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Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

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    Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

    Good morning Army
    Early start for me today.

    Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

    That was indeed an early start, Expattie

    Very chilly morning - some frost patches here and there, but it should warm up nicely later. Mrs. T is still at home, recovering from she-flu. Mmmmmmmmmm... I wonder if that had anything to do with the fact that I was able to leave home much earlier than normal and miss the traffic holdups?
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

      Morning expat and all to come. I'm awake early tho i don't have an early start. Once i wake uo i find it hard to get back asleep straight away so i usually get up make coffee and switch on the tv. Just on my first coffee now. I went to a AA meeting last night that i hadn't been to before. It was good and quite packed for the small room it was in. I regonised some people from other meetings and had a chat with some after. I have to go to my dr's surgery this morning to pick up my med cert and then my usual 1pm AA meeting in Dun Laoghaire. I have a back tooth that is giving me trouble so have to make a dental appointment which i hate having to visit but it won't go away so best get it checked soon as i can get an appointment which may be next week as its a busy practice. Have a good day patty and all to come.:television::cupajoe:


        Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

        Morning Tipps feels a bit chilly here too but its dry and will warm up as the day goes on. Last night was mild when i went to the meeting. Got a take away cappuchino and went for a short walk along seafront in Dun Laoghaire which was nice. A Few people sitting outside the resaurants and walking the east pier. Expat knows Dun Laoghaire as she has relatives out that way. Its lovely in summer.


          Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

          Morning, Foxy

          Mrs. T visited Dun Laoghaire when she was in Ireland two years ago. She says it's stunning - still uses a picture she took there as wallpaper on her notebook.
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

            What follows below is for the menfolk who all cringed when they heard about poor Freddie:

            Rome -

            Italy's highest court on Tuesday ruled that telling a man he has “no balls” as an insult is a crime punishable with a fine because it hurts male pride in a ruling on a curious row between two cousins.

            The case was brought to the supreme court by a lawyer named only as Vittorio against his cousin Alberto, a justice of the peace, for the phrase uttered during a heated courtroom exchange in the southern Italian city of Potenza.

            “Apart from the vulgarity of the term used, the expression definitely also has an injurious quality,” the male judge, Maurizio Fumo, said in his ruling as quoted by Italian news agency ANSA.

            “It refers not only to the target's lack of virility but also to his weakness of character, lack of determination, competence and coherence - virtues that, rightly or wrongly, are still identified as pertaining to the male gender.”

            The court also found that because the insult was uttered at the workplace with third parties present it could be seen as damaging Vittorio's reputation.

            Vittorio's lawyer had argued that the expression implied that his client was “worth less than other men because he did not have the attributes”.

            A judge will now rule on the fine that Alberto should pay to Vittorio.

            The ruling, which comes after years of legal dispute, did not specify whether any insults against women should now also be considered crimes. - Sapa-AFP
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

              Hello Tips and Foxy
              I've had my shower and am ready to go! The fun never stops.:H
              I hope Mrs.T feels better soon, Tips.
              Foxy-Your walk sounded lovely. I need to save my euros so I can come back soon.
              No comment on the Italian "no balls" story.:H
              Hope everyone has a lovely Thursday. At least I get off early and am meeting a friend for coffee.


                Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

                tiptronic_ct;1358692 wrote: What follows below is for the menfolk who all cringed when they heard about poor Freddie:

                Rome -

                Italy's highest court on Tuesday ruled that telling a man he has ?no balls? as an insult is a crime punishable with a fine because it hurts male pride in a ruling on a curious row between two cousins.

                The case was brought to the supreme court by a lawyer named only as Vittorio against his cousin Alberto, a justice of the peace, for the phrase uttered during a heated courtroom exchange in the southern Italian city of Potenza.

                ?Apart from the vulgarity of the term used, the expression definitely also has an injurious quality,? the male judge, Maurizio Fumo, said in his ruling as quoted by Italian news agency ANSA.

                ?It refers not only to the target's lack of virility but also to his weakness of character, lack of determination, competence and coherence - virtues that, rightly or wrongly, are still identified as pertaining to the male gender.?

                The court also found that because the insult was uttered at the workplace with third parties present it could be seen as damaging Vittorio's reputation.

                Vittorio's lawyer had argued that the expression implied that his client was ?worth less than other men because he did not have the attributes?.

                A judge will now rule on the fine that Alberto should pay to Vittorio.

                The ruling, which comes after years of legal dispute, did not specify whether any insults against women should now also be considered crimes. - Sapa-AFP
                Mmmmmmmm. To early to digest and comment Tipps
                Mornin Patty and Foxy Loxy.


                  Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

                  satz123;1358698 wrote: Mmmmmmmm. To early to digest and comment Tipps
                  Mornin Patty and Foxy Loxy.

                  Is it EVER
                  too early for you to have a comment handy?
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

                      Morning MollyMoo
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

                        And KTAB :wavin:
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

                          Mine went off at 5.45 Molly dear. Dogs to water and feed, coffee & porridge to make, sambos to sort and then finally ahhh log in for a quick read before m50 madness.

                          Tip top if your DW ever returns to our fair isle you will have to come along, (dont think your getting away with comment to Benji btw hehehe)
                          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                            Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

                            mollyka;1358703 wrote: Mornin Patty Tipps Foxy and Benjy --- cool but pleasant here - and thankfully a ball-free zone - one at work and one asleep :-)
                            LOL. Same here. Free gaff and mitchiing from gym:goodjob:


                              Army Thread Thursday 2nd August

                              tiptronic_ct;1358702 wrote: Is it EVER too early for you to have a comment handy?
                              Uooooooo! Thanks Tipps. I feel accepted if you slag me . :l

