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Seeing drunk people as they really are

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    Seeing drunk people as they really are

    So, I went to a karaoke night/birthday party this weekend and it sure is eye opening watching people get really drunk when you're stone cold sober. People who had me in stitches earlier in the evening got progressively less funny the drunker they got - yet of course they thought they got funnier. Others got belligerent and repetitive. Everyone looked less attractive - slurring, bleary eyed, foolish and messy.

    I made sure to have my wine glass filled with mineral water all night so most people didn't even notice I wasn't drinking. But there was this one guy who gave me a really hard time about it and kept trying to pour me wine - even insisting I *had* to have one for the birthday girl and making fun of me when I said (for the dozenth time) "REALLY, I'm ok, please stop".

    Well, guess what? Turns out that later in the night that guy got kicked out of a bar, arrested, charged for intoxication and banned from the area - he spent the night in a jail cell. Fun, huh? Also a good demonstration of the fact that those who give us the most shit for not drinking are invariably the ones with the biggest problems with booze themselves.

    These images are good for us all to remember when we start missing Al and how "fun", "glamorous" and "relaxing" it is.

    So, anyone care to share their stories of realizing what drunk people really look and act like when you're sober?

    Seeing drunk people as they really are

    On my way home at 3.30pm yesterday I saw a very drunken man weaving his way along the pavement holding a carrier bag obviously containing a four pack, I thought to myself Thank God that will never be me again!!!
    Taking it ODAT


      Seeing drunk people as they really are

      my son followed a drink home ON A SCOOTER the other night...he kept popping over the sidewalk curb in to traffic

      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Seeing drunk people as they really are

        I go to sober time karaoke and esp. the early days it was odd to see people getting drunk. They look like they are having some fun for so long, but I see them and can imagine how their morning is going to be the next day, not fun at all. I have seen 2 wasted girls having to help each other to walk, held hair for 1 of them on her birthday and done so many things now that I know I wouldn't be if I was with them drinking along. Plus I see more of how stupid and idiotic people get drunk. I even heard from some that seems to think that you need to drink to have fun......and I know that you don't need the drink to have fun, and I can continue the fun the next morning while they can't.
        I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

        Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

        Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


          Seeing drunk people as they really are

          Back in years, when I was riding my bike, I saw a man in backseat of a car and his head is over the window and keep on vomiting, I didn't know why is that man like that, and asked my father about it. He told me that that man is a drunk man that doesn't really know what he is doing. He said to me that it is a bad example of being drunk.


            Seeing drunk people as they really are

            Nice Thread !

            I have seen one of the tenant living in our building was urinating on the staircase in the mid night of his sleep walking and his wife was crying at him. Children were witness of that horrendous scene !!!! What a shame to his family ??.No I am seeing they are living separately and the man is now street guy .
            I felt hell where I was living .
            A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

            2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

            Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

            2013 : So many ups and down !!

            2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


              Seeing drunk people as they really are

              Nice Thread !

              I have seen one of the tenant living in our building was urinating on the staircase in the mid night of his sleep walking and his wife was crying at him. Children were witness of that horrendous scene !!!! What a shame to his family ??.No I am seeing they are living separately and the man is now a street guy .
              I felt hell where I was living .
              A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

              2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

              Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

              2013 : So many ups and down !!

              2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                Seeing drunk people as they really are

                While at social functions listening to people talk in completely differentL Language: to the one they were speaking just a few hours ago and repeating it over and over.I also can relate to all the above as that was me on many occasions and then I thought I was ok and doing nothing wrong.Its cringeworthy when I think back.

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  Seeing drunk people as they really are

                  Sorry to admit, but the past year I have been just as or the most drunk person in the crowd.

                  Ugh, letting go of all the stupid things I did or said and embracing sobriety again.
                  new beginnings July 16, 2012


                    Seeing drunk people as they really are

                    Al is at the very soul of self deception. I want to be free and see myself and the world clearly. When drinking, I was, of course, sloppy, illogical, repetitive,out of control... and thus a typical drunk who did not see the real me at all. In my self deception and under Al's hold, I was so very far from what and who I thought I was..... Now I know I want to be free, and real. Al surely doesn't want that. But with help and determination, I will be alcohol free today and hold onto sobriety. Peace to all who fight for serenity and sobriety.


                      Seeing drunk people as they really are

                      kathylady54;1354191 wrote: Al is at the very soul of self deception. I want to be free and see myself and the world clearly. When drinking, I was, of course, sloppy, illogical, repetitive,out of control... and thus a typical drunk who did not see the real me at all. In my self deception and under Al's hold, I was so very far from what and who I thought I was..... Now I know I want to be free, and real. Al surely doesn't want that. But with help and determination, I will be alcohol free today and hold onto sobriety. Peace to all who fight for serenity and sobriety.
                      :welcome: Kathy! Wishing you strength and hope. Have you jumped into the Newbies Nest yet? It's a great place to be for those at the start of their journey seeking 30 days - and beyond - Al free.

                      I agree with you too. Alcohol is the definition of self deception for alcoholics. And it turns even non-alcoholics into people they're really not. We lie to ourselves about the booze. We lie to keep the booze. We lie because of the booze. My interactions with people feel so much more genuine and real sober.


                        Seeing drunk people as they really are

                        Thanks everyone for all these great posts btw. I know we could all tell our own stories of being that drunk person. I think there's something powerful in seeing it from the other side sober, however.


                          Seeing drunk people as they really are

                          A guy I know (who was a non-drinker) used to film his roommate's antics when he was drunk and put them on YouTube. It was hilarious. One time he put a frozen pizza in the oven, nearly burned it by passing out while it was cooking, couldn't find a spatula so tried to use paper plate to scoop it out of the oven, dropped half on the floor, picked it up and took a bite, spit it out because it was too hot, then shoved it messily in the freezer to cool. I wish the videos were still up.


                            Seeing drunk people as they really are

                            OMG! Did the roommate know he was being YouTubed?

