1. Orkut scraps, graphics, facebook photo, cute picture, friendster tagged myspace image share | Page-
2. Graphics, Comments, Pictures, Backgrounds and Layouts
3 .Comments, Graphics for Myspace, Orkut, Hi5
4. sweetcomments.com: The Leading Sweet Comment Site on the Net
You can also go to photo bucket, or flicker & some share their pics, but look for those BB, or BBC codes only, unless ya want ta get pro at this!
Some will have search bar & type congratulations, birthdays, etc. hit enter on your keyboard. Or it will be on the side & just click on name. Then start selection process.
When you see share codes click with mouse & I think hit enter on your key board. Copy & paste only the BB, or BBC codes, make sure ya get the whole thing. There is a little scroll bar in the the field. See example below, cause ya are going ta erase part of it.

Compare which part I erased from the above example. It's just the first line & the brackets that contain the URL with a backslash [/URL]
After you erase, hit preview post & you should see your graphic image above. Then if you want to type any message you can go back type that, preview again, then hit submit. Which is what I am going to do now.
OK, hope this helps. Good luck & have fun!

Oh & Duh you just put these BB or BBC codes right here in the big white post field where ya normally type your messages. No tricks... Sorry I forgot. No Fifty Jokes Excepted hahaha.....
