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Really need some help right now..Quite sensitive

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    Really need some help right now..Quite sensitive

    Oh my...this is hard and rather personal....i haven't had monthlys for 4 months, my doc said to do tests which i have done..3 of them..all i started back on my pill...unfortunately i think the tests were wrong, im not doing good and feel so guilty....i miscarried once before when i was 23 didn't even know i was pregnant. Same thing has happened again recognised the signs straight away...Im feeling so low..stupid tests, if id known for sure i wouldnt have started on my pill again..the thing that i want the most in my life and i go and destroy it without even realising.....I am feeling truly horrid right now, sorry to be miserable or if iv upset anyone..this is the only place where i feel i can be myself and completely honest
    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

    Really need some help right now..Quite sensitive

    Lou, the pill does not cause miscarriages. You should go see your doctor to check out your hormones. If three tests came back negative, I highly doubt you were pregnant. I am sorry you are feeling down.........
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Really need some help right now..Quite sensitive

      hey sweetheart take a breath... 3 tests are VERY VERY unlikely to be wrong given that you are so "late". Keep calm and make an apt with yr Dr ASAP for an independant test.

      Remember this: taking the pill does not necessarily hurt a foetus.

      In the (very unlikely in my view) event that you are pregnant, the baby will be fine, even if you have taken the pill. You think you are the first woman who has no recognised the signs of pregnancy and who has continued with her daily pill? They are pretty robust little creatures....

      I have been pregnant 3 times and have imbibed the following in the early stages: aspirin, paracetomal, ibrobufen, contraceptive pills, cocaine (justa bit at a party, but not terribly impressive I agree), alcohol, caffeine, blue cheese, raw eggs, blah blah. I have 3 (thank God) gorgeous bright kids. I promise you Lou - you need to relax.

      Stop worrying needlessly. Get tests done so you know one way or another if you are pregnant, then go from there.



        Really need some help right now..Quite sensitive

        What Kate says is right. I know many people who have continued to take the pill when they were pregnant and all was well. Seeing the doctor is the thing to do first and don't panic.


          Really need some help right now..Quite sensitive

          Dear Lou,
          The others have said it all and it's good that you can talk to us here. What ever support you need we can give it. Now get yourself off to the Doctor and let us know what the result is.

          Thinking of you


            Really need some help right now..Quite sensitive

            Thank you all and deep breath...dont wanna get in to too much detail but i know its i said in my earlier post it has happened to be before....i know...i seen and am still experiencing the pain from it. Maybe not my fault for taking my pill...maybe just me
            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


              Really need some help right now..Quite sensitive

              Hi Lou hope you can rest and I think the advice of seeing the Dr. is a good idea. No it is not your fault for taking your pill, been in your shoes a couple of times and it is emtionally (hormones) and physically exhausting.



                Really need some help right now..Quite sensitive

                Ahhhh... Lou. Go and see your doctor ASAP and have it checked out. This way you can relax a bit. If you had 3 home pregnancy tests, then it is very possible you aren't pregnant. They are pretty accurate nowadays. Have your doctor rule it out for you for peace of mind.

                There are MANY factors such as excessive drinking, exercise, and stress that can cause an absence of the menstrual cycle. I know you are AF now and have been for weeks, but you have also been under an enormous amount of stress AND you have been exercising a lot! If you are on prescription drugs they can play a part in this to. And don't forget you aren't sleeping either. Your body is probably maxed out.

                Book an appointment tomorrow.

                Hang in there. :l


                  Really need some help right now..Quite sensitive

                  Lou there are many things that can cause an absence of periods - cysts, diet, stress etc. I went 12 months without one in my early 20s with polycystic ovaries which fixed themselves up without treatment.

                  I have also had periods that have been so painful that they felt like labour itself (well almost, but pretty close).

                  See an ob/gyn asap.

                  Lots of love

                  "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

