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Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

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    Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

    Re did the spuds today, so the new ones have been planted here...

    and heres a better one of Bridget and Lacey...


      Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

      myhappyplace;1368903 wrote: I wrote "an ode to plastic cheese in the blue box" and lost it...something about the gooey plasticky goodness...
      Sounds like a terrible loss for the literary world, that.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

        byebyebridgetjones;1368911 wrote: Sounds like a terrible loss for the literary world, that.
        Absolutely...and speaking of Absolutely...just saw the ad for the 20 years on Photobucket while I was getting those piccies up...


          Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

          coriander;1368837 wrote: Morning all.
          I've been for my walk with the canines, said hello to the dozing-in-the-sun horses, had my
          Sun shining here today, & I am formulating plans.
          I'll be back later!
          Oooh oooh oooh what sort of plans Corrie?


            Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

            byebyebridgetjones;1368895 wrote: No I haven't my dear, but it'll have to be on the hitlist because as soon as the weather is reliably warm I'm buying some more little Undie namesakes for the pen.....

            Will any of them be named Raggsy?

            tawnyfrog;1368899 wrote:
            The cheese cubes HAD to be Kraft processed cheddar ... in the blue box/packet
            Mr Rags is taking a packet of the blue boxed Kraft to Iffrikka ....... or maybe I shouldn't have told you. Also packed are Natural Food snakes, macadamia nuts, 2 Australian celebration cakes, Moccona instant coffee (Indulgence), the katydyn water filter a tiny billy, a tube of vegemite and a couple of carabiners in case I feel the urge to leap off a tall mountain.....

            After I share the food and nibblies, and offload some of my clothes, I'll have stacks of space for ....... SHOPPING!!! Mr Rags says no shopping... frown and pout bottom lip. But my sort of shopping isn't fashion stuff.... when I was in NZ i went to THE FAMOUS GARDEN SHOW ( can't remember the name of it Sorry Missy) and brought home some gardening gloves and a compost turner...


              Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

              Oh, and dinner is off... My male friend slipped over this morning and did in his medial something or other in his knee and buggered up an old injury from when he was a NZ Ranger and broke both his legs in a parachute accident. Still did 3 tours of Vietnam though afterwards.
              I had cooked a swag of spag bol last night, so took some down to them. He goes to hospital tomorrow to get it sorted... along with (Bridge help me out here) cauterising some blood vessels supplying his kidneys so his blood pressure comes down and he doesn't get protein seepage . Poor bastard... he has one medical issue after another the last 15 months.

              Mr Rags and I now have 4 huge steaks to get through plus bloody pancakes. Well I could give the pancakes a miss and just have the berries (including the last of the mulberries I froze from my tree which toppled over late last year) and the KI yoghurt which Mr Rags hunted down for me.


                Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                :sofa: any sign of Techie? No? Good, safe to come out then, hello Undies :hallo:
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                  hi there ktab - long time.....


                    Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                    tawnyfrog;1368902 wrote: Chicken Marengo! Fry some drumsticks, douse with a can of Mushroom Soup and a can of Tomato Soup and oven for a certain amount of time. Serve on white boiled rice. What's not to throb???

                    Aaaahhhh ... these young folk ... they don't know what they missed out on ...
                    having just got back from a three hour bus ride back from the provinces (Mr B heading for Ak) throughout which I had to put up with a completely pissed women behind me tell her tale of woe to a Norwegian tourist (thank dog her english was not that good otherwise I'm sure she would think that we were a nation of complete nut-cases :-() and with no comfort or food stops along the way, chicken marengo sounds just like what I want to eat right now!!

                    However as we have no chicken , I have been contemplating what other kiwiana comfort food I can come up with!! The best I can do at the moment is mousetraps, but I am so starving that they will do just fine!!
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                      Ktabbers .... I'm sure it's safe. He just tends to get a tad hormonal at times ... nothing to worry about ,,, (he's a crappy shot anyway ... so I'm told ...)

                      I'll go to bed now.



                        Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                        Ktabbers .... I'm sure it's safe. He just tends to get a tad hormonal at times ... nothing to worry about ,,, (he's a crappy shot anyway ... so I'm told ...)

                        I'll go to bed now.



                          Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                          Hiya Corri & Missy, goodnight Froglet. (Pssssst I will be out hiding in the long grass if yis are looking for me...)
                          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                            Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                            can you send chicken marengo first??? I'll clean your bathroom in return, clean the chook run, escort your next lot of visitors off the property ...... whatever .....
                            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                            Harriet Beecher Stowe


                              Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                              Reggie;1368963 wrote: Good evening all..just ironing me shirts for the week ...Tabbers I wouldnt worry he has to contact his Irish mob connections have a bit of time...just pack up quick and dont forget your passport ...

                              Undies have a productive and joyus week ahead ..wishing you all the best of all good stuff... heres a ole Australian bloke who had the most amazing baratone some of you might recall Geoff Duff...Take care Huggs Reg xxoo

                    [/video]]Stairway to Heaven The Jeff Duff Orchestra - YouTube
                              Good on ya Reg, and have a joyous week ahead yourself!

                              Both cats are on the bed waiting for the "lights out" signal. They crack me up ...... Wookie is perched at the end of the bed just waiting to relax, while Betty-puss is on the floor - she wont jump up until Wookie has moved into Mr B's normal sleeping place. We can only have three mammals in the bed at a time, but which ones they are, and the exact configuration changes from time to time:-)
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                                Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                                Good evening to you all!

                                I'm ex-hor-sss-ted.......... I have just had a quick bite and a cup of tea. I started this morning at around 8 and have finished abouot 45 mins ago. Have sorted this apartment like it has never been sorted before. I can't tell you how many trips to the skip bin I've taken. Dharmsie might be able to because she came along for the rides. This apartment/house sorting/hunting is not that much fun.......... I'm tired and a bit cranky - I did say sorry for being crappy so I hope that counts for something. I've done more than my fair share me thinks!

                                Bridgey - the photos these bloody real estate liars put on the web and in their fancy smancy glossy sloshy mags are nothing short of entrapment. I told one guy today to stop wasting time showing the shitbox he said I'd love, and go and buy some peppermints because his breath was enough to startle a rabbit dog. FH was then a bit 'cranky' at me...... DOG, I've had a horrible coupla a days.....

                                I've read back, even though quickly, and see you are all playing nicely. It is just fab to have you back Cori, and doesn't our little Leon look handsome in this pic. Big cheek squeeze little darling!!!

                                I have no more energy, must shower, shave and fill my hot water bottle and hit the sack.

                                BTW - I used to have colonic irrigations regularly. Will tell you ALL about it when I have more strength.....

                                Ronnie - the little girl next door cooked some cup cakes for FH but he's only eaten half of them so help yourself to the rest. Fresh milk in the fridge and tea bags now in the cupboard instead of on the bench because the real estate is coming to take photos tomorrow afternoon so our whole life is packed and stored in the garage so the world thinks this apartment can hold six indian families, two goats and a camel, when in fact it barely contains FH because he has soooo muccccchhhhhh jjjjjjjunk!!! Sorry - got carried away.

                                Sweet dreams lovely people!
                                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                                Mother Theresa

