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Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

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    Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

    I have a satellite.


    I have cellulite.

    All is as it should be. Carry on ...


      Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

      tawnyfrog;1368600 wrote: I have a satellite.


      I have cellulite.

      All is as it should be. Carry on ...


        Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

        coriander;1368512 wrote: hi everyone.
        i'm back at Bumfuck, Nowhere, now.
        had a cleansing but emotionally stripping time at the detox place.
        highly recommended for anyone - lost 4 kgs in a week!!
        the one-on-one counselling was gruelling & left me pretty shaky, but i have some insights now into the "why" etc.
        spring has sprung down here, & although i haven't read back, it seems like you are all well & good.
        many changes will be coming about here, much of it scary & confronting, but it must be done. along the lines of Mojo's issues.
        have a good weekend everyone.
        Great to see you Cozza. You sound inspired. Bravo!

        tawnyfrog;1368532 wrote: Hiya Coriander, glad your time away has given you some clarity. I'm sorry to hear that you're going to need to make changes on the domestic front but if that's what's required - go for it. It seems to me, from what I've read, it's been a long time coming. It may seem scary and confronting at the moment but hell - what's the alternative? We're ultimately responsible for our own well-being. Nobody else can make life 'nice' for you. It's something I've had to learn.
        byebyebridgetjones;1368535 wrote:
        I don't mean to sound trite Cori, I am very sorry about where you are at the moment, and believe me I know how it feels. But I'm hopeful for your future. If you can possibly imagine how things might be in 6 months or a year, and imagine the new life you can set up for yourself. That's what kept me going anyway. Now I look back and thank dear Dog I made the move....
        Great posts Gils!

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

          Hey mr g you are a true inspiration! Can't believe I'm taking my girls ( Soph and a friend) to the Gov next month...kinda flashbacky scary but it is an all ages event! Ever played there? We are seeing the Last Dinosuars - never heard of them but we are not letting 14 year olds go to the Gov without us...
          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

            [quote]tawnyfrog;1368532 wrote: Hiya Coriander, glad your time away has given you some clarity. I'm sorry to hear that you're going to need to make changes on the domestic front but if that's what's required - go for it. It seems to me, from what I've read, it's been a long time coming. It may seem scary and confronting at the moment but hell - what's the alternative? We're ultimately responsible for our own well-being. Nobody else can make life 'nice' for you. It's something I've had to learn.

            Arvo Undies,

            Still utterly shitful weather here and I'm going majorly stir-crazy but thanks for the laughs, Techie. Throb them llamas. And stop baiting kTAB ... there's enough pav to go round.

            Ragggsy - getting excited yet?

            I'll bugger of now lest my SOL spreads to any happy Undies and Internationalistics.

            Hi Tawn, yep am getting pretty excited about NOW!!
            Sorry Bridge, didn't plant the grev. Will have to do it tomorrow... more or less the last chance. Wish we could get a few mm of rain here.... very dry conditions for the last 4 weeks.

            [quote]Miss Behaving;1368540 wrote: Thinking about all undies having a hard time at the moment. Hard to say anything that doesnt sound trite sometimes so i wont spout cliches, but you all have a special place in my heart.

            Anyone else watching the rugby? i dont normally but in the provincial town that we are staying in it is the only thing to do tonight!!!Nup, but on the news tonight some football team beat another 22 to nil. YAY to whoever it was who won.

            Corrie, i love curried sausages! If you could deliver some to our motel unit i would be very grateful. We made do with cup a soup tonight and im feeling very deprived :upset:[/quote wrote:

            We had almost currried sausages tonight! Tey were quite nice but unassuming.. as are most sausages. But they had a lotof fat in them.

            Originally posted by coriander View Post
            ahhhh but i need to put in a proviso that Missy's meatloaf was THE most supreme dish - LOVED it & now begging Missy yet again to please post the recipe as I stoopidly didn't write it down .......hell's bells it was GOOD......

            nerdy = little fake red franks on toothpicks. Yuck.
            Corrie, please please, what did you do to drop 4 kg in a week. I need to drop 2 kg before I leave these sunny shores next Friday.

            Miss Behaving;Yay - a try finally!!

            Oh i forgot - nobody else is watching the rugby are they? /QUOTE wrote:


            Originally posted by coriander
            I hate it when men play with their balls on television.
            Footy, rugby,soccer,baseball,'s all just men fascinated with balls, really.
            The difference comes when women do it with skill, men just do it with testosterone. Blah.
            Sorry, having a man rant. Apologies to our men folk here : mr g,reg,aspy,techie,ktabbers,'re different, i'm sure.
            And women have to do it with stupid bloody ribbons and balloons at the Olympix.

            Reggie;1368566 wrote:
            Hello my beloved Undies,

            l.I love the curried snag but draw the line on those eedjits that persist in putting sultanas or canned pineapple to sweeten em up ..GACK..SPEW ect:yuk:


            Sorry to hear some undies are feeling a bit glum this is the perfect oppo to tell yiz ..Mum had her last scan on Wednesday and all tumors have been obliterated by the chemo ...the doctor officially pronounced her as in remission...just visited her and squeezed her so hard I nearly put her back in hospital:H ...this is her 3rd time at beating cancer she had lymphoma in her early 76 shes beaten it again have no idea how happy I am

            Wishing you all a great sober evening and better times around the corner!!!

            Reggie, I hope you are able to deal with ll this, sometimes it can be so distressing.
            Please take care.

            PS Am looking at a Castle 650 22 foot. $27,500 which I think is a bit much but a beautiful trailer sailer.

            Used 2008 CASTLE 650 Boat For Sale -

            tawnyfrog;1368600 wrote: I have a satellite.


            I have cellulite.

            I have cellulite. perhaps Corrie can helpme get rid ofsome.

            I have no satellite.

            The cockatoos wrecked part of my antenna a couple of days ago. So intermiyttent transmission.. Makes viewing interesting.


              Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

              Wow Fran how exciting!only way I know how to lose quickly is subsist on water with lemon juice till 12 noon and walk a lot - works for me.
              I too have cellulite
              I miss talking to you - you really dug me out of a pit - long story but you did.
              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                PS great boat. I spent a lot of my youth on those - go check it out for sure!
                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                  Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                  Cashregister;1368624 wrote: Hey mr g you are a true inspiration! Can't believe I'm taking my girls ( Soph and a friend) to the Gov next month...kinda flashbacky scary but it is an all ages event! Ever played there? We are seeing the Last Dinosuars - never heard of them but we are not letting 14 year olds go to the Gov without us...
                  Yep, i played there many years ago Cashy. Alas, i don't remember a lot about it, but i'm sure the hospitality was grand. Enjoy, and watch the sticky carpet!

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                    These 12 ft. cadet dinghy's are what i cut me teeth on as a young bloke.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                      Morning All!!!!
                      Great to have you back Corri.
                      Reg what fantastic news.
                      Must bathe the cutie pie. See yous soon!

                      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                        Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                        Morning Undies! Busy day ahead....Sunny - I've had baby flashbacks all night - friggin chickens - it was scary...because they're under the heat lamp it's perpetual daylight....the noise....and they're under the house ffs....


                          Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                          And I'm not lagging this morning so here is an Ancona

                 tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=wUg5UMKwHM2ciAfWr4G4Cw&s qi=2&ved=0CC8QsAQ&biw=1366&bih=595


                            Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                            The Anaconda chook (originally from South America) strangles its wheat.

                            Good morning.


                              Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                              Thats one way to get a feed...sun shining yet?


                                Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!


