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Vacation. No money. No booze. No plans.

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    Vacation. No money. No booze. No plans.

    What did you guys do when that happened??

    Two weeks of vacation with the boyfriend in his parents house doing nothing?? How BORING is that?? And no booze? Well - I did do my thirty days today and I can try modding but to be honest I just don't feel like I want to right now.
    We have absolutely no money to spend on ourselves or any sort of trip and I am just disappointed and if we sit around being bored then I definitely WILL drink and that is what I am most afraid of.
    My little structured world is going to ce crumbling down.
    I am also super irritable and pissy lately which isn't helping my case at all!!!!!!!
    I don't want to hang out with his friends and family during the two weeks I wanted to go somewhere and spend te with just the two of us!!

    I don't know...

    Vacation. No money. No booze. No plans.

    Sorry for the stupid damn typos!!!!


      Vacation. No money. No booze. No plans.

      I know how you feel, at least about the financial situation. I was looking up places for bf and i to go for a vacation, and found a couple that were sort of in our range. IF we didn't have to buy gas or eat the whole time!!! Sucks, I agree.

      Maybe the two of you can plan a few outings ahead of time, so that you know you are going to do something together just the two of you. Like go ahead and purchase movie tickets for one night/ tickets to the zoo or something, if it's affordable. Go to the lake for the day, if you have one in driving distance...But, first of all you need to tell bf that is what you want, and don't take no for an answer.

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        Vacation. No money. No booze. No plans.

        Hi Bri, where do you live? can you plan to go for romantic walks or picnics in the park or something, there are free things to do wherever you live you just have to make the most of them and do a little research, could you maybe go to charity shops and spend a few pounds on something like a chess set or backgammon and teach yourselves to play, crosswords are good and sudoku and you can buy books really cheaply, I know it might sound boring but anything to keep your mind off the unmentionable and keep you occupied could turn out to be entertaining
        Taking it ODAT


          Vacation. No money. No booze. No plans.

          Thanks guys.
          I got super pissed off randomly. I find that I get so irritable lately out of nowhere, or over the littlest things...
          I am sure we could do lots of things...there are some issues though...people that involve themselves without being invited because we don't have our privacy..if that makes sense. That is why I would love to just get out of the house - out of the city and do something new!! It doesn't help that we sit in our apartment most nights and I just want to do something different.

          I know I whined before. I apologize....
          I am just a basket case of emotions lately - I am emotional, irritable, paranoid, sad, anxious...I don't know. I think everyone hates me. I think I'm fat. BLABLABLAAA. The list goes on.
          Sorry...more rambling! Lol. I am working on it.


            Vacation. No money. No booze. No plans.

            Oh and I don't live anywhere spectacular that there is much to "see"...everything is rather far away from where I live and gas costs money too. :P


              Vacation. No money. No booze. No plans.

              This may sound ridiculous...but can you put yourself into the service of others? If you have a can call a local nursing home and ask if you can take him by to visit people who NEVER see a soul other than the staff. This does a couple of makes you grateful for your life and health, brings joy to someone who otherwise wouldn't have any, and gets you out of the pity party. Or bake a cake for a neighbor and take it over. I found little things like this to help me tremendously....because the more I give, the more I get! Good luck! B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Vacation. No money. No booze. No plans.

                Mollyka is right, Bri. The irritation and moodiness are definitely normal in your situation. At least I know they are now, lol. I went through the same stuff, and still do. I wonder if the AL was the only thing keeping me calm.

                Camping is a great idea too. Also any state parks usually have cabins for rent--cheap. my bf and i stayed at one recently for $50.00 a night.

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  Vacation. No money. No booze. No plans.

                  Byrdlady - it doesn't sound ridiculous at all...maybe I will go and volunteer at my local Humane Society - the government doesn't cover animal shelters where I they need all the help they can get at times. That is a good idea...and selfless...better then being I have been being.

                  Mollyka & LG - camping is a great idea. I suggested it to the boyfriend and he has agreed to it as well so we will plan on doing that next week as well.

                  I will definitely post and talk through more of my problems. For a while there I was avoiding MWO and posting...but I am glad that it somewhat helps others...and maybe someone else is going through the same thing.

                  I am going to post more about moodiness and irritability on another that we can all more openly discuss it...and air our out frustrations to one another.

                  Thank you.
                  I was being such a moody brat earlier. You guys brought me back down to earth and allowed me to realize that money doesn't have to be the be all and end all!!




                    Vacation. No money. No booze. No plans.

                    Bri so glad you have made some decisions on what to do, it IS hard when you haven't any money because most things these days are expensive! The camping sounds like fun, my dh is always on at me to go!
                    Taking it ODAT

