NB the word {alcohol} can be substitued for food and/or cigarettes.
(Apologies to Mr Mckenna / United News and Media if I owe them royalties- so sue me! I am typing this out word for word from The Times).
"Thought Field Therapy (TFP) is an extraordinary set of techniques created by Dr Roger Callahan. The effect of tapping in a specific sequence below resets the way in which your brain interprets and responds to stress, thereby altering your internal brain structure. It can be appplied to any craving or intense nagging desire. Follow these instructions and your cravings will vanish.
1. Summon the biggest desire for {alcohol} that you can, right now. If you don't have enought craving, put this technique to one side and come back to it when you're really feeling it.
2. Focus on this craving for a moment and rate your desire on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 is the highest).
3. If you are not desperate for {alcohol} (i.e. your craving is not at least a 7) come back to this technique later.
4. Now take 2 fingers of either hand and tap about 10 times under you collar bone while you continue to think about having your craving.
5. Now tap under your eye 10 times.
6. Now tap under you collarbone again.
7. Place your other hand in front of you and tap on the back of it between your ring finger and your little finger. Continue to think about your craving as you do this and each of the steps which follow:
close your eyes and open them
keep your head still, keep tapping and look down to the right and then down to the left.
keep tapping and rotate your eyes round 360 degrees clockwise then 360 degrees anti clockwise
keep thinking about your craving!
hum the first lines of "Happy Birthday" out loud
count out loud from 1 to 5
hum the first lines of "Happy Birthday" out loud again
8. Stop and check. On a scale of 1 - 10, what number is your craving at now? If it hasn't completely gone, repeat the sequence again until it does."
Weird huh? Does it help you? Post and let us know. Kate x