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Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

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    Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

    Good morning, good morning, good morning!!

    I am at the command desk hoping the day just flies by. Although, once I get home it will be a fairly hectic weekend. FH has put the apartment on the market and inspections being next week, so starting tonight, de-cluttering begins. I've done my stuff but I can't begin to describe the 'clutter' that is in every nook and cranny of the place. Last night we went to look at a house that ticked all the boxes and when we got there it was an absolute s**t hole. I was gobsmacked!! How could photos by SO deceiving..... AND, we got caught in a crazy storm, I got drenched and had to take my shoes off to run for it!! I was then, not only gobsmacked but a wee bit p****d off. Tomorrow is a full day of rushing from one open house to the next until late afternoon. I'm not enjoying the process of what we are doing at all. In fact, I feel downright beaten by it. I do my bit on the list thinking I'm sorted then I get tonnes of 'extras' because ...... I just do!!! No use moaning about s**t is there??? Sorry..........

    Gosh Tawny, it's a wonder you're still as chipper as you are. Yeah, go soak your feet and paint your toenails pink - that'll cheer you up!

    Hugs to everyone, spesh kisses to Leon. Techie must be occupied somewhere? Lilly must be making a quilt?

    So please, go ahead an have a fabulous day, being fabulous!!!
    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
    Mother Theresa


      Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

      Morning Undies...I love Anzacs, filthy lot of sugar in them but thats probably why I like ' to do and then my office social club has decreed that today is pedicure day, so I am going with the flow...nothing like nice feet...


        Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

        AbFab here dahlink's,

        No POETS day for you then Noicey! Wish you well on the house hunting. You too Missy!

        Frog, at least the road work crew should knock orf early today given it's poets.....unless they have a right wing or middle left ganger. It probably doesn't help noticing one worker with a shovel whilst 4 stand around looking at him/her.

        Happy napping to Leon man!

        The chicks on the Spanish news are hot, hot i tell's ya.

        L8tr, yo!

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

          Morning all
          Yey its friday at last, having a few people over tomorrow as its hubbys birthday next week so i am setting myself a challange to stay a/f i just love a challange xxx
          And i love waking up the next morning knowing exactly what i have said & done :H
          Hope everyone has a fab friday :l
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

            Morning all

            just got text from friend, baby had one operation, and he needs to get another, been fed by tube with expessed breastmilk....must be so hard for the new Mam, as once they are born you just want to hold and cuddle them don't you....

            Nicey I'm not making quilts at the moment, doing doilies/placemats.. will maybe post a pic of some I already did, later on.. if you guys would like to see them..

            forecast for today here, is storms, so its maybe leaving you Tawn and coming up our way...:upset:

            Have a good day one and all....:l


              Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

              Hey there Undies. Sorry to hear about your friends baby Lilly. Well I'm in Seattle. I have a brief presentation tomorrow morning and I'm busy parsing through a myriad of discovery data. Hopefully later tonight I'll have a powerpoint file that makes sense. Hope everyone is well!

              Anyone ever have Alaskan razor clams?
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                Lilly - you've got to post your pics - we'd love to see them. The way I see things - if we enjoy doing something - let others know. They can either be inspired/impressed or if they're not interested, well they can bloody well ignore. Win/win sitch.

                After my kremm broolay exercise the other day, I had five egg whites to get rid of so the obligatory pav happened BUT wait!!!! ... here's the difference ... add a couple of chopped up Peppermint Crisps. Fan-bloody-tastic!

                Now for Techie ... I'm off to see old Mrs. Google before I can reply ...


                  Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                  I love peppermint crisps as much as life itself.
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                    Tawn that pavalova looks absolutly yum yum....

                    will post pics later on, will let every one drooool over your pav first.....

                    just come in from mowing the lawn, didn't really need it, but looks so much neater...
                    off to have a shower, and heading off to the shops, one of the grandkiddies is coming over tonight for a sleepover...fantastic...

                    Hi Bridge, how are you going at the gym....aches and pains wont be as bad are they, now you are getting used to it....


                      Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                      Fusk, there goes the diet...only got chocolate buttons in the pantry...desperate times call for desperate measures...

                      Lilly, that sounds positive with the baby, but like you say hard on the new mum.

                      No pedi....too many phone calls to catch up on, so I'm home for the arvo instead...


                        Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                        tawnyfrog;1368167 wrote:

                        OMG, I think I am in love. Techie back away from the frog, she's all mine...all mine I tell ya....
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                          KTAB;1368191 wrote: Techie back away from the frog, she's all mine...all mine I tell ya....
                          It's alright KTABBERS, Techie's swanning around in Seattle so here's a slice for you.


                            Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                            Lillypond059;1368178 wrote:

                            Hi Bridge, how are you going at the gym....aches and pains wont be as bad are they, now you are getting used to it....
                            I can't wait for her answer Lilly. :H:H

                            Look forward to more pics of your creative genius. Hope the little one's going okay.

                            Ya need a sprinkling of Spinach on that pav....

                            Have a maarvellous night all.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                              Hello folks. Well, I'm ready to check out of hotel. Things went well this morning, so I left a few system engineers and the client GM to muddle over the data. No razor clams for Techie last night :upset: Just a Marriott burger (horrible) and a sleepless night. One highlight that had me howling was Bridget's comment, "I love peppermint crisps as much as life itself". Well, I am heading to the airport with a mental image of concentric circles on KTAB's back :H

                              BTW, that pavlov looks good !!!
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                                Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                                Finally home sweet home. I'll admit, KTAB is on my hit list. I'll take him down like a Jonas Brothers poster at a Black Sabbath concert :H I do hope all is well with you beautiful folk. Hope to hear from Cashy and Lilly. Thrilled Happs met up with Sunny and Leon. I'd love a pic!?

                                Thinking of you Ronnie as well. The stuff a guy has to go through just to get a piece of whatever that Frog is baking....
                                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

