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    Hey guys,

    I felt like starting a new thread - mostly just for me....but love sharing for anyone that wants to read.

    One thing I have always liked about posting here is its like a journal but a live one. One that writes back to you. Some of you know I am going through a rough time lately. I am so glad this place exists that ya can write and no one really knows ya but yet DOES know ya. I appreciate the connections I feel here.

    With all this divorce crap I've been goin through (year and a half divorced just property settling stuff still) its been very hard on me. Mostly with the kids and theri dad gettin them to turn on me and all. I can say for the FIRST time in my 46 years of life......I truly have a broken heart. Never knew that pain till now. Kids will sure do it to ya.

    But the other side of it is I cant actually believe how well I am holdin up. Still not drinkin - holdin on to my sobriety. I am so proud of myself. Though I feel so beat down....I still feel pretty sturdy. Feel so fragile - yet so strong. Tryin to keep workin through it at my own pace and somehow getting through it. I know this is all because I have remained sober.

    I do know that hard times, stressful times are not all there is to life, but they are part of life that brings growth and moving forward. I just need to keep focusing my energy in a positive way to continue this growth so I can fine tune my skills and strength. I dont want to deprive myself of the growth and ability to move forward so I am hoping all this will motivate me to know my best so I can enjoy the easier times of life and the higher levels of living in a more fulfilled way.

    This is my self talk for me today and I wanted to share with you all to help myself stay accountable.

    Thanks you guys for listening.
    Gabby :flower:


    Gabby, thanks for sharing your 'journal'...your life. I do believe in the deepest truth that lies beneath so many of our greatest spiritual teachers..regardless of what the faith is, and that is that we must lose our lives in order to gain it..if you can keep the spirit, I'm sure that you will find that what you've gained in the long run will cast great shadows on the things that have come to pass. Your children will witness this one day, I promise...their hearts may need to break as well...My heart has broken a million times through motherhood and marriage, but each time I look back and see that it wasn't my heart at all, but a piece of a shell around my time my heart has grown stronger and is getting more and more used to the bright painful light that shines on it..and that is my hope for you!



      Gabby, if you think of yourself as a piece of metal, to make you stronger you have to be tempered and shaped by going through the fire, that is where you are now... Just think how strong you will be when you come out the other side....

      There are times when we may not always know what to say, or we may not be able to advise, but one thing you can ALWAYS depend on, we are always here to listen...

      From Louise xx

      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life



        Like Louise said......going through the fire....
        The heat of the fire is what burns all the impurities away from the precious silver...If we never had the fire, we wouldn't be made into something beautiful.....
        Your boys will come back full circle....I promise..

        :h Nancy
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10



          Thinking of You

          You sound so good! I know you are hurting but you have to believe that things will do a full circle. You are right, stress is a part of life and you just have to keep working through it. Allow yourself to lean on people that love you and know that you are so special you have every right to ask for support when you need it.
          Much Love
          Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


            MY SELF TALK TODAY

            hey Gabby, my wife and I have been witnessing a horrible breakup of two dear friends of ours and seen what it's doing to their heartbreaking. the wife turned to a life of depravity and won't even call the kids on birthdays, let alone act like a mom. ironically the kids were initially for her, but now they see whoe the decent person really is. yours WILL figure out how great you are...there's no stopping kids!
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              MY SELF TALK TODAY

              Gabby - you are such a STRONG woman and you should really give yourself a lot of credit. I can't add much more than what the others have said already. :l


                MY SELF TALK TODAY

                Gabby, I love your idea of a "journal" that talks back to you! I'm glad that you are feeling a bit better in the sense of feeling your own strength and solidity, even though you are also still feeling vulnerable. Love and hugs, honey!
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  MY SELF TALK TODAY

                  Thanks you guys for sharing. I love your support and ideas on all of this. Tomorrow is anther day.
                  Gabby :flower:


                    MY SELF TALK TODAY

                    Hiya Gabster,

                    I loved and agreed with what Lou and Nancy were saying about the fire, and you being forged into something stronger. With you going through all this i can see you coming out the other side as an anvil.

                    As you know you and i were at about the same place last July, and the fact that you havnt drank since way back then...Gabby you have my upmost repect...You were strong before you went into the fire.:l
                    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                      MY SELF TALK TODAY

                      Gabby, you hang in there. That's the beauty of it all. We're all from different parts of life. Some married, some divorce, some like myself have been bachelors, hopefully getting married this years, trying to get my act of leaving the booze together ... It's great to just have each other. As Kathy said, the boys will keep coming back. They will. They're boys.
                      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                        MY SELF TALK TODAY

                        Thanks Mack and is today now. A new week!
                        Gabby :flower:


                          MY SELF TALK TODAY

                          Wonderful post Gabby - I know what you mean about this place - I have printed out some of my posts to show my doctor in the past.

                          I do not know what it's like to be in you situation, but the fact that you are holding up so well is an inspiration to me.

                          I have a child myself, and I know that a mother like you will always come through, your children will feel that too.

                          Lots of love

                          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                            MY SELF TALK TODAY

                            Hi Gabby,
                            How you feeling today ?
                            Love ya to bits

                            Lisa XX
                            Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....


                              MY SELF TALK TODAY

                              Thanks Cashie and Lisa. Love you too!

                              Overheard some news today. Extreamly interesting! My oldest was talkin to his girfriend and was braggin about the WRX - I think I'm sayin that right
                              (a car) he is going to get on his 18th birthday thats commin up and my 15 yr old that is gettin the 17 yr olds probe thats in the body shop for his 16th birthday thats comin up - hummmmm......kinda thought there was some bribeing goin on. Go figure!
                              Gabby :flower:

