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Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

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    Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

    G'day Techie,

    Socks wrapped in tape. Love it. I am a firm believer that gaffa tape holds the universe together.

    Wishing all a safe, sober and miraculous, yes miraculous day.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

      See Techie, this is why you are a natural Undie ... it is the DIY/Number 8 wire mentality :H

      Do you want to have a swimming competition? How many kms are you planning to swim this week?

      Good to see you g-bloke.

      Beags (you know I still think of you as Beags rather than Corrie ... but which do you prefer???) you absolutely must post a picture of you in the balloon dress :H

      TF: can you still do cartwheels and handstands?? I have been thinking about it recently, as I try to combat my creaky bones. I have an urge to have a go, and even more than one go (i.e.; to practice!!) just to see (a) whether I can and (b) whether it might help the mobility in my increasingly stiff joints.
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

        Hi Missy,

        Yes yes yes! To cartwheels and handstands for you. I LOVE Cliff Young's (Aussie long distance running legend) attitude and response to a doc that told him at age 55 he has arthritis and will never run again. Cliffy said.....'Stuff that, i'm gonna RUN'. And he did, from sydney to melbourne and more. Cliff stated later that his arthritis had disappeared, or at least didn't bother him anymore. Daily movement is essential i find as i 'mature' (yes, that'll be the day).

        Give the finger to stiffness and any mobility embuggerance' i say, through daily action now.

        G'day Cozza!

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

          Morning all,

          Geezes Techie, isn't it time you stopped all that stuff and took up philately? Or whittling?

          Missy - I haven't tried. Yet. I might warm up by doing some leap frogs over stumps and such. I guess I just got pissed off because there was talk yesterday of a national weighing programme for school kids to determine which ones were at risk of being obese and then I hear of some bright spark banning normal, healthy kiddie activities. Morons.

          Looks like we're back to being overcast. I've just received a nauseating email from the jetsetters showing a gorgeous-looking Greek Salad with a stunning sunset in the background on bloody Mykonos where apparently it's 28C ... What's not to be happy about?

          Have a good one one and all and others.


            Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

            techie;1369992 wrote:
            I think I'm going to take a safer course going forward.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

              Yes I was quite annoyed with that very arrogant and presumptuous proposal about weighing school kids too Froglette. What a fabulous way to further alienate a child that could well already have issues. I sometimes think that the government imagines that they own our children.

              SO a formal good morning to everyone, and I hope you all slept as well as I did.

              I have very high hopes today of having defeated a bizarre virus that's been plagueing me for 5 full days now
              . Not part of the master plan at all. If all is still 'well' mid morning I may even venture to Geriatric Aerobics.
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                byebyebridgetjones;1370035 wrote: Yes I was quite annoyed with that very arrogant and presumptuous proposal about weighing school kids too Froglette. What a fabulous way to further alienate a child that could well already have issues. I sometimes think that the government imagines that they own our children.

                SO a formal good morning to everyone, and I hope you all slept as well as I did.

                I have very high hopes today of having defeated a bizarre virus that's been plagueing me for 5 full days now
                . Not part of the master plan at all. If all is still 'well' mid morning I may even venture to Geriatric Aerobics.
                I have sort of been waiting for similar suggestions to be made here, in our govt's attempts to emulate some of the faster growing economies. I did some work a couple of years ago looking internationally at education system priorities and was horrified to find that quite a few countries have average BMI as key indicators along with educational and developmental ones.

                I was talking to a few friends last week who are wanting to get a bit more active and one came up with "Alzheimers Aerobics: Exercise for people whose bodies have forgotten how" :H:H
                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe


                  Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                  Morning Undies, I'm on for the cartwheels and such although I was hanging off the monkey bars with the little locust the other day and it did nothing for my vertigo...we do handstands in yoga though...

                  What I do still find funny - and my kids are older now - but did you know that when you drop your kids at school they have to sit in the assembly area until about 20 minutes before the bell before they can play? Its for insurance reasons, there has to be a teacher on duty....its weird though because you see a group of kids with a before/after school care teacher playing in one area and on the other side groups of kids sitting on the cold hard concrete waiting...waiting...wonder if thats why they play up when they DO get into class?


                    Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                    And Lilly nice to see you around, your time with your grands sounds lovely, and your work is lovely...keep posting bigger photos for the people with me...and the Frog...


                      Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                      Happy Wednesday everyone!

                      Well, I just cringed when I heard the news about weighing children at school. I will NEVER forget when I was in 5th class, in a small country town, when the health department used to come and weight all of us. I was the heaviest girl in the class and it was just devastating to stand in front of all your class mates and get weighed and told to stand in 'your weight group'. I was the only one in my 'weight group'. God, I'm having palpitations just recalling that memory. Oh, it was horrible! Don't our kids already have enough to worry about? I was a fat child/adolescent and have only just been able to maintain my 'ideal' weight and size 8 frame at the age of almost 50!!! Mind you I struggled to lose the weight and had surgery afterwards to put my bits back where they should be. FFS - the things we do!!! My mother grew up without decent food and mostly lived on mashed potato and bread and dripping - when it was available. Hot dripping on thick bread with lots of salt was a treat for her family of 12. So, our cupboards were always over stocked with canned foods, our fridge was never empty and we were fed as often as she could during our waking hours. We would no sooner finish dinner when she would bring a tray of supper to the lounge room, which consisted of thick toasted sandwiches followed by ice-cream with some hot crackly topping. You were NOT allowed to leave anything on your plate and had to have a thick slice of bread with butter and jam to finish your meal so that she knew you were full. I had no chance of being a stick insect!!! There was also no chance of me ever being able to do a handstand or a cartwheel!! :upset:

                      It's now official. I have arthritis in my neck, a tear in my right shoulder thingy and left elbow thingy from lifting too heavy weights at the gym and I have SOL BIG time. My boss just came in to say hello and ask how I'm feeling because I actually took a day off yesterday. I was just so fatigued I couldn't stop blubbering. I work in the medical arena so he just said welcome to old age, if we were living 100 years ago we would be dead by now because we bred at 14 and died at 30 so we should consider we're doing pretty well really! Good point - I guess.

                      Techie, gawd............

                      Cori/Beagle - your gorgeous dog has lovely clean teeth. No matter how often I get my little Dharmsie's teeth cleaned, or how many bones she consumes her teeth are a problem! She doesn't like sharing her space with the cat (Lilly) either. These days there is a first in best dressed scenario happening with her bed. The cat has decided she quite likes it, so if she's in first Dharma doesn't get a look in, but as soon as Lilly leaves Dharma jumps in and doesn't move again until bed time!

                      Anyway, should go and try and sort the IT issues which seem to be plaguing the place at the moment. Ah, the geek boy from the IT dept has just walked in..............

                      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                      Mother Theresa


                        Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                        nicelife;1370068 wrote: Happy Wednesday everyone!

                        Well, I just cringed when I heard the news about weighing children at school. I will NEVER forget when I was in 5th class, in a small country town, when the health department used to come and weight all of us. I was the heaviest girl in the class and it was just devastating to stand in front of all your class mates and get weighed and told to stand in 'your weight group'. I was the only one in my 'weight group'. God, I'm having palpitations just recalling that memory. Oh, it was horrible! Don't our kids already have enough to worry about? I was a fat child/adolescent and have only just been able to maintain my 'ideal' weight and size 8 frame at the age of almost 50!!! Mind you I struggled to lose the weight and had surgery afterwards to put my bits back where they should be. FFS - the things we do!!! My mother grew up without decent food and mostly lived on mashed potato and bread and dripping - when it was available. Hot dripping on thick bread with lots of salt was a treat for her family of 12. So, our cupboards were always over stocked with canned foods, our fridge was never empty and we were fed as often as she could during our waking hours. We would no sooner finish dinner when she would bring a tray of supper to the lounge room, which consisted of thick toasted sandwiches followed by ice-cream with some hot crackly topping. You were NOT allowed to leave anything on your plate and had to have a thick slice of bread with butter and jam to finish your meal so that she knew you were full. I had no chance of being a stick insect!!! There was also no chance of me ever being able to do a handstand or a cartwheel!! :upset:

                        Yes I remember the Department of Health with their fat measuring callipers and crisp attitude. And I remember being in the 'upper' normal range as well. I thought I was absolutely fine until that day, but that afternoon I went home and harrassed my mother until we both went on my first diet. I was 12. I haven't stopped battling my weight since, and had more than a few adventures with disordered eating too. When I look at photos of that exact time, there was nothing at all
                        wrong with my weight.

                        And that's why I think there has to be another much more private option.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                          Weighing children in school is wrong on so many levels. Weighing children in school in front of their peers is totally irresponsible. I do not believe institutions should parent our children. If there is a medical/health concern it should be brought to the child's parents attention !
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                            techie;1369959 wrote: How did you do? SAS? IF below :H

                            How Do I Transfer Photos From My Micro SD Memory Card to My Computer? |
                            SAS was a very very old spaghetti computer programming language from the early - mind1980s with instructions like proc sort ,proc print and lots of if /then code and data name = bits and pieces.

                            Thanks for the links Techie.... those links involve taking the sd card out of my phone.
                            I can tfr the pics if I take the sd card out of the phone, but I shouldn't have to.
                            I have a phone to USB port cable and using this it will read one set of pics but not another.
                            I can't be removing the sd card every time I want to download pics. ... it'll stuff up the card. Besides I shouldn't have to.

                            I was able to upload music from my computer to the sd card (whilst card was in situ in phone) so cable is OK It has to be some glitch with the phone program.

                            Have mounted and unmounted the sd card but that doesn't seem to help either... grits teeth and fumes...... when I find out what it is I shall let you know. Tried it again last night on yet another computer and it didn'yt work. Grrr.


                              Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                              Hey Rags and Techie,

                              Now I know what those cartoons about dogs hearing/understanding what humans are saying mean. You know, the ones where the balloon over the dogs head says "blah, blah, blah" when the human is saying "oh, what a nice doggie, here, smell my hand, ooohh she knows I'm a dog lover...."

                              Any IT/Gadget tech talk and I roll over and let 'em scratch my belly............:H

                              Good luck sorting out your pic moving business Rags.

                              Techie - love your work dude!!!

                              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                              Mother Theresa


                                Underoo's and Innashnal guests, August 2012!

                                Arvo all,

                                Raggsy - have you tried hitting the rotating oscillator with a spare vented mandrel? Usually works for me.

                                Nicey - you look nice today. That colour really suits you.

