizing alcohol.....
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            The Craving Buster

            Wouldnt you know.... my husband walked in the room and caught me reading off my laptop and tapping under my eye and counting. I was so embarrassed! He said, "What the HELL are you doing??"
            What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


              The Craving Buster

              LOL I guess it would really be interesting if you were in public...hey whatever works:H
              Colorado Chick!
              Your support means the world to me...:h


                The Craving Buster

                I used this to get off cigarettes before xmas with 100% success. I'd tried patches, gum, Alan Carr etc before without long term success. I've found it really easy this time, but I was ready to quit ... approaching 40, you start to sense the guy with the scythe and the hooded cloak taking more of an interest.

                However, it is not working for me with booze much - a bit maybe. Trouble with me is that a big (or at least powerful) part of my brain does not want to stop drinking. I can do AF for a night, or even moderate if we go out and I have to drive home,, but if I drink at home that first glass turns into 20. Anyway, waiting for the topa and cs to arrive (come ON postman where are you?!!) and then I'll do the RJ programme exactly as she recommends. In the meantime I am logging on daily here - it's not making any difference to my drinking BUT it has stopped all the guilt trips and self loathing, mostly because of you lovely people:l . I know now that it is brain wiring and that there is a solution, and that I'm ready to start.

                Anywya, if the whole tapping and humming things helpsjust one person I'm glad I posted it!

                catch you later, K x


                  The Craving Buster

                  hi kate
                  this is the original person who designed E.F.T or emotional freedom can get a free manual by Gary Craig at
                  EFT Provides Impressive Health and Emotional Freedom--New Discovery Often Works Where Nothing Else

                  you can also buy a great set of dvd's cheap and you are allowed and encouraged to make up to 100 copies and give to anyone,some people find it effective but i tried it and at first it worked but i didn't stay with it.i think you have to work at it for a few weeks to see results.i did find that it releases stress but lots of stress is deep and requires regular tapping to get at the roots.


                    The Craving Buster

                    Allie, my hubbie doesn't even ask anymore. He just leaves the room.


                      The Craving Buster

                      I will try this

                      I am going to try this today! It's only 7am here in the morning so my craving won't kick in for at least 10 or 11 hours time.
                      It amazes me that I can be so normal and strong until I get to that witching hour and then I turn into a little *itch.
                      Will let you know how it goes.
                      Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                        The Craving Buster

                        Hi Sharyn.I so empathise.... I'm usually ok all day until I cook my kids' supper, then I get this voice in my ear saying "just one drink,go on, just one drink". this is about 5pm. sometimes I can resist until 8pm by talking myself out of it. However, once I start... (Unless I am out and know I have to drive home) the 2nd glass for me is fatal... BANG!

                        will keep on swimming with you Shas... K x


                          The Craving Buster

                          I will try it tomorrow and let you know


                            The Craving Buster

                            I'm going to try this this evening when drink o'clock* time rolls round

                            (* TM Popeye )


                              The Craving Buster

                              about the tapping in public just don't go overboard with enthusiasim and start tapping other people.could be fun but then again you never know LOL.

